Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 521 A mixture of two eras

Squeak, squeak!!!

A gray-haired mouse was locked in a glass bottle by Wang Linchi, and its limbs and tail were tied up with small chains, creating a situation where it was divided into pieces.

Don't slander me. This is not a kidnapping, but an invitation. Wang Linchi turned around and refuted the gray-haired mouse.

This mouse has an extraordinary origin. It is the gray-haired true immortal who has been promoted from the second oldest to the eldest among the demon gods in Quanshou City. Wang Linchi caught him... inviting him over was not a big deal. It was just to perfect the way of talismans. However, Waiting for the next dynasty to reap another wave of benefits.

The Tao of Talismans he developed and the Tao of Talismans spread by Li Qinglian are actually low-end versions.

One is a fragment of the skin of Wang Linchi's game character, and the other is a copycat copy of the divine pattern of Li Qinglian's spirit-eating body. Since it wants to become a new extraordinary system, it cannot be a vassal, at least it must be independent. .

This reminds me of the demon gods being laid off and re-employed, otherwise the demon gods would really die without their bodies intact.

After the gray-haired immortal was invited by him as a guest, he kept scolding him, and scolded him very dirtyly. He can only be said to be a mouse, and he can inherit this.

I haven't even started to do anything yet, why are you babbling at me? Wang Linchi was also a bit cursing.

The formal work has indeed not started yet, but a lot of preliminary preparations have indeed been done, such as dissections, drug experiments, etc., which have been tested.

For Wang Linchi to obtain all the data of the Gray-haired True Immortal, the process was indeed a bit tragic. For example, because there was no divine anesthetic, it was dissected alive, and there was still a little bit of force when doing it. Fortunately, the opponent was a demon god and recovered. The ability is so powerful that he didn't even sew up the opponent's stomach, and now he is back again.

Compared with the demon gods of the Jing Dynasty, the demon gods of the Heng Dynasty have further evolved. They have flesh, bones, organs, blood, etc., and they also have corresponding functions. This should be the advantage brought by Wang Linchi's improved Shinto system.

It's an advantage here with Wang Linchi, but not necessarily with the Demon God. The absence of these things means that there are fewer weaknesses.

Wang Linchi needs it because he can turn these weaknesses into strengths, so he needs it. However, the demon gods do not have this ability at all, so they have become a burden.

Seeing that you are so impatient, let's start early and finish the work early. Wang Linchi said that he really couldn't stand such a diligent demon god, and he didn't even have time to take a break.

But the visitor is a guest, and Wang Linchi will not refuse.

“The first step is to implant the improved belief network.”

Wang Linchi said and took out a part of the port. The main server was naturally in Wang Linchi's hands. How could this thing be handed over?

Squeak!!! The gray-haired immortal resisted crazily. He didn't know what Wang Linchi was holding, but he could sense the threat to him.

If it were really implanted, he would definitely have problems.

However, no matter how fiercely he struggled, he could not break free of the chains Wang Linchi had left on him.

I could only watch helplessly as Wang Linchi implanted the Faith Network sub-port into it.

The next moment after the implantation, the gray-haired immortal's eyes changed from agile to gray, and he no longer struggled, as if he had lost himself.

This is normal, He was taken over by the Faith Network.

It is not only the Gray-haired True Immortal that has been taken over, but also his divine realm, believers, etc., everything is attributed to the belief network.

This is thanks to the forging process of the bead, which provided Wang Linchi with a lot of inspiration and feasible plans. Otherwise, how could Wang Linchi achieve the cost so quickly, accurately, and at low cost.

Then the gray fur of the gray-haired immortal began to bulge, and the abdomen also swelled, as if something was gestating in it.

In fact, this is indeed the case. With the help of this sub-port, the Faith Network began to transform and derive. The body of the Gray-haired True Immortal is a basic sample.

If Wang Linchi wants to transform the Faith Network into the Fu Dao Network, he will definitely need a corresponding experimental group. Otherwise, if he changes it directly, what will happen if the Faith Network collapses?

It's okay if the correction fails, and you can just re-establish it at worst. But if a lot of bugs are found in the correction, it will be a big trouble. If you want to re-establish it, you have to correct the bugs.

