The twelve people tied up were quite cooperative, not giving Jun Qingqing a chance to use the pills that could temporarily control the soul.

When they were about halfway around, they all stopped. She didn't plan to waste time on prying open the mouths of the few people. She rummaged through her schoolbag and handed a small porcelain bottle to Bai Jincheng. Instantly, the other party understood what the little girl was going to do. She naturally took the small porcelain bottle, opened it, and fed each of them a pill. Thus began the interrogation mode of"I ask questions and you answer" that lasted for more than an hour.

These dozen people originally thought that they could get away with it by saying less or saying something insignificant, but they couldn't help but tell the truth immediately after being asked questions, or they couldn't even keep their mouths shut, which made these people's mentality collapse.

After being questioned for more than an hour, several people wanted to die on the spot.

The people who came this time were from the Feng family and the Luo family.

Probably some time ago, the Feng family sent many people here to capture Jun Qingqing, so this time they only sent four people, while the Luo family sent exactly twice as many people as the Feng family, eight people.

But at this moment, all the twelve people are here now. They also sent people here during the Chinese New Year, mainly targeting the old men, especially my grandfather and Grandpa Bai. But each family also mentioned me, just by the way. The

Feng and Luo families had already given the two grandfathers a chronic poison more than ten years ago. This time they were sent here mainly to find out whether the two old men had been completely poisoned. If they were no longer alive, that would be the best. If they had not been poisoned to death, these people would come in handy. They would find a way to make sure that these two disappeared completely after the Spring Festival this year, whether it was direct action or accidental.

As for Grandpa Han and Grandpa He, it would be best if they could be dealt with together. Finally, there were the grandmothers, my father and two uncles, so I would not care about them for the time being.

As for me, the Feng family still had not given up on the idea of taking me back. The Luo family actually had two tasks for me, but it seemed that these people and the people behind them didn't know that the two tasks were looking for the same person.

One thing was that Luo Yixue seemed to be tortured by the poison.

After asking around, she got some news from the Feng family, that is, some things about her being able to detoxify.

But the Feng family didn't seem to tell them that they had tried to catch me, but they didn't succeed once.

Maybe they also wanted to use some of the power of the Luo family to help me.

The second thing was that I was a child of the Jun family.

But all they knew was that I was probably the granddaughter/daughter of the Jun family adopted outside.

Later, it was confirmed that I was a biological child, but they didn't know about it.

My mind is full of question marks now. Why did the Luo family know that I was a child of the Jun family? The Luo family knew that I was a child of the Jun family but didn't know that I was a biological child?

"Brother, what's going on? How did the Luo family know about me?"

At this moment, Jun Mulan's face couldn't be any darker, but she still patiently explained to her sister:"The main family of the Jun family is under the name of our grandfather. Since grandfather, father, and uncle are all in politics, the position of the head of the Guwu family is held by the eldest son of the second grandfather of the collateral line.

However, when the second grandfather was in danger, he was rescued by one of his brothers. As a result, the man who rescued him was not rescued, but his family still had a little son who was less than one year old. After the brother's wife learned that she was widowed, she directly put his son at the door of the Jun family. The second grandfather couldn't bear it, and in order to repay the favor, he adopted the sixth uncle.

But our sixth uncle's wife is from the Luo family. That is Jun Siyu's mother, who once cursed you viciously in your mother's belly behind your back, and these things happened later.

After the first news of grandfather was sent back, who knows how Jun Siyu heard the wind, and this is what happened.

As for why they didn't know you were the Jun family's biological child, it was because they had learned from the first lesson. After Jincheng brought back the news the second time, everyone paid extra attention. But don't worry, your second grandfather's third, fourth, and sixth brothers are all on your side."

"What about the second brother and the fifth brother?"

"You don't know yet, although the grandfather and the second grandfather belong to the main family of the Jun family and the Guwu Jun family respectively, the younger generations are all ranked together. I, the second and the seventh are all from the main family, and the rest are from the second grandfather's family. The fifth is Jun Murui, Jun Siyu's biological brother. When you go back home, we will introduce them to you one by one according to the nods of the people."

The little girl kept nodding very obediently, and seeing this scene, Jun Mulan's already dark face also climbed up to smile. No wonder most people who hear about having a younger sister are praising how good it is to have a younger sister. Now I understand the meaning of it. As long as my sister is in front of me, I will like her. The kind of inexplicable joy.

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