Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 522 A meat ball feeding on demon gods

This little thing looks quite smart. Wang Linchi couldn't help but complain as he looked at the meat ball that was stretched into a pancake by the Holy Master.

He just went out to capture the remaining demon gods in Quanshou City, but he saw that the meat ball actually ran out of the glass culture column. After a closer look, there was nothing major wrong with the culture column.

Have you developed your own abilities? It should be from the space system. Wang Linchi didn't have too many surprises. Although this thing was born accidentally, it has great potential.

It's a bit like the ten-mile teleportation talisman Li Qinglian used back then, but it's an ultra-low-end version. Otherwise, if it really moved ten miles away, the Holy Master wouldn't be able to catch it so easily.

Wang Linchi replayed the monitoring and found that it was just as expected. The meat ball only moved about ten centimeters. As soon as it jumped out of the culture column, it was pinched by the Holy Master, and then suffered miserable torture.

However, the vitality of this thing is indeed very tenacious. It is indeed extraordinary that it has not died after being tortured for so long.

After Wang Linchi placed the demon god, he brought a smaller demon god over and stuffed it directly into the culture column where the meat ball was.

After seeing this demon god, the originally depressed Meatball immediately became energetic and began to wave the tentacles on his body.

Then he excitedly floated towards the demon god. A large number of tentacles came into contact with the demon god and took root in it in an instant, completely ignoring the difference in strength between the two sides.

A special attack against the gods? Wang Linchi saw this scene and hurriedly recorded it.

More and more tentacles took root in the demon god's body. The demon god struggled crazily, but could not get rid of it.

As it gets closer, the entire flesh ball merges into it through these tentacles that are densely rooted in the demon god's body, and finally becomes parasitic on its body.

The demon god, like the gray-haired immortal before, suddenly became quiet, became lifeless and could not move.

Under the opponent's skin, a large number of tentacles grew out of the pores. Wang Linchi was stunned for a moment.

Evolved? Or do you eat differently because you changed from the embryonic stage to the juvenile stage?

The gray-haired immortal had not shown this ability before.

Therefore, Wang Linchi suspected that it was caused by different stages. The way of eating is naturally different between embryos and young children.

Moreover, this time the eating efficiency is faster and the food is cleaner.

The Gray-haired True Immortal was eaten away with only one piece of skin left, but this time, even the skin was completely eaten away.

The digestion capacity has been greatly improved.

After the demon god gradually shattered, the appearance of the flesh ball also emerged from the incomplete demon god's body. In addition to the mouse's one eye, the characteristics of this demon god were also added.

There is also the evolution of devouring, but at present, it should be limited to demons and gods. Other animals, plants and even humans should not be able to be devoured.

Wang Linchi felt that this thing had great potential.

In addition to checking the evolution of devouring, Wang Linchi also found that the size of the meat ball had also increased, but the increase was not obvious. If it weren't for his strong enough perception and the ability to make comparisons, he would have noticed the change in the opponent's size. .

You need to eat enough demon gods.

As he spoke, the meat ball jumped to the edge of the culture column and stuck to the glass. There was a humanized flattery in the mouse's eyes, which meant that it wanted to eat again.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi readily agreed to Meat Ball's appetite.

He reached in and grabbed a small demon god and stuffed it inside.

The demon gods are very scared. They all saw what the meat ball did just now. It was swallowed with the skin and bones. The disappearance of the divine world and the severance of faith is an absolute death.

But they couldn't resist him at all. They couldn't resist Wang Linchi or Rouqiu.

After another demon god was thrown in, Meatball was naturally overjoyed and started eating again.

I just want to see how much you can eat. Wang Linchi knew that there must be an upper limit for this little thing. Regardless of how much he is eating now, it is estimated that there will be at most two demon gods, and he will almost be unable to eat anymore.

While the other party was eating, Wang Linchi also conducted a lot of inspections and research on Rouqiu.

