Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 512 Sixteen years later, a handsome young man named Qinglian

Sixteen years later, the entire Daheng Dynasty was in chaos. Because Wang Linchi secretly supported various rebels and rebels against the king, the demon god system and the imperial court were in a state of separation.

Fortunately for the demon gods, they represent extraordinary systems and are not so easy to die.

The imperial court was in such a miserable state that it lost its ability to control the local area, leaving only a puppet regime.

However, the throne of the current Emperor Heng is becoming more and more stable. Even though his power cannot go out of Kyoto, he is blessed by many demon gods. The reason is that whatever the demon gods want, Emperor Heng will give it to him.

It is precisely for this reason that even if there are wars everywhere, there is still singing and dancing in Kyoto.

The demon gods must ensure that Emperor Heng lives a long life. Otherwise, if a new emperor has other ideas, it will be an obstacle to the demon gods.

In the past sixteen years, Li Sangou has grown bigger and bigger. With sufficient nutrition, he is now 1.9 meters tall and extremely burly.

So, you want to change your name and don't want to be called Sangou? Wang Linchi stopped working on papermaking and looked at Li Sangou.

It's not good to keep calling people by nicknames when you grow up... Li Sangou felt that he was fighting against his right to name.

Okay, then you can change it yourself. I don't care. You don't plan to inherit Dai Temple anyway, so I don't mind changing it to anything. Wang Linchi didn't care either. He had long known that such a day would come.

Ever since Li Sangou got older and smarter, he would always hint to him about talismans or the like, no matter what happened. Wang Linchi pretended not to notice. In fact, his research was progressing very quickly. It wasn't the talisman, it was Li Sangou, and the talisman was just incidental.

He had no idea that the so-called talisman was actually a derivative of his bloodline and physique.

Li Sangou didn't know this, but he knew that he had a special blood constitution, so he started to develop it very early.

Every time, he avoided Wang Linchi secretly, thinking that Wang Linchi didn't even notice.

It's quite different from hiding one's ears and stealing the bell.

Wang Linchi became more and more confused about this. Is this definitely the old monster Jiu Juezi from ancient times to the present? Why is this such a virtue?

But he didn't reveal it, instead he pretended to be dumbfounded.

I'm not suitable to be a temple blessing, and I don't believe in gods! Li Sangou said sonorously. Although the Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor enshrined in the Dai Temple is different from the demon god, it is impossible for him to put his faith into it. To the ethereal gods, so it is very repulsive.

I didn't force you to do it. You didn't say you wanted to change your name. Wang Linchi brought the topic back to the topic.

Li Sangou breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. If Wang Linchi really asked him to be a temple blessing, he would not do it. He was afraid that the other party would repay the favor and he would be in a dilemma.

That is to say, he showed his rejection of gods to Wang Linchi in these years, so he didn't show it in the previous simulation. He was asked by Wang Linchi to stay as a temple blessing several times. The ending was naturally very frustrating. The quality of the heroic spirit was straightforward. Even though he was unknown, he was almost tricked to death by other demon temples and temples.

Do you have any good ideas? Wang Linchi asked again.

I plan to be called Li Qinglian. Li Sangou answered, obviously prepared for it.

Wang Linchi nodded: Okay, I understand.

When the other party changes his name, it is just a notification, not a question of whether he agrees. Let alone Li Qinglian, it can be called Li Bai. Anyway, it is not him who infringes the rights.

Eh? You agreed? Li Qinglian was a little surprised that Wang Linchi agreed so easily. He had spent a long time before agreeing.

‘It seems that because of different time and experiences, Wang Xue Shu’s attitude towards me will be different. ’

Li Qinglian thought to herself that he couldn't bear the previous simulations, so when he was 2 or 3 years old in the early days, and 7 or 8 years old in the later years, he told Wang Linchi that he wanted to change his name, but Wang Linchi refused because he had a cheap name to make a living. , he had to go through at least three to five months of hard work before he was willing to agree.

As a result, when he was sixteen this time, the other party agreed directly without even discussing it.

