Jun Qingqing was thinking about something else at the moment. She still remembered the endings of the last few grandparents, father and uncles in Li Fangting's memory. Would it be related to the visitor this time, or would there be other actions later? After knowing her own life experience, she never accepted the suggestions of the elders and went back to the Ancient Martial Domain in advance. The bigger reason was that she clearly remembered the pictures in Li Fangting's memory.

There was a scene in which she saw several people together on the street by chance one day after she went to the Ancient Martial Domain. She didn't know who those people were, but Jun Qingqing, who knew several people, could recognize them. She could probably remember this scene from her memory. A big reason was that this point left a deep impression on her, or frightened or even terrified.

At that time, the Ancient Martial Domain was developing at least ten years faster than the outside world. Many foreign things were introduced into it one after another. Without touching the bottom line of the country, the upper level also turned a blind eye. As a result, the people in the domain were rich in both living standards and street scenes.

The images of these three people reveal a sense of being out of tune with the surroundings.

In the scene, Uncle He and Uncle Han, one of them limped in the end, and the other had a deep scar on his face extending from his eyebrow to the corner of his mouth. My father should be considered good, but his overly thin figure shows that everything seems not as simple as it seems.

Whether it was the poisoning of the grandfathers before, A Zhan’s kidnapping, the discovery of the Feng family cooperating with the Sakura Country, and the several waves of people with impure intentions that I encountered in succession, until the twelve people who were kidnapped today, every single thing can be seen in the details, and calculations and dangers are always around.

The people who came this time were lucky enough to be met by myself and several brothers who were out wandering around, and they asked so much information.

But what about later? It is impossible for people to be sent from both sheds to follow day after day, year after year.

"Brother Jincheng, Grandpa Bai didn't have a chance to get through because we stopped them in advance, but the danger over there can't be ignored either. What's more, there are things that are coveted by others, and they are speculated to be in Grandpa Bai's hands."

"Indeed, the incident with Ah Zhan last time did not completely dispel those people's idea of coming here. It seems that I must go to the shed tonight to meet the grandfathers and understand what they have to say. The worst result is that no expedient solution can be discussed.

If it really doesn't work, I will send the people around me here. The Special Operations Department found that there seems to be a problem in the mountains here, and wants to leave people to guard the production brigades on both sides. What do you think?"

Hearing this proposal, Jun Mulan and Si Shaoyang both said that this method is the best

"Fortunately, we all came here this time to find out these things. I agree with Jincheng's proposal. If necessary, I will also let the Jun family send people to come here with the people you sent."

"Cousin Junlan, you are the one who should least do anything among us. Don't forget, if someone from the Jun family is sent out, and the news is finally known to anyone in your sixth uncle's family, then it is equivalent to telling the Feng family and the Luo family directly. We may have known their thoughts, and we have already taken corresponding actions.

Don't worry, if there is a need, our Si family will send someone out. Not to mention anything else, my uncle and cousin are here, and there is no way they will be in danger. What's more, Grandpa Jun is my cousin's biological grandfather, and the friendship between the two families is not established overnight.

Now we still have to discuss the proposal that Brother Jincheng just made."

"I agree with Brother Jincheng's idea. It would be better to send someone to protect the people on both sides. I usually look after both sides very carefully, but there are times when I fail to take good care of them.

I still have these concerns at home, what if I go out again like the previous two times?"

The atmosphere around them fell into an eerie silence for a while, and Si Shaoyang spoke first:"Now that I have asked all the questions, what should we do with these twelve people?"

""Cousin Shaoyang, wait a minute, I'll ask you a few more questions that I forgot to ask just now."

Then she walked forward a few steps and stopped in front of the two people who were last hit by her whip:"I forgot to ask you something just now. You didn't act with the ten of them. Where did you two go? Or, do you have other tasks?"

The two people who tried hard to reduce their presence never thought that they had escaped by hiding until now, but they didn't expect that this scene would happen now.

"The owner asked us to find an opportunity to spread a bottle of something near the cowsheds of both production teams at the same time when the ten of them were moving."

"Oh? So, are we going to do it?"

"Before we could do anything, you found our location."

"Where is that thing now?"

After hearing this, Si Shaoyang went to search the two people and found several small porcelain bottles.

Jun Qingqing took it and smelled it carefully, and a cold light flashed in her eyes.

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