At the same time, his mental power was always paying attention to the movements of the fourth person.

When they noticed the movement over there, the people who were packing up here had all stopped what they were doing and paid attention to the direction pointed by Jun Qingqing.

The newcomer did not disappoint everyone. He pushed the door of the compartment in the room where they were. Everyone could see from the gap that was not closed tightly that the compartment should be a bedroom. He took out the poison complacently and wanted to do something cruel to the few people. In the end, he was dumbfounded because he did not succeed. The few people looked at the newcomer as if he were a fool.

Jun Qingqing, who had been speechless by the newcomer's means, still said:"It's stupid. They only know how to poison. They don't have any new tricks." She tried to use the language of the beautiful country, of course, she had her reasons. Seeing that the person on the other side should have understood the general meaning, she kept cursing in the language of the Sakura Country:"ばかげた,ばかげた,ばかげた(Stupid, stupid, stupid)"

After scanning the expressions of several people, she realized that only Brother Jincheng knew some of the Sakura language, otherwise he would not have shown the same playful expression as her. The other party seemed to have felt the little girl's gaze. The moment the two looked at each other, the look of understanding made them both understand that the other party really understood the word. It seems that these people should have a backup plan.

There are nine people in total, four died, four were captured, so where did the only one who was not there go?

Inviting everyone to pack up everything quickly, Wang Mingquan contacted Li Liang as soon as possible to bring a few more people and a truck. After arriving, the car was waiting at the foot of the mountain. Except for the three people who stayed to watch the car, everyone else went to the cave where they had been last time. Help to escort people and move things.

Just when everyone thought that this operation had come to an end, they saw Miss Jun pull out the long whip that had been wrapped around the backpack, and at the same time, the backpack was thrown into Si Shaofeng's hand:"Cousin Shaofeng, help me hold it."

The whip in his hand also came out, and a woman was rolled out by the whip at the corner.

Seeing the subtle movement of the woman's hand, she stuffed the whip that was still wrapped around the person into Bai Jincheng's hand, and she lifted the sleeve at her wrist, and the silk thread on the bracelet was thrown out. At the same time, the whole person unexpectedly did not stay in place or retreat to avoid it, but rushed forward, quickly pulled the end of the silk thread that popped out, and swung it directly at the wrist of the woman opposite.

In everyone's surprised eyes, the hand of the person who came was directly cut off at the wrist. When the hand fell to the ground, a porcelain bottle in the hand also rolled out. Miss Jun picked up the bottle naturally and smelled it.

Hiss... It is extremely corrosive, even more so than concentrated sulfuric acid in later generations. She stuffed the bottle into her schoolbag very calmly.

I proposed the idea of asking her some questions alone, and everyone said they had no objection. Seeing the girl's martial arts value, I also know what the boss meant when he asked the deputy minister:"Can you beat her?"! It's true that I can't beat her!! Several people present may not be able to beat her together!!! I can't afford to offend her!...

It's better to be honest, pack up the things that need to be packed up, and escort the people that need to be escorted out. He selectively ignored the little girl who looked delicate and soft, and directly picked up the woman on the ground and walked towards the compartment where people had rushed out before.

The reason for the request for separate interrogation was that the moment she rolled up her sleeves and exposed her wrists, the woman looked at her wrists several times.

It was certain that she was not looking at the two bracelets, but the mark on her wrist. At the same time, there was a brief moment of astonishment in her eyes. Even though it was concealed very well, Jun Qingqing, who clearly noticed that she behaved abnormally from the first glance at his wrist, certainly did not miss every bit of her expression.

This is also the reason why he proposed to interrogate her himself. Before entering the compartment, he asked Bai Jincheng:"Brother Jincheng, is there anything you want to know? I'll ask you all at once."

"You can do whatever you want."

After entering the room, one of them calmly found a chair and sat down, while the other lay on the ground in a very embarrassed manner.

"Tell me, what is your relationship with Sun Ma?"

The woman on the other side kept shouting in the language of Sakura Country:"What are you talking about?" (I don't know what you are talking about)"

Seeing that she was unresponsive, he suddenly said something in Sakura language:"Do you think you are hiding well?" He didn't continue to talk nonsense, took out the powder to knock her out, and after confirming that she would not wake up, he used the first level of"Soul Sutra" to check her memory.

His guess was right. This person really knew Sun Ma. In other words, it should not be said that she knew, but was very familiar with her. She is Sun Ma's daughter. Sun Ma has always been known to outsiders as: Sun Hui, but her real name is: Ito Keiko.

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