Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 732 The Ancestral God of the Human Race, the Battle for the Blessing of Heaven and Earth

The Chaos God Realm was very calm. As one of the three ancestral gods of the human race, Su Shan looked at the sky and seemed to have some kind of ominous premonition.

Su Shan? Have you noticed it too? Li Ying, who is also one of the three great ancestral gods, also noticed the corresponding uneasy feeling.

There are only three people in the Ancestral God Realm of the human race, but this is the most. Most of the other races have only one person in the Ancestral God Realm, and even more there are only two people.

As for the races that do not have the Ancestral God Realm, they have been wiped out because they do not have enough backing and can only be reduced to slaves or eliminated because they are a threat.

All races that can survive have the Ancestral God Realm.

The human race is the race with the most Ancestral God Realm among all races, because they were originally the original race of the Chaos God Realm. Later, the Chaos God Realm continued to absorb other worlds, and eventually formed so many races.

But he is a latecomer after all. Even with the support of the Chaos God Realm, it is not that easy to become an Ancestral God Realm monk.

This feeling...isn't it the Chaos God Realm again? Yin Lu asked with some worry. He is also one of the three Ancestral God Realms.

Most of the time, the three Ancestral God Realm of the human race cultivate in secret in the Holy Land of the Human Race in order to break through to a higher level. As for whether there is a higher level above the Ancestral God Realm, they don't know, but they can be sure of one thing. It's just that they haven't reached the end yet.

It shouldn't be possible. The Heavenly Way of the Chaos God Realm has fallen and there is no way it can come back. Plus, with the three of you and me plus the Ancestral God Realm of all races jointly monitoring it, it can't be the Heavenly Way. Su Shan said.

That's right, they took advantage of the heavy damage to the Chaos God Realm, united all the Ancestral God Realms to destroy the Heavenly Dao, and also divided up all the authority of the Heavenly Dao, and finally were able to stabilize everything.

This matter can be traced back to the great riot in the Middle Thousand World called Qing Ning World when it broke away, which caused the originally powerful Chaos God Realm to be directly hit hard, and they caught the clue.

The Heavenly Dao of the Chaos God Realm had actually been very active before this, and enslaved all the monks, not just their human race, but also other races. They worked for the Heavenly Dao but had no way to obtain the corresponding resources.

Then there was a situation where all races destroyed the way of heaven.

However, Tiandao and the world cannot be classified as the same entity. At least after the fall of Tiandao, the Chaos God Realm is still running without any problems.

Therefore, all the Ancestral God Realm monks from all races have the same guess, that is, their next step may be to become the Dao of Heaven and dominate the entire Chaos God Realm.

However, no one has access to it, so this guess is always just a guess and has not turned into evidence.

It doesn’t matter if there is no empirical evidence, but there are always attempts.

In fact, if it weren't for the sudden rebellion of Qing Ningjie, they would have been unable to do anything to Tiandao.

It is precisely because of the series of consequences caused by the rebellion in the Middle Thousand Worlds that from then on, the Ten Thousand Clans did not continue to expand to the outside world, but only retained some of the worlds they left behind.

Fortunately, the Chaos God Realm is vast and rich in resources. Although the population of all races is large, compared with the vast world, it can only be regarded as vast and sparsely populated.

Over the years, they have also dismantled a large number of Middle Thousand Worlds and Small Thousand Worlds and integrated them into the Chaos God Realm. Now, the number of Middle Thousand Worlds and Small Thousand Worlds left is very small.

All races are naturally worried that these worlds will rebel again.

The last time we were able to get it done, it was because Tiandao was in front as the main force, so Tiandao was severely damaged.

But it's different now. They don't have the help of heaven. If they encounter a world rebellion, they will lose miserably. Therefore, they might as well choose to integrate various worlds into the Chaos God Realm to expand the upper limit of the Chaos God Realm.

The Ancestral God Realm of Ten Thousand Races is not so arrogant that it can compare with the Heavenly Dao of the Chaos God Realm. If they were so powerful, they would not have chosen to sneak attack when the Heavenly Dao was severely damaged.

They didn't even dare to confront Tiandao head-on.

Because that is really going to be beaten to death by heaven.

