Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 733: Collision from the outside, this is a great time!

In the Chaos God Realm, just as all races were intensively planning to seize and dismantle the lower realms controlled by other races in order to obtain the favor of heaven and earth, something that no one could predict happened happened.

The entire Chaos God Realm was hit by something, and it also caused violent changes. The sky was sunken and huge cracks appeared on the surface.

Even the few lower realms that were originally restrained by the Chaos God Realm were shaken off and most of them escaped.

Fortunately, there was no rebellion, which was good news for them.

This incident naturally caused shock among all races. They all guessed wrong. They thought it would be a rebellion in the lower realm, but they did not expect that the real disaster would come from outside the Chaos God Realm.

The ancestor gods of all races actually have corresponding concepts about what is outside the Chaos God Realm, but they have not touched upon it.

After destroying the way of heaven, they also thought about going outside the world to explore. However, as soon as they stepped into it, they encountered irresistible erosion.

Life in the world cannot escape the protective shell of the world, and they cannot adapt to the existence outside the void.

Only the world itself can resist the erosion of the void. No matter how strong it is, it will be like a deep-sea fish entering the desert. It will not be able to survive for a long time and will only end in death.

Even if the eroded ancestor god returned to the Chaos God Realm, the void erosion on his body did not subside, and he eventually died without a complete body.

As for the other party's ethnic group, it was naturally wiped out.

Therefore, all the ancestor gods understood the truth. The void is the battlefield of the world. They are just a group of ants in the world. They are not qualified to get involved. Without the protection of the world, once they set foot in the void, death is the best result for them. .

So they shrunk one by one and stopped exploring the void. For them, the Chaos God Realm has not been fully explored yet, so why should they seek death.

Fortunately, this time the landing point is not within the territory of our human race. Su Shan said happily.

The impact was naturally extremely violent, and although the impact point was not within the territory of the human race, it was still greatly affected.

The rules of the God Realm have been impacted, and many problems have arisen. The most important thing is the escape from the lower realm. This incident has caused us heavy losses. Li Ying did not feel emotional, but looked a little unhappy.

Fortunately, after carving up the power of heaven, they have a certain degree of control over the Chaos God Realm and are fully able to repair themselves, but this time the repair will take a longer time.

How to deal with it? Yin Lu didn't care. As long as it didn't fall into human territory, he could put it anywhere.

Kill, we will take advantage of this opportunity to start the third war of all races. We must wipe out more people, so that the human race can gain more territory. Su Shan was even more ruthless, directly planning to take advantage of the fire.

But it's a good idea.

This... is not good. We have to wait until the Chaos God Realm is repaired. Otherwise, if it encounters another extraterrestrial impact, the Chaos God Realm will probably fall apart. Of course Li Ying agreed with Su Shan's suggestion. Knowing that preparations for war have been made, if there had not been an extraterrestrial impact, all races would have started fighting.

Now their human race is not greatly affected, and it is very easy to recover. Therefore, they can take advantage of this opportunity to directly send troops to directly annihilate the clan with lightning speed.

This is the key point, if it is fast enough, it is even possible to wipe out several races.

The genocide can rob the opponent of the blessings of heaven and earth, and can also occupy the opponent's territory. As for the consequences, there will definitely be consequences. If you are the first to take action, and the human race is the most powerful, it is inevitable that you will be besieged, but they can bear the price. , it doesn’t matter at all.

What's wrong? We are helping to repair it now. Do you think they will appreciate it? Yin Lu said calmly. He naturally knew what other tribes thought: No, they will only continue to target us instead of choosing Cooperate with us to repair the Chaos God Realm as soon as possible.

Since it's useless, it's better to just do it.

Rather than repairing the Chaos God Realm, they naturally want to expand themselves. After all, the Chaos God Realm will definitely be repaired, and if they miss this opportunity, it will not be so easy to meet again. After so many years of Tianwai Impact, It only happened once, how could it happen again so easily.

No, what I mean is that we can do it in the name of repair. After listening to this, Li Ying came up with something even more damaging, which was nothing more than building a plank road in the open and secretly attacking Chencang.

