It was more than half a month later that I heard about Xue Fugui again from Zhang Deren. Obviously, because of the human life involved and the other evidence, his sentence was quickly handed down. Eating peanuts was his final fate.

The people from the Revolutionary Committee went to his small courtyard to search his house as usual. That night, I only took away the things in the secret room. At that time, I considered that there would be such a scene after the report. I didn't touch anything in the open at home. In the end, I still found several thousand yuan in cash and a small yellow croaker in a wooden box the size of a small jewelry box. It seems that he has really caught a lot in recent years.

Although the amount is not comparable to what he took away, it is still a considerable amount of property at the moment, which further confirmed his guilt.

I didn't care about Xue Fugui's follow-up anymore. I just felt that the things I knew now were involved and became more and more confusing. I was afraid that I would forget it in the future, so I specially wrote down everything I knew in the space study.

Unknowingly, it was already mid-March 1974. On this day, I received a letter from the newspaper. In addition to the translation fee, there was also a letter sent at the same time, which was an invitation. I was at the post office at the time, so I didn't think much about it and called them to confirm.

The answer I got was that there would be a national competition in mid-April, and the country would send people to participate in the competition. At the same time, the accompanying translators would also be equipped as soon as possible.

Because I have been translating articles for such a long time, I am particularly outstanding in terms of accuracy and efficiency, which is also the reason for this invitation.

After arriving in Beijing, everyone will be screened and trained. Finally, the list of people to accompany can be determined. I didn't have much interest in it, but when I heard that the first stop abroad was the Cherry Blossom Country, I immediately changed my mind.

Under such national conditions, going abroad is unlikely, and food and accommodation after going abroad is also one of the problems.

It has always been her idea to be able to go to the Cherry Blossom Country openly.

The simplest reason is that there is a grandma waiting for her to"visit" there.

After confirming the time, I started to go home to prepare, and the suitcase was still needed.

I also left enough things for the other elderly people.

I don't know how long I'll be gone.

The news from the newspaper is that if everything goes well, I'll go to the United States later.

It will take about four months to complete the trip.

In this case, it will be fine to stay for four months.

In addition,

I also visited the residences of Wuying, Wuxi, Wuji, and Sinan. I also told them to go to their backyards on time to take care of the vegetable gardens, and regularly send vegetables, fruits, chickens, ducks, meat and eggs to the elderly on both sides. There are also���A small part of the huge pile of bills given to me by the brothers when they came, and a hundred yuan.

The purpose is to make sure they take good care of the elderly, and try to prepare as much as possible for them, whether it is food and drink or any other needs. It should be enough for the people in the shed in the next few months.

When explaining the situation to the elderly, grandpa also had a look of understanding:"Granddaughter, this competition should be the"National Ancient Martial Arts League" held every four years. There will be some prizes in the competition, which are very coveted.

But a step further is to discover where the strength of each country is. The victory or defeat of this competition is related not only to personal honor, but also involves national influence.

China is still developing. If it can stand out in this competition, the country will also receive a certain amount of attention in many other aspects, and it will have the opportunity to apply for the next competition to its own country.

The last time it was the United States that won, but the United States The Sakura Country has been allied for a long time, which is why this situation has occurred.

According to the distance, some countries that are close to the Sakura Country and can participate in the competition will first go here for similar elimination matches, and the winning country will wait until the final to go to the United States.

The purpose of this tossing is to help the development of the Sakura Country. It is not clear what agreement they have reached that allows the host country to use the method of separate venues according to the hosting regulations.

This method was originally prepared for some small countries. I hope they can use this event and have the opportunity to develop allies at the same time."

This is actually understandable, but it is not clear how many countries will go to the Sakura Country for the elimination matches in the end.

Grandpa continued,"If nothing unexpected happens, you will definitely go to Beijing as a contestant this time.

The strength of the Guwu family is there.

Their competition is divided into age groups, one group is ten years old (inclusive) and under, one group is eleven to twenty years old, and the last group is twenty-one to thirty years old.

To win, strength and luck are indispensable.

And you as a new face are also a big factor.

The most suitable person in the Guwu domain under ten years old is A Zhan, and the children in other families are too young.

In the range of twenty-one to thirty years old, Mulan and Jincheng are both suitable.

The only tricky age group is the middle age group.


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