If it's not the Chaos God Realm, what is it? A warning from heaven and earth? Li Ying changed his mind.

It is really possible that when the Qing Ning Realm rebelled, they, the Ancestral God Realm, had noticed a similar feeling.

Since the Chaos God Realm and the Heavenly Dao are not one entity, it means that the world itself, the Chaos God Realm, also has a set of operating mechanisms, which can naturally provide warnings.

It's just that they didn't pay much attention to it at the beginning. After all, there was still a heaven above them at that time. Even if the sky collapsed, it was supported by this heaven. In fact, this was indeed the case.

So there is another rebellion in the lower world? Yin Lu looked a little unhappy. They were still very self-aware of themselves.

The possibility is not small, but I don't know which clan it will be in the lower realm. Su Shan really couldn't think of any other possibilities besides the resurrection of heaven and the rebellion in the lower realm.

The lower realm of the human race has been dismantled long ago and integrated into the Chaos God Realm. This has made the human race gain a lot of love from the world, and it also has the largest territory.

It is naturally beneficial to dismantle the lower realm and integrate it into the Chaos God Realm, and the benefits are also great, especially the fact that it is favored by heaven and earth, so that the internal struggles of the human race can cultivate geniuses as the backbone of the human race.

As a result, each generation of the human race has not only not been cut off, but has also been able to thrive and continuously enhance its own racial heritage.

The reason for this is naturally because the human race was the first to dismantle the lower realm and also dismantled the largest number of races. Whether it was quality, quantity, or certificate of submission, it ranked first. This is why it is favored today.

As for the other races, some of the weak races have not yet been dismantled.

This is an opportunity! Li Ying said suddenly.

The two people instantly understood that since there was a rebellion in the lower realm, the best solution was to dismantle the lower realm before the chaos took shape.

Those races that have not yet completed dismantling need a 'little bit' of insignificant help.

The human race can do the work for free, and it doesn't matter if it's a bit difficult or tiring, but as long as they dismantle the lower realm and integrate it into the Chaos God Realm, then the human race can get more blessings from heaven and earth.

It stands to reason that they have already dismantled all their own lower realms. It is impossible to get involved in the lower realms of other races. If they do, they will be attacked by a group.

However, now, they have a legitimate reason to avoid the second rebellion in the lower world as a reason to forcibly acquire the lower world controlled by other weaker races.

You have to be fast, otherwise, it will be more than just the three of us who can think of this. The other races who have dismantled their own lower realm will also think of it. A glimmer of light flashed in Su Shan's eyes. They could think of other people. Of course it is conceivable.

This time there are more wolves than meat. The races in the lower realm that have not yet been dismantled are only a minority, not the majority.

In fact, their requirements are not many, one is to make a profit, two is to make a big profit, three to five... Forget it, their manpower is limited, and the number is too small, so they robbed more than two people. A fist is difficult to beat with four hands.

So don't be too greedy, otherwise you will be besieged.

Okay, I'll notify you immediately and let everyone prepare. This time we have to fight a big battle. Yin Lu understood one thing, that is, the way to get it is to rely on force, and it has to be fought out.

So this time it must be a full-scale conflict.

However, no matter how much blood is shed, it is all worth it. As long as the favor of the human race is stronger, the number of outstanding talents will appear every year, so there is no need to worry about not having fresh blood to supplement it.

There is no need to worry about not having enough resources to cultivate them. The blessings of heaven and earth can also allow more treasures of heaven and earth to be born within the territory of their human race.

Sacrifice short-term benefits in exchange for long-term benefits, this is a very cost-effective deal.

Even if three generations of people died, it would take at most ten thousand years to recover.

And ten thousand years, in the Chaos God Realm, is actually not a lot of time at all.

We have to let the chess pieces of the Ten Thousand Clans move. Pay attention to muddying the water. By then, our advantage will be even greater. Li Ying also added.

Naturally, the human race has planted a lot of nails, fine work, etc. among all the races, and many of them are already in high positions.

Of course, all races have also deployed these methods in the human race. After all, they are all mutual.

The three of them talked to each other and quickly formed a plan. The specific content was to open a mouth at the top and break the legs at the bottom.

You can't just let them do everything. Their role is to intimidate and take charge of the overall situation and to control the overall direction without making mistakes.

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