Lowering your vigilance in the name of helping to repair the Chaos God Realm, and then taking action can get twice the result with half the effort.

Hahaha, I didn't expect you to think more thoroughly than me. Su Shan laughed when he heard this. The three of them naturally put the interests of the human race first.

As for your own reputation, it actually doesn't matter. Everyone has this kind of virtue anyway. If you want to lose face, you will be crushed by others.

So...wait a minute, we have the latest information. Su Shan finished laughing and was about to speak when he received a piece of urgent information.

Naturally, intelligence also has levels, and emergency is the highest level.

The demon tribe took the lead and sent troops to the beast tribe, okay, okay! Su Shan thought that the human race would be the first to take action, but he didn't expect that the demon tribe couldn't hold it any longer.

The overall strength of the demon clan is still inferior to them, but they are larger in number, after all, they can give birth.

As for the orcs, they are a group of wild beasts that can give birth but have a low survival rate. More importantly, there are two divisions. Some of the orcs born will have no wisdom and become beasts, while the other part will have wisdom and become spiritual beasts. .

Spirit beasts are the real beasts, and wild beasts are more like the companion beasts of the spirit beasts. The beast tribe can give birth to more than ten animals at a time, but there is only one intelligent spirit beast, and the others are companion beasts of this spirit beast. , through practicing secret techniques together, to deal with an orc, you need to face ten times the number of enemies.

However, in terms of strength, the Beast Clan cannot match the Demon Clan.

Wait a little longer, there will definitely be more. Li Ying advised. The first one is too eye-catching, the second one is not safe. If you are the third one to take action, it will be much more low-key.

After another half-quarter of an hour, the demons couldn't help but followed suit.

This made the three of them issue the order without hesitation, and then the human army that had been preparing to go was stunned. They thought they were about to disband. After all, after such a big event, the outer collision has not yet disbanded. The order came down.

The human race's goal is the sea race closest to their territory.

This time it's up to you and me to take action. Su Shan looked at Yin Lu and then looked at Li Ying: I'll trouble you to take charge of the human race.

Two against one, the Sea Clan will be destroyed! Yin Lu naturally had no objection. He was more suitable to be a deputy rather than taking on the main responsibility.

He also understands this.

Li Ying also nodded: Then you should be careful and fight quickly.

Su Shan showed a ferocious smile: Soon, you and I will take the first step. As long as we kill that old fish in Hai Li, the rest of the Hai clan will be nothing more than rotten fish and shrimps.

Capture the thief first and capture the king first. The two pieces of information they obtained were at the level of 100,000 fire, which was that the demon clan and the demon clan had killed their opponents' Ancestral God Realm monks, laying the foundation for victory.

These two tribes used the same method as Su Shan and others, which was to rely on more people to defeat fewer people. Two Ancestral Gods dealt with one Ancestral God. In less than half a quarter of an hour, the inferior Ancestral God was killed.

But the difference is that their human race has the most Ancestral God Realms, so even if two Ancestral God Realms are dispatched, there is no need to worry about being raided.

If the two Ancestral God Realms of the Demon Race and Yao Race are delayed for too long, their own territory will be empty and they will be easily invaded, so they are gambling, while the Human Race is using the overwhelming force to overwhelm them.

As for someone using this move to kill Li Ying, even if it is a whim, Su Shan and Yin Lu can always turn around to rescue the other person, and then the other person will be left behind.

In the territory of the human race, they occupy the right time and place, and with the extra person, that is Renhe, they have a huge advantage.

So there is no need to worry about being attacked by surprise.

Su Shan and Yin Lu moved away instantly using the method of space without hesitation.

Hai Li Old Fish, today is the day you die. Su Shan shouted loudly in the sea, causing terrifying waves to roll up.

Damn it, how dare you!!! Hai Li, who was hit by a sneak attack, couldn't help roaring, and then suffered another sneak attack from Yin Lu.

With these two moves, with one full blow, even if they were both in the Ancestral God Realm, the opponent lost half of his life and was already in decline.

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