The auction went incredibly smoothly throughout the day. If I hadn't known the reason for this, it would have been because of the chain reaction caused by the final item: the quenching fluid. The auctioneer almost felt that his professional level had improved to a certain level in an instant.

The moment of the final item's appearance had finally come, and the emotions of the audience seemed to have reached their highest point.

"Now let's reveal the finale of this auction: Body Quenching Fluid.

The specific effect has not changed. Do you need me to introduce it again?"

This interaction instantly stirred up the already high atmosphere in the audience. Someone immediately responded:"There is no need to introduce it. At least half of the people who came here today are here for this."

"That's right. What we are most concerned about now is whether the number of bottles auctioned today is also three bottles, right?"

The auctioneer, who got the effect he wanted, naturally continued:"Unfortunately, there is only this one bottle today."

While speaking, he still remembered the words that the boss, Si Shaoyun, had found him to tell before the auction started:"If there is a chance, when introducing the body quenching liquid, casually explain the relevant matters of the alchemist who refined this liquid.

You can freely express the specific matters. In short, the meaning is that after this auction, the alchemist will show up in person. But don't be too deliberate."

Then he naturally expressed the set of rhetoric he had thought of before going on stage:"Although after the auction today, the provider of this body quenching liquid will come to take back the remuneration for the past three times, the person in charge of the auction house will definitely strive for the greatest benefits for everyone."

As if hearing the meaning of the auctioneer's words, someone asked directly below:"So this alchemist will show up after the auction is over?"

The auctioneer on the stage showed a look of annoyance at the right time, as if he had said something wrong:"It was just a joke just now. Let's return our attention to our last bottle of body quenching liquid. The starting price is 1,000 yuan, and the price will increase by 100 yuan each time."

At the same time, Jun Qingqing in the private room looked at Si Shaoyun with great appreciation:"Cousin Shaoyun, I didn't expect you to be so reliable. Almost no one present now will not believe the information that the alchemist will definitely come after the end of the auction."

"The things that my cousin asked me to do must be done well. This person was smart today, so I will give him more rewards this month."

When the chat ended, Jun Qingqing used her mental power to pay attention to the exchanges among the people in the field as usual.

"Hey, do you think it’s true that this alchemist can come here?"

"Whether it is true or not, we cannot participate in it. It is better to see if there is a chance to find a leak of this medicine."


That ’s right, the most expensive bottle in the last auction was sold for 2,500 yuan, and I don’t know what the situation is today.

"What is your price today, Brother Zhang? I heard that among the six bottles that were auctioned off before, except for the Feng family that has been sealed, three families of the other five bottles have reported that those who have used them not only have their realms improved, but also have a smoother effect in practicing internal strength."

"I heard about it, too. I shouldn't have hesitated at the first auction. At that time, I could definitely get it with a budget of less than 2,000 yuan. Who knew the effect would be so good. Today I will only take out 2,500 yuan.

I guess the chance of winning is slim. I heard that the Luo family is determined to get this bottle of body quenching liquid today." There are countless conversations like this. It seems that if you keep an eye on the Luo family, you may be able to make a fortune.

"Cousins, who of you knows which box the Luo family belongs to?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, cousin, looking at your expression and listening to your tone, I know you are definitely going to cause trouble again. But we all agree, it is the third room from the left on the second floor diagonally opposite."

With a specific target, I don't need to rely on mental power to find them one by one, I can directly lock on to the box that my cousin just mentioned, and I also heard the conversation inside.

"Brother, can we take a picture of this last bottle of medicine?"

"Yixue, whether you take the photo or not has nothing to do with you. You don't even have any ancient martial arts internal energy now, so it would be a waste even if you take the photo."

"How can you have the right to speak? Your own family has been sealed off, and you still have the nerve to say that I"

"Yixue, Xinling is your sister-in-law after all. And she is not wrong. We must take a picture of this medicine this time so that I can improve my strength and have a stronger competitive strength in the ancient martial arts competition in the near future. As for your problem, grandpa and our father are trying their best to find a solution for you."

Hearing this, Jun Qingqing withdrew his mental power. It seems that the Luo family should have brought a lot of money.

"Dear cousins, when you bid later, don't hesitate if it's less than 3,000 yuan. I'll also tell the brothers next door." After saying that, he opened the door and knocked on the door of the private room next door.

"Brothers, it's okay later, let's cooperate with the neighbors, and don't hesitate to bid below 3,000 yuan. I want to cheat some people's money."After saying this, he grinned, revealing eight small white teeth.

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