Over the next month, Jun Qingqing went to the town from time to time. But her main destination was the courtyard in the black market.

"Sister Jun, we are still trying to find the people who were in the factory that day. It has been a while since the incident happened, so we may need to wait for the confirmation."

That's right, in this era where we can't adjust the surveillance and there are not so many imaging equipment, if we want to know what happened in the steel factory, except for dispersing people to investigate, other methods are basically hard to find in a small place like the town.

This is also the reason why Jun Qingqing has appeared here frequently in recent times.

"Don't worry, I will keep my promise to sell you fifty cameras at market prices within half a year."For these fifty cameras, none of the materials collected before crossing over are suitable for taking out now, but who can blame her for having a [Plane Mall]. She spent seventy points to buy fifty cameras of the same model in the mall. More than half a month has passed since the Spring Festival, and the final news from Zhang Deren has finally come out.

As expected, the accident of her adoptive father was not a simple accident. During that period, the steel plant did not recruit workers or replace positions, so two temporary workers came.

And on the night before the accident, the two men sneaked into the workshop. At the same time, the adoptive father, who was not supposed to go to the workshop for equipment maintenance the next day, was transferred by the factory director to this workshop the next morning.

What happened later is what everyone saw. The only accident was It was his adoptive mother who went to the factory to look for someone that day.

When Zhang Deren wanted to find the two temporary workers, he found that the two people were no longer in the factory.

It seems that the whole thing, apart from the two temporary workers, the person who is most directly related to the whole thing is the director of the steel plant, Xue Fugui.

Before leaving the yard, he asked Zhang Deren in detail about some things about the director and his home address.

The director did not live in the family compound, but in a separate small courtyard in the town. Compared with the surrounding area, it is definitely a more luxurious existence.

Without waiting, Jun Qingqing went to Xue Fugui's house at night that night. He first used his mental power to scan the house near the yard. His wife and children were all away at home.

Although he was very confused, he did not stay for too long. He took the knockout drug and quickly went towards the house where the target person was.

When he confirmed that Xue Fugui had been knocked unconscious, he quickly activated the first level of"Soul Sutra" and began to check his memory. Many things were also explained.

His wife had returned to her parents' home with the children for a week because of a recent quarrel between the two. No wonder the house was so quiet. And the part involving the matter he wanted to investigate also appeared clearly in front of him.

A week before his adoptive father's accident, Xue Fugui had contact with a person, who was an old acquaintance, the Yamamoto Ichida who was caught in the mountains and handed over to Brother Jincheng. He spent three thousand yuan to let Xue Fugui cooperate with him to take his adoptive father's life. Xue Fugui didn't know the reason, but the simple three thousand yuan was enough to make him cooperate.

The only thing... The unexpected thing he found was the appearance of his adoptive mother. This also led to the fact that in the subsequent compensation process, in order to prevent his adoptive mother from investigating his adoptive father too much, he applied for the highest amount of compensation when he gave the compensation.

If he knew that his adoptive mother not only did not investigate in the later period, but also died with his adoptive father not long after, what would he feel?

But this also indirectly shows that his family was still targeted by many people with ulterior motives as Grandpa Li said.

After the matter was clear, he began to consider how to deal with this person. He couldn't kill him directly, but he didn't want him to continue to be so free. According to the memory he checked, he found the secret compartment and secret room in his house.

The secret compartments were all the evidence of his acceptance of bribes over the years, and the reason for leaving them was simply to fear that those people would bite back. It can be said that although Xue Fugui has done a lot of things over the years, he has also been overly cautious. This also made him not noticed by others.

The things in the secret room are quite surprising. Cultural relics, antiques, jade, jewelry, large yellow croaker and small yellow croaker are really everything, and the area is about the same size as the one in his own home.

There are also more than a dozen people inside and outside the box. But a small box in the corner also caught Jun Qingqing's attention. He guessed correctly that it was full of great unity. A quick look showed that tens of thousands should not be a problem.

With a wave of his hand, he put all these things into the space, along with the evidence of his crimes over the years. When everything returned to the way it was when he just came in, Jun Qingqing also left quietly.

He did not rush home, but slipped into the space in a hidden corner and wrote a letter of denunciation. The evidence was also put into the envelope. He turned to the Revolutionary Committee, left this letter, and then rushed home.

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