Wizard Count

Chapter 465

+Nothing wrong! Connor believes that the person behind the horrible J Killing S case is the old Victor!

The Ferguson family crest was portrayed on the S body of the deceased Jane Adele. Obviously, I wanted to make this matter have something to do with the Ferguson family. I wanted the Ruen Metropolitan Police Department to investigate the Ferguson family, and Ferguson There is only Connor in the family in Ruen. Obviously, this matter was directed at Connor.

According to normal thinking, let you get involved with a J-slaying case. The purpose is basically impossible. Yes, and the people who do this kind of thing either have a conflict of interest with you or have a feast with you. Connor has calculated a little bit. Only the old Victor’s Secret Society is the only one who fits these two points and knows his identity. As well as the Celta Sect, who has long disappeared, compared to the Celta Sect, it is obvious that the old Victor who had just had a quarrel with Connor is more suspicious!

The overwhelming majority of the Kaman Empire’s hereditary aristocrats will all be well educated, but because the material needs of the overwhelming majority will be met, this will cause some hereditary aristocrats to do nothing and start to pursue spiritual Needs, such as singing and dancing, painting, these are normal, and there are also a few who go to extremes and become T people who enjoy S people or even NS.

But like this sort of S, and then put the family crest on the S body, it is a bit too arrogant, it belongs to the naked selection of the Battle Emperor national police system, so it is very good after thinking about it. Is it possible to make people wonder whether there is a possibility of planting and blaming others?

After all, the family badge, this thing, is not a secret thing. There are not a few people who know it. The cost of planting and framing is very low. Since the police officer John Duncan has been appointed by the Ruen Metropolitan Police Department to take full responsibility for this A very difficult case is obviously not a fool. He is naturally aware of the problem, but he is aware of the problem. When facing Connor, he needs to maintain the attitude of the police on the one hand, and he also needs to maintain the attitude of the police on the other hand. Let's test Connor and see if Connor can really do such a crazy thing.

Judging from John Dunn’s final attitude, Connor thinks things should be going in a positive direction, but if this thing is really done by old Victor, then it should be the old Victor. One of my own warnings, after all, there are ghosts in the top of the Valencia Chamber of Commerce and Storm Church. These two help. If the old Victor really wants to plant and blame himself, he will be very realistic and make himself indefatigable. It will never be like now. The same, just a family badge makes people wonder like this.

"Sigh..." He sighed slightly, and the eyes of Connor standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows flashed with helplessness. Old Victor’s warning this time hit his weakness. He is in the dark when the old Victor is in the dark, coupled with such a big power gap, so that the old Victor can freely play tricks on himself. Although Connor also has the cards to fight back, such as exposing the relationship between the Valencia Chamber of Commerce and the Secret Society and the senior leaders of Storm Church. There are two cards of Secret Society Inner Ghost.

But these two cards are undoubtedly the kind of cards with great lethality. These two cards are basically the time for a decisive battle. Old Victor will not have any hesitation and will grab Before I let more people know the secret, I found myself to kill myself, and now Connor is obviously not ready to have a thorough showdown with Victor, so for Connor, just tolerate it and accumulate strength may not be a good choice.

Thinking of this, Connor’s eyes showed a sense of confusion. He remembered that the fuse that caused him to turn his face against old Victor in Sensi’s Villa was what old Victor wanted to resend him, but what the task was. Old Victor said that he had already quarreled with this old bastard. Is it possible that the old Victor used this matter to warn himself in order to allow himself to take on the task they assigned to him?

After serious contemplation for a while, Connor shook the head, and now he has too little information to make judgments, but fortunately, a few days later, it will be the day when he and Valga have agreed to meet. The thought of meeting Valga made Connor's heart hot.

From the recent letters between Valga and him, although Valga did not say clearly, but from the meaning of her words, she seemed to have lived up to Connor’s expectations. After killing the old Victor for Connor, how to find the aftermath Here comes the very useful information.



Three days later, Connor arrived early , The famous Fabian Square in Ruen Western Region, sitting in the corner of the square, watching the happy laughter and cheerful voices at the grand fountain in the center of the square and the crowd gathering at the side of the fountain, Connor’s eyes were a little puzzled. I don't understand, why did Valga arrange to be in such a crowded place instead of choosing to meet in her safe house?

Suddenly Connor's heart moved. He turned his head and looked at a little girl about twelve or thirteen years old, holding a note in her hand, walking towards the corner on his side, the little girl Big eyes flashed tightly at her, as if Connor was her target.

At Connor slightly frowned, he released a spirit strength very carefully and swept it on the little girl. The result of the inspection was the same as Connor had seen. The little girl is an ordinary person, confirming this After one point, Connor didn't stop the little girl from walking to Connor's body.

"Is this note in your hand meant for me?" Connor smiled and touched the little girl's head. Connor said gently:

"Well, just now A big elder sister said, let me give this to you, and you will give me money and let me buy candy to eat..." The little girl handed the note in her hand to Connor, and looked forward to it with big eyes. With Connor.

Receiving the note, Connor Dingqing took a look, and found that it read in a secret language that only he and Valga knew: "Position on the eighteenth in the Montero restaurant! Come here!"

After hesitating, Connor put the small note into his pocket, then took out the wallet from his arms, instinctively wanted to take out a golden pound banknote from the wallet and handed it over, but he glanced at it. Girl, put the change in the purse, which was also worth a golden pound, in the little girl's hand.

"Eat less sugar, or your teeth will hurt!" Kneeling down and scraping some little girls' noses, Connor smiled and warned repeatedly:

Seeing Connor give it to himself The little girl’s eyes showed a surprise color, nodded hard, and then said sweetly "Thank you, Uncle!" to Connor, and ran away happily, leaving only Connor alone in the wind. ·····

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