The next few items did not attract Jun Qingqing's interest at all. Until the second to last item was brought up

"The next thing on display is a map. No one knows where it is exactly."

After the medicine cauldron, another item caused discussion among the people below.

Miss Jun, whose mental power is too strong, heard someone say,"Do you think the granddaughter of the Si family is going to take a picture of this thing again?"

"Hey, why should we care about these things? After all, it’s someone else’s family affair. And have you forgotten that this is the Si family’s auction house? How could they be short of such a small amount of money?"

"That's true, but it's said that she's from the countryside. It seems that she has never seen the world. What kind of mess are she taking pictures of?"

"You two should stop talking. We are in the Si family auction house, and we are in the lobby on the first floor. If someone hears you talking about their little granddaughter, that will be terrible."

It seemed that the other two people were reminded by the third person at the right time, and they stopped talking.

"The starting price of this item is 450 yuan, and the bid will increase by 50 yuan each time."

Jun Qingqing, who had no intention of bidding, felt as if an invisible force was calling her when she stared at the item on the stage. That feeling was hard to describe. While she was hinting not to bid for this item, the feeling of being called became clearer and clearer.

Full of helplessness, or curiosity. She did not disappoint everyone's expectations. The granddaughter of the Si family called out the price for the second time:"500 yuan."

After this, the discussion below became louder. In the final analysis, it was just about how she was a spendthrift.

Some of the voices below could be heard by the people in the box. Turning to look at the brothers around them, they had a matter-of-fact expression. My sister can buy whatever she wants. There are no so many questions about whether it should be or not. It is estimated that she just needs to hang the words: No shortage of money on the window of the box.

The sister-in-law directly took Jun Qingqing in her arms:"Qingqing, our family is rich. You can buy whatever you want. If you don't have enough money, your sister-in-law will get it for you. Why do you need those people to point fingers at you? And you are so powerful and know everything. Don't pay attention to what they say."

Knowing that everyone was concerned about me, I also expressed my thoughts:"I think that thing on the stage may be useful to me one day. Even if I don't use it, I can still afford it after receiving countless red envelopes."

"Why use your own money? Why would you need to pay for coming out with us?" Bai Jinzhan, who had been silent, finally had a chance to speak:"Sister Jun, I'll let my elder brother pay for it. Don't worry!!!" After saying that, he patted his chest proudly.

The atmosphere in the private room also returned to its previous relaxed state because of the kid's jokes.

At the same time, the finale item of this auction was taken out on the stage:"The following is the last item of this auction: body quenching liquid. It is specially developed for ancient martial arts practitioners. It not only strengthens the body, but also can expel impurities from the body. And it does not need to be taken internally, it can be done completely in the form of a medicinal bath."

Then there is a series of special introductions.

"Cousin Shaoyun, is this the introduction my second uncle asked for?"

"Well, I can confirm this, and it was written by my father himself. His original words were,"This thing of my niece must be sold at the best price." Of course, the introduction words have to be written by me, the second uncle, personally.’"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, his words immediately resonated with the audience.

"Well, Second Uncle is really amazing, look at the atmosphere created."

Jun Qingqing wanted to know what everyone thought, and used her mental power to feel the people in the venue. It was a coincidence that the conversation in the private room that had caught Jun Qingqing's attention at the beginning of the auction was heard again.

"Brother, I heard that the granddaughter adopted by the master family has already arrived at the Ancient Martial Domain?"

"Indeed, that's what my people told me. I'm living with my aunt at Si's house now."

"What? I have been trying to please that woman all these years, but she still treats me the same way. I really don't know what I am trying to achieve."

"Our father must have his reasons for asking this, just do as he says."

"Also, brother, I heard that the Jun family, the Bai family, and the Si family jointly recommended that she also go to Sakura Country with us to participate in the competition next month."

"Don't worry about these. How can a country girl who knows ancient martial arts be better than you? She's just not up to the standard.

Let's take a good look at this body quenching liquid. The competition is coming soon, and there are opportunities to improve our strength. Let's spend more time on these. Later, I will have people keep a close eye on this area, and it would be best if we can find the person who sent the liquid."

Jun Qingqing was speechless after hearing these conversations. There was no need to guess who these two people were, Jun Murui and Jun Siyu.

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