Understanding all this, Jun Qingqing's admiration for her second uncle instantly increased.

She came from the future and could understand the meaning of the phrase"gold in troubled times, antiques in prosperous times", but her second uncle came to these conclusions entirely based on his own speculation.

While Jun Qingqing was still daydreaming, Song Huaihui gently patted Jun Qingqing:"Qingqing, what are you thinking about? Do you like this jade bracelet? Sister-in-law will buy it for you and let your brother pay for it." Miss

Jun, who was pulled back to her thoughts, immediately regained her mind:"Hahaha, my brother must be secretly counting how much private money he has in his heart."

At this moment, the starting price below was also reported:"The starting price of this jade bracelet is 60 yuan, and the price will increase by 5 yuan each time."

In the end, the jade bracelet was still not obtained by them, and was bought by a middle-aged man in the private room on the second floor at the last price of 120 yuan.

At this moment, Jun Qingqing was thinking: Brother, as long as you don't lose this bracelet, you can get it back for thousands or tens of thousands of 120 yuan in the future.

"This man is the current patriarch of the Shen family, a second-rate ancient martial arts family. He and his wife have always been a couple that everyone in the region praises. This jade bracelet was definitely bought for his wife.

Since that time a few months ago, when he and his wife came here together, he found that his wife was very interested in these things. After that, every auction, as long as he came, he would try to buy some jade jewelry to take back.

Everyone also knew this tacitly, and was even more happy to see such a result. So the price was not called too high."

At this time, the second item was also brought up to the display stand.

"Look everyone, this is the second item we are showing. All we know about it is that it is something similar to a medicine cauldron. The person who sent the bid said it was called 'Qingyun Ding'. The starting price is 200 yuan, and the single bid increment is 10 yuan."

Just when the cloth covering this item was taken off, Xiaobai in the space had already sent a message to Jun Qingqing:"Sister, this cauldron is not only a medicine cauldron. In addition to refining medicine, it can also refine weapons. It is definitely a top existence in the ancient martial arts world. The way it is displayed now is not its true appearance at all.

Xiaobai can also clearly sense that this cauldron can definitely withstand the calcination of controlled strange fire. It seems that the person who sent this cauldron is definitely a capable person, and he is willing to take out such a thing.

With this, if you want to refine liquid medicine, pills, weapons and other things used in the ancient martial arts domain in the future, you can use this cauldron directly. But with the exception of that space item"

"My sister has another question: I can’t use the strange fire when I’m outside the space and in front of other people, right?"

"That's easy. Just burn the wood and blend the strange fire into the wood fire."

Jun Qingqing was also very excited when she heard Xiaobai's words.

The medicine furnace she had received from Zhang Deren before could indeed cover up the situation, but it couldn't be made in front of others. What's more, now that there is a new choice, what are you waiting for?"

The auctioneer was helpless as he watched the audience below the stage stop moving after the starting price of 200 yuan was announced.

She was about to let the tripod go and began to introduce the third item. A clear female voice came from the private room on the third floor:"210 yuan!"

This bid not only stunned the people on the stage, but also the people below the stage.

Everyone knows that the private room is exclusive to the Si family, and this voice is obviously a little girl. The Si family absolutely cannot have such a person, unless it is the granddaughter of the Si family who has been making a lot of noise these days.

I didn't expect the Si family to love this granddaughter so much that they would bid more than 200 yuan.

That's right. Not only did everyone spread rumors that the Jun family knew the granddaughter who was now living with her mother in the Si family, but they also said that the girl was just a country girl. Since she was from the countryside, how could she possibly come up with more than 200 yuan? It was the Si family that paid for it.

Others were still whispering, and the hammer had already fallen after three confirmations on the stage.

Han Xiliang couldn't help but asked,"Qingqing, what are you doing with this thing? Is it for any special purpose?""

"Oh, my cousin is really good, he guessed this!!!"

Without keeping the suspense, he modified Xiaobai's words and expressed them again:"You all know that I am learning to make medicine and tools. This medicine cauldron is actually a two-in-one cauldron, which can be used to make medicine and tools. And its real appearance is not like this."

After listening to what the younger sister said, several people in the box were wondering at the same time what they had learned in the past ten or twenty years? How come they don't know anything?

"Brothers, everyone says that everyone has their own specialty. I am learning to make medicine and equipment, and I don’t know what else it is. And I am probably confused about the fields you are good at."

At this moment, the youngest cousin Han Xiguang immediately said something that made everyone dumbfounded:"But the point is that I am not good at anything???"

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