Wizard Count

Chapter 464

"I don't know!" Hearing the words of Green University, Connor felt something in his heart, but he didn't hesitate, and he said directly:

"What were you doing on the 17th three days ago?" Asked this question, John Duncan looked into Connor's eyes tightly again, trying to create a strong oppression for Connor.

"I was in a tryst with my mistress. She is a married woman, so I can't tell you who she is. You can think I don't have evidence of alibi!" Without avoiding John Duncan's eyes, Connor Directly:

The so-called "Mistress in a tryst" is just an excuse for Connor. In fact, he was still refining magic stones in Tunguska three days ago, but Connor obviously could not tell John Duncan He is a wizard. He found a magic stone mine in Tunguska. He was staying in the cave of Tunguska three days ago wholeheartedly, refining more than 20,000 magic stone ore from the magic stone mine.

Inspector John Duncan's brown pupils cast a deep look at Connor, then took out a folded note paper from his arms, and put the folded note paper in front of Connor , Opened the display and said: "Do you know the pattern on this paper, Connor Ferguson?"

The pattern on the note paper looks like a badge of a noble family of the Kaman Empire, the outer part of the badge It depicts the thorny road that symbolizes the Kaman Empire, and in the center of the emblem, it depicts a very simple Byzantine text "F"

"This is the family crest of our Ferguson family, representing us The Ferguson family, Officer John Duncan, can you tell me what happened now?" Scanning the note paper carefully, Connor said in a low voice: He seems to understand the general situation now, but he still needs to get final confirmation.

"I'm sorry for everything about the case, I have no comment!" John Duncan coldly said blankly. After saying that he stood up and greeted Miss Kelly, the clerk next to him, Exit Connor's apartment.

"Officer John Duncan! I repeat to you. First, I don’t know why you consider me a suspect, but this case has nothing to do with me. Second, if I were you, I would Will sit down and tell me what happened now, or a few hours later, under the question of Ruen Lords, you will also have to say it, but at that time, Officer John, you won’t be interrogating you now. I'm just as relaxed, you will have to bear the pressure of the House of Lords!" Leaning on the sofa Connor lightly saying, his voice is flat, but the threat in the words is obvious.

"Are you threatening me? Connor Ferguson, do you know what you are talking about, based on what you are saying now, I can arrest you now according to Article 17 of the "Empire Security Act"!" John Duncan rushed in front of Connor in a quick step, scolded very angry and sternly: "Dear high level inspector, you should be very clear that what I said is the truth, your clerk Kelly Miss, please write down what I said. You can also arrest me in accordance with Article 17 of the "Empire Security Act" as you said, but do you think it makes sense for you to do so?" Connor raised the table I took a sip of the teacup and said peacefully:

When Connor said that, Miss Kelly, who had stood up, opened her lovely big eyes and looked towards. His own chief thought for a moment. John Duncan put away his anger and silently returned to the sofa. Seeing her chief's choice, Miss Kelly also sat down on the sofa again and reopened the notebook.

"I will definitely report what you just said to the Metropolitan Police Department!": John Duncan lifts the head in deep thought, staring at Connor and said very seriously:

"I As long as you tell me what happened, you are now applying for an arrest warrant to the Metropolitan Police Department, and I don’t mind!” Seeing John Duncan found him a step down, Connor said indifferently:

Seems to be weighing words. John Duncan thought for a while before he began to say: "Jane Adele is the owner of the corpse found in the trash can on Gerrard Street. Later, my subordinates rummaged through all the public trash cans in the northern district of Ruen, and then collected the body of Jane Adele. During the autopsy of Jane Adele, we found that Jane Adele was in Before he died, he was violated by a very rough X, and the most important point..."

Speaking of which John Duncan paused, lifts the head and looked at Connor. He said: "When we first discovered Jane Adele's part, our police found that some of Jan Adele's corpses had been carved with a knife to mark part of the emblem. We waited for Jane Adele to be imprinted. The body of Er was gathered together, and we got a complete badge, and this badge is the emblem of your Ferguson family."

Hearing John Duncan finished speaking, Connor's eyes flashed lingeringly. Murderous intention, in his eyes, this is a very obvious frame of blame. Someone is hiding behind the scenes and trying to get himself involved. As for who the person hiding behind the scenes is, it is not difficult to guess, but now it is obvious, even though he has realized it. Connor, the truth of the matter, but Connor was unable to tell John Duncan in front of him to remove his suspicion.

'tsk tsk tsk, so because four of them have a badge on them, Officer John Duncan, do you think I am the murderer? "With a sneer, Connor said with disdain:

"If I think you are a murderer now, you should be in the prison of the Metropolitan Police Department, waiting for those old fogeys from the House of Lords to bail you. NS! "John Duncan lightly saying, after he said he greeted Miss Kelly next to him to leave Connor's apartment, this time Connor was not blocking them from leaving.

Standing in front of the French window looking out John Duncan The back of Gundam who left, Connor slightly shook the head. He seemed to underestimate the high level inspector of the Metropolitan Police Department.

This high level inspector, it seems that from the very beginning, he did not turn himself off. Regarded as the murderer of this murder case, and the reason why he came here and behaved so tough at the beginning, there is only one purpose, and that is to test himself and see if he is in this murder case. How much do I know!

"Victor, you old beast, you are really cruel and overcast. To force me to use this move..." Standing at the French window Before, looking at the direction of Green University, Connor clenched his fists and said bitterly in a low voice:

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