Why don't you agree with this? You are sixteen years old. Next, I will teach you some skills. You can go out and make a living on your own. Wang Linchi said calmly.

??? Li Qinglian also didn't expect that Wang Linchi's transition would be so abrupt. Before, he started studying art at the age of sixteen and went out to work at the age of eighteen.

But this time it won't work, because if you wait until you are eighteen, it will be too late for many things, so this time, you must go out at the age of sixteen.

This time he has developed his God-Eating Body to the limit. He only needs to kill a demon god to activate the divine pattern, which is the most primitive talisman. However, no one can use the divine pattern except him.

Of course, talismans and divine patterns are not the same thing, and they completely went their separate ways later on.

I want to go out and make a living. Li Qinglian directly expressed her thoughts without making any insinuations or euphemistic expressions.

You don't know anything. Aren't you looking for death if you go out?

Not to mention that there is a chaos of war outside now. If you are not careful, you will be captured and used as a human sacrifice by those demon temples. Wang Linchi said.

I know it all. Over the years, I have memorized everything when you were working. Li Qinglian had his own way of dealing with it.

What he said was not a lie. He had already learned all the skills taught by Wang Linchi when he simulated them before. Although he was stumbling in learning, he couldn't bear to repeat the simulations, so he learned them all.

Oh? Is that true? Wang Linchi didn't believe it. Judging from the appearance of the other party, he did have this kind of talent.

Ability such as divination, innate spiritual wisdom, etc. have all been demonstrated, so it is not impossible to learn it just by watching him.

Wang Linchi can also do this kind of thing. He has been doing it over the years, and it involves a little bit of everything, but it is not a very high-end craft, so it is normal for the other party to learn it.

Of course, just ask whatever questions you want to take. Li Qinglian looked confident.

Wang Linchi nodded and said directly: Then roast a chicken.

... Li Qinglian was quite speechless. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to say that at all.

Also roast a chicken, why not roast a cow?

I'm serious. Wang Linchi didn't mean to joke at all.

Li Qinglian was about to complain, but soon realized that Wang Linchi was planning to test his wilderness survival ability and see if he could survive in the wilderness.

No problem, just wait and eat. Li Qinglian agreed.

This is simply a trivial matter to him. The last unparalleled Heroic Spirit Tianfu Taoist was the son of Orion. In addition, it was a warlord regime at that time. It was even more chaotic than it is now. He was able to survive, let alone now.

He knew what Wang Linchi's test was, which was nothing more than finding food by himself and being able to process salt, pure water and other things with his hands. He knew these by heart.

Not to mention Taoist Tianfu's experience, in the previous simulations, he had received Wang Linchi's education, so naturally he knew everything.

‘The Prophet is indeed very useful. I don’t even tell him what to do, he knows everything, and can even see the corresponding knowledge from it. ’ Wang Linchi couldn’t help but sigh. Unfortunately, he didn’t find the source of the other party’s ability to predict the future, so he couldn’t study it.

At least the skill of survival in the wild was not taught to Wang Linchi, let alone to him. However, he was self-taught and said it was a lie if he said there was no problem.

Up to now, Li Qinglian was showing off her specialness a little unscrupulously, and seemed to be sure that Wang Linchi would not pursue it. Well, Wang Linchi would indeed not ask these questions.

Anyway, if he wanted to know anything, he could just research it himself, there was no need to bother the other party.

The reason why Wang Linchi dared to let Li Qinglian out was naturally because of his own considerations. Through these years of research, he created something he called the Jiu Juezi locator.

It is possible to accurately locate the Jiu Juezi of this generation. As for the Jiu Juezi of the next generation, it can only be vaguely located, but this is enough. As long as the area is roughly known, Wang Linchi can lock on the opponent. That special temperament to determine.

This generation of Jiu Juezi has almost finished their research. It cannot be said that there is no harvest. It can only be said that there is a lot of gap with psychological expectations.

We will see if there will be any changes after becoming successful and famous. If there are not enough gains yet, we can only hope that the next generation of Jiu Juezi can give Wang Linchi more surprises.

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