So this requires the help of the Gray-haired True Immortal.

After another five minutes or so, the gray-haired immortal was stretched as big as a mouse-skinned ball, and it was very clear and transparent, and the situation inside could be seen.

The gray-haired immortal's internal structures such as internal organs, bones, blood and muscles have long since disappeared, leaving only a golden ball of flesh beating.

There are a large number of tentacles growing on the surface of the meat ball. These tentacles are squirming under the mouse's skin, bit by bit eating away everything about the gray-haired true immortal, including the world of gods and beliefs.

The main focus is a backdoor listing.

There are not many problems with data, and if nothing else, there is basically not much in the transformation plan...


Before Wang Linchi finished writing the record, the gray-haired immortal balloon exploded, and a piece of mouse skin began to annihilate. The meat ball with tentacles was suspended in the air, and a one-eye similar to that of a mouse opened.

It seems that the transformation plan must be carried out with caution. After Wang Linchi closed the record, he reached out to grab the one-eyed tentacle meat ball, but the meat ball was very keen to avoid Wang Linchi's reach.

Self-aware and interesting. Wang Linchi did not use his real speed, but caught him at a normal speed. It was normal for him to be dodged.


The meat ball slammed into the transparent container in which it was kept, smashing it into pieces and trying to escape from Wang Linchi's laboratory.

As a result, the Holy Lord appeared, pinched the meat ball with his big claws, and almost crushed it into a puddle of meatloaf.


The meat ball screamed in pain, but did not die directly.

The Holy Master handed it to Wang Linchi again, and Wang Linchi squeezed it in his hand. This time, the force was not weak at all. The meat ball thought it could still break free, but it turned out that it could not move, and the tentacles were wrapped around Wang Linchi's body.

It's interesting that the talisman plus divine power, the divinity of the demon god, and the coordination of the belief network can form a brand new life form. Wang Linchi couldn't help but be curious. This thing is indeed extraordinary.

To put it bluntly, it is a mixture of two eras. To be more clear, it is that the demon god, the Gray-haired True Immortal, cheated on him. As a result, he and the rules of the talisman gave birth to this thing, but this thing is a bit unfilial and killed both his parents. Only then did he allow himself to be born.

I have a certain ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so what kind of thing did I create? Wang Linchi was not sure whether this thing had value for the time being.

Further research is needed.

Wait a moment, and I'll find something to see if it's useful to you. Wang Linchi put the meat ball into a high-performance glass culture column, and then left the Holy Master to guard it.

There's no need to worry about this guy breaking out of jail. According to the level classification, this thing is only level 11, and the culture column is a synthetic material he made, which can't be broken even at level 31.

It was just ordinary glass that was broken before.

The imprisoned meat ball left Wang Linchi's exit, and the rat eye was spinning around, as if he had some plan, but it was still too naive. No matter how good the plan was, there was no way to break the gap in strength unless It can find someone with the same strength as Wang Linchi to save it.

Otherwise, even if he comes out, he will be crushed into meat pies by the Holy Master.

What on earth is the court trying to do? Why do they put the death of the Nine-tailed Green Fox Lord on my head? After killing the Dragon Emperor of Kanghe, Li Qinglian embarked on the road of killing gods.

However, on the way, he heard the name and deeds of his God-Slaying Lord, which made him a little puzzled.

Maybe they are planning to make you the target of public criticism. Mo Qinglan immediately thought of diverting trouble to the east. In her eyes, the strong man should be the only trump card in the court, and there was still a big gap between him and the demon god.

Once the demon god knows that it was the imperial court that did it, it will inevitably put greater pressure on the imperial court, which was originally a puppet regime, and its few chances of making a comeback will disappear.

She also explained it to everyone, and it was then that Li Qinglian suddenly realized that she had not encountered the previous simulation, probably because the strong man was suppressed by the demon god and eventually became a victim.

Only this time, I put the blame on myself.

In that case, I will accept the title of True Lord of God-Slaying. Li Qinglian couldn't help but sneered. He was still eager to have this reputation, so that the heroic spirit Li Qinglian could take the title of True Lord of God-Slaying. It must be unique.

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