Even when Jun Qingqing and Jun Mulan were about to leave their uncle's house, the brothers were still reluctant to let them go:"Little sister, can't you stay a little longer?"

"As you know, the quenching liquid at the Si family auction house was purchased by me recently. There is one last match tomorrow, and I am going to go there to take care of some other things. And I have to work hard to improve my strength.

Besides, we will set off to Sakura Country together in a few days. We will participate in the competition and live together for four months."When the brothers heard this, they also thought it made sense. And in the end, the third brother said to Jun Qingqing specifically:"Little sister, don't worry, we will keep these things of yours a secret. Unless you tell it yourself or you let us tell it, no one can get the news from us."

Feeling the sincerity of the third brother's words, she also showed a bright smile:"I believe in you brothers. In addition, you can tell your uncles and aunts if necessary. It is the fifth uncle's family that I have never liked. It has nothing to do with the other uncles and aunts.

I asked you to come here to avoid any opinions from the second grandfather after he knows it."

On the way back to grandpa's house, Jun Qingqing's smiling face never disappeared.

"Little sister, are you so happy today?"

"Yes, I am so happy. I feel like I have a few more brothers who really love me. How can I not be happy?"

Jun Mulan looked at the happy look of the little girl in front of her, her eyes full of helplessness and doting on her sister, and shook her head with a smile.

When she returned to her grandfather's house, she saw her mother waiting in the living room, knowing that she was worried about herself. Without saying a word, she went straight to the teacup on the table and took a sip of water, then began to talk about her life at her third uncle's house. The whole time, Si Qianqian was smiling and listening to her daughter talk.

When she returned to her room again, it was still the same old rules. After closing the doors and windows, she flashed into the space and began to continue her previous crazy practice. At the same time, all those body movements and martial arts were not left behind. Another month passed in the space, and Jun Qingqing's"Phoenix Dances in the Nine Heavens" finally reached the fifth level. The information that appeared at the same time also made her excited for a long time.

It is a branch martial art that complements"Phoenix Dances in the Nine Heavens":"Phoenix Rise and Rain Fall".

This skill is particularly suitable for large-scale group attacks or when there is a certain distance from the opponent.

The main form of expression is to turn the corresponding attribute of the spiritual power into raindrops, and cast them on a large scale to catch the opponent off guard.

For example, if you want to cast raindrops with wind attributes, you can completely turn the wind blade Treat it as raindrops, which may be the specific manifestation of what people call"knife". It is even simpler to use the ice attribute. After falling, the person who touches the ice particles will be frozen and paralyzed in the corresponding position for a short time. What

Jun Qingqing is most looking forward to is the fire attribute raindrops. Originally, the fire rain should be very obvious, but who can blame her for having the transparent Chaos Golden Flame? This is the most silent means of large-scale counterattack.

When dealing with a large number of people, there will definitely be no problem in self-protection.

Xiaobai also realized her sister's determination to improve her strength, and she was very well-behaved to accompany her to practice throughout the whole process.

Unknowingly, it was the day of the last auction of the body quenching liquid in a short period of time that was previously advertised. Because I can be regarded as an open-hearted exchange with several brothers at the third uncle's house, the relationship between the few people has become much closer.

When the six brothers, including the eldest brother, all appeared in front of the grandfather's house, this scene really surprised Jun Qingqing. After all, there are six brothers outside, and there are five cousins in the house at the grandfather's house. Hurry up and invite people in first

"How did you come here together? Have you all mastered the"Breath Containment Method"?"

As soon as these words came out, the brothers fell silent. Reluctantly, they returned to the house and took out eleven jade pendants for men.

"Your strength has improved recently. In order to avoid being too conspicuous, I have prepared this Breath-Resisting Jade for you. Wear it with you, at least people below the Martial Sect level can't see your true level.

Especially the third brother, the fourth brother, and the sixth brother. I guessed that you can't fully master the"Breath-Resisting Method" within one day, so hurry up and wear it. Remember to inject internal energy before wearing it to stimulate the effect of the Breath-Resisting Jade."

I started to refine this thing last night in the space after Xiaobai reminded me. The materials are not rare species, and the techniques are available to second-grade refiners. As a fourth-grade refiner, refining more than ten or twenty breath-retaining jades only takes two or three hours.

The only time-wasting thing is to transform the breath-retaining jade that can only be activated by injecting spiritual power into one that needs to be injected with internal energy. But it only took an extra hour, which is not a big deal. Several people quickly injected internal energy into it as if they had found a treasure and then wore it around their necks according to the younger sister's request.

At this moment, they really couldn't feel each other's realm.

It was still the eldest brother who came out:"Now that my sister has seen it, how about it, do you want to go to the auction house to see the excitement? In case my younger sister wants to cheat someone's money, everyone can help bid.

" Just like that, several cars set off from the Si family and headed towards the auction house.

However, because the private room did not have the specifications to accommodate more than a dozen people at the same time, they were finally divided into two adjacent rooms.

Naturally, Jun Mulan ruthlessly abandoned the five younger brothers and went to the exclusive private room of the Si family where she came for the first time with her sister.

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