What? Anatomy? It's really not worth dissecting. The meat ball is a unique copy. If he really kills it, he doesn't know if he can create another meat ball according to the previous sequence, so naturally he has to carefully protect it. If it really happens, Wang Linchi would feel distressed if he got sick or had a bump.

As for being of no value in the future, that is another treatment. From a biological son to a wild son, it is naturally different.

Demon gods are different. There are not many things in Daheng, but there are many demon gods. If he wants, they can be found everywhere.

Seeing that he had finished eating the meat balls again, Wang Linchi stuffed two of them directly in this time. He didn't finish them all, he only ate one. The other one was already parasitic inside, so he was going to eat it slowly.

Seeing this, Wang Linchi closed the training column and asked the Holy Master to continue to guard it.

In fact, it is okay not to guard him now. Meatball does not plan to escape because of food. Instead, he plans to grow up here and then... kill Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi sensed Rouqiu's malice toward him, or in other words, toward everything.

It's just that Meatball is very good at forbearance and disguise, and in this aspect, he is much better than Li Qinglian.

Although he couldn't hide it from Wang Linchi, Wang Linchi could still laugh a few words just looking at it.

After placing the meat ball properly, Wang Linchi began the preparation work.

When studying this kind of single seedling, you must not be as rough as the demon god. You must ensure your physical and mental health, so you must at least use anesthesia during the dissection.

The problem is that Wang Linchi does not have the corresponding anesthetic on hand, so he needs the corresponding data of the meat ball to deduce it before he can create it.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to use it out of thin air.

As for making it fall asleep through certain abilities, this is not a good thing. Whether it is spells or magic, they are essentially effects on the body, which will cause corresponding fluctuations in Wang Linchi's data. Anesthetics can put the other person into a deep sleep to the greatest extent possible.

One is external interference, and the other is sleeping by yourself. Naturally, the latter has less impact.

With the complex body, soul, energy and other structures of the meat ball, any slightest influence will lead to deviations in the data, so you must be cautious.

And the time period required will not be short.

Emperor Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng, you actually created such a monster. A voice came.

I saw a standing humanoid fox speaking human words.

Oh? Do you know me? Wang Linchi looked back curiously at the human standing fox.

The other party's name is the Holy Fox Tianzun of the Far North. He is a white fox, or maybe an Arctic fox. Otherwise, why would he have the word Ultra North in his name?

Compared to the other person's ability to speak, it is interesting to recognize oneself.

Then the other party's expression froze, and he gradually became frightened. He just lied, and he didn't expect that Wang Linchi would admit it directly.

It seems that you have lived a long life. I have experienced everything in my era. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

The other demon gods looked confused. They only knew Taishan Mansion Lord and did not know Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor at all.

I... let me go, I am willing to be your follower! Ren Li's Arctic Fox gave in immediately. He seemed to have sensed some kind of terrifying plan, and he stupidly jumped in without saying anything. Revealed the other party's identity.

Before the other party kills you, the best way is to work together.

You, you still can't see clearly. Do you think I still need incense and faith now? Wang Linchi said in a tone of hatred that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

As soon as these words came out, Renli's Arctic Fox's expression froze. The other party had completely got rid of the restrictions of Shinto and became a higher-level existence. But they were different. They had been stuck in it and were still arguing over incense and belief. It's just not the same level.

To put it bluntly, they have no other use now except as feed.

But it is indeed unusual for you to live for such a long time. The belief in incense of demon gods like yours is generally short-lived. Wang Linchi looked at the fox up and down.

The demon gods at the top of the pyramid don't have to worry about this, but the so-called Holy Fox Tianzun of the Far North is different. He belongs to the middle and lower levels. Every year, many demon gods of this kind are extinct due to the shortage of incense belief, but more demon gods are born because of this. It's to the extent that one dead person can only give birth to five.

I...I run fast. The Holy Fox Heavenly Lord of the Far North stumbled and said. He indeed ran fast and migrated several times to escape certain death. However, the belief in Incense gradually declined in the process, and this is what it is now. This is an inferior specification.

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