Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 511 The Unpredictable Prophet Li Sangou

An oracle? Wang Linchi noticed Li Sangou's problem. Over the past few days, Li Sangou had used various methods to convey news to him, indicating that the temple priests of several domestic demon temples in Quanshou City were preparing to attack him. Let's start with all kinds of overt and covert attacks.

This is not the point. Wang Linchi could not hide the other party's little thoughts, but Li Sangou was able to accurately grasp every plan and provide Wang Linchi with targeted solutions.

Li Sangou thought he was very hidden, but in fact he had been under Wang Linchi's surveillance.

That's why Wang Linchi thought of the prophet.

As for rebirth, the possibility of this is not very high, because after the first resistance is successful, corresponding changes will inevitably occur in the second and third times. How can the other party grasp it unless the other party is reborn multiple times.

However, being able to be reborn multiple times, it is possible that Wang Linchi's true purpose may have been discovered long ago, which is not very likely.

Therefore, Wang Linchi is naturally more inclined to predict the future.

Young, too immature. Wang Linchi complained.

He actually didn't expect that Li Sangou was Jiu Juezi after all. How could he be at this level? To say nothing more, he would just turn a blind eye, otherwise there would be too many traces left behind.

But then again, why would he help me?

Wang Linchi did not waste Li Sangou's hard work. He used the solution provided by the other party to quickly deal with the suppression of him by various demon temples in Quanshou City.

In fact, he also knew that this was not what the temple priests wanted to do. When they met Wang Linchi, they wanted to hide away. How could they come to provoke him? It was just that the demon god they believed in had been forcing them to do this.

After experiencing this setback, these temple ministers were all very sincerely hurt. Anyway, it was just like this, and they could delay it as long as they could.

At the same time, their belief in demon gods has also dropped significantly. They are Class A temple blessings, not Class A believers. Class A believers are fanatical believers, representing the level of belief, while Class A temple blessings are positions.

According to his estimation, the highest belief level of the demon god's believers is around the middle level of B level, and those at this level can reach the A level temple blessing.

There are more D-levels, followed by C-levels.

If you reach the level C level, you will be able to obtain the gift of divine magic and become a temple blessing.

It is actually very difficult to get people to have higher faith. After all, the demon gods want human sacrifices, and they also exploit believers, and their behavior is even more brutal.

Otherwise, how could he have the word monster? It's because he is not a kind person.

The birth of the demon god is nothing more than the derivation of power, and as a result, the entire world became a victim.

To be honest, with this model, his Dai Temple system can lose. It can only be said that during Heng Shizong's time, everyone was used to living a good life. Otherwise, how could they let go of the good life and find fault for themselves? by.

Heng Shizong was in charge, but those who really destroyed Dai Temple were most ordinary people. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Heng Shizong was, he could still convert people. At that time, Dai Temple was powerful and had a large base of believers.

Of course, it is also because of the low level of magical skills given by the demon god's belief. Now it has been improved. At the beginning, as long as you became a C-level believer, you would be given magical skills, and even a little lower, if you were a D-level believer, you would be given magical skills. This is comparable to Dai Temple. It takes a minimum of B level to gain access to divine spells much faster.

However, what they don't know is that although it looks great, in fact the cost is all amortized, not only as leeks, but also as pork.

Leeks can grow again after being cut. If pigs want to eat meat, they really have no choice but to kill the pigs.

This also makes it easy for most believers to lose their faith, unlike Wang Linchi, who will take the initiative to maintain it when he reaches the second level.

It was indeed very difficult to become a second-level philanthropist. Later, he had no time, and it was wasted.

After the Class A temple blessings of the previous demon temples were tortured by Wang Linchi, their piety towards the demon gods they believed in would probably drop significantly.

However, the demon gods don't care about these things. For them, just change to another one. Anyway, they lack everything, but they have no shortage of believers. When the time comes, they can just arrange a superior one, as long as they can sacrifice for them. Anyone can do the ceremony and harvest the faith.

As for the A-level temple priests who are unwilling to abdicate, it is very simple. Just take back the magic in them.

Wang Linchi had also punished believers whose faith had fallen too seriously or who had magical powers and converted in this way before.

When there are too many people, this kind of situation will always happen, so the Faith Network has such a punishment mechanism. Otherwise, if it only gives rewards without punishment, wouldn't it become a reward distribution machine, allowing these people to earn achievements?

Therefore, this group of demon gods also inherited this set of reward and punishment mechanisms. However, compared to Wang Linchi's belief network, which is fully automated, they are manually screened, which is much more difficult than him, so they all monitor the belief system. Most of the D and C-level believers will not care about the high-level people.

Even if I want to take care of it, I can't.

Taking Quanshou City as an example, the overall population is around 