When everything was done, the day's mission was successfully completed. The two backup exits that were planned to be destroyed had been resolved.

"Everyone has worked hard today. If the task can be successfully completed tomorrow, I will go back and apply for rewards for you all." With everyone's joy, the second night in the mountain passed peacefully.

When the sun rose again, the surrounding atmosphere was filled with the enthusiasm of everyone.

Otherwise, how can we say that the location of this cave is top-notch. No one knew how the three of them found this place at the beginning. Not only was it not discovered by the Sakura people, but it was only more than two kilometers away from the real entrance to their fixed base.

No one stayed in the cave today, and all the things were brought out with them. Several people said that they would help the only little girl to carry the schoolbag, but without exception, they were politely refused, and the reason was also explained:"The backpack is not just for food, there are also some things that need to be taken at any time. If I carry it myself, I can respond at the first time."

Everyone was sincerely impressed by the little girl's attentiveness.

When they arrived at the location they were looking for, they saw a very shallow cave. No one would think that there would be a different world here. Without rushing to touch the entrance mechanism, Jun Qingqing took out a porcelain bottle from her backpack, poured out the detoxification pill from it, and asked everyone to take it in advance.

"If I remember correctly, there is poisonous gas at the entrance. They usually protect themselves in advance when entering and leaving, just in case someone can crack the mechanism. This is the second layer of the double protection."

Then he walked towards an inconspicuous place at the entrance of the cave. There was only a pile of stones there. It must be said that the design here is really clever. A pile of stones, who would have thought that the mechanism to open the door at the entrance would be here.

Miss Jun unceremoniously pulled apart the pile of stones, picked out the smoothest one in the innermost part, and turned it back and forth for different numbers of circles. At the same time, a place on the wall of the cave also slowly moved downward, revealing an entrance.

Usually, when the Sakura people enter this place, after the stone door in the cave is opened, the rocks of this mechanism will be restored to their original state. This is why the innermost stone has become smooth due to the many times it has been touched and is not so easy to find. Who would go to a pile of stones to find the mechanism for no reason?

When you enter the door, there will be a button next to the secret door inside, which is used to close the stone door.

Before entering, Jun Qingqing still used her mental power to look at the situation inside in detail.

He was the first to enter here, and several people had no time to stop him, and they heard a voice from the front:"Follow me closely.

The situation inside is quite complicated.

Don't move anything along the way.

Just follow me.

Please remember to press the button next to the stone door to close it.


At the same time, he was talking to Bai Jincheng behind him about the situation inside:"Brother Jincheng, I learned from those people that there are nine people here. Four of them have been eliminated at the production team. Logically, there should be five people inside. But it seems that one is not here. Let's pay attention to the situation when they come back from outside."

At the same time, I also roughly know the effect of the poison gas at the door. It is similar to the one used on A Zhan. They are all aimed at ancient martial artists. The effect of suppressing internal strength is more obvious than the effect that A Zhan had at the beginning. If you hadn't taken the detoxification pill before coming in, even if you detoxify as soon as you smell it, you might not immediately recover your strength.

When standing at the door of a room, Jun Qingqing stopped, and the people behind her didn't continue to move forward.

She pointed in the direction of the house and showed three fingers on her hand.

Everyone understood that Miss Jun didn't make a move, but directly made way for the door.

The people behind were also very tacit.

They quickly walked forward and kicked the door open.

The three people inside were still arguing about something when they were all pressed to the ground by the newcomers.

Then a white and tender little hand appeared beside him, holding a pile of hemp ropes and a few rags. The few people took the things without hesitation, first blocked the mouths of the three people, and then tied them together tightly with ropes. Only now did they have time to look around the room.. There were a lot of materials on the table, and some bottles and jars on the shelves.

Just when I was surprised at how many things there were and worried about how to take them away, the white and tender little hands handed over more things, more than a dozen large snakeskin bags. Carrying so many things, it really needs such a big schoolbag. I have to admire the little girl's carefulness.

When they were on a mission before and encountered such a situation, they could only start to pack up after the contact person arrived. The premise for taking everything away intact was that there should be no unexpected situations while waiting for the arrival of the person.

If there really were accomplices by chance, sometimes in order to prevent them from taking away the materials, they could only destroy them directly on the spot.

Only Jun Qingqing knew that these preparations were also because she knew how much stuff was inside and how many people there were, so she brought enough snakeskin bags and hemp ropes. It was not as exaggerated as they said.

They were in a normal state of mission when they were lightly equipped. It was not like this time that they knew the number of people, the location, and the amount of stuff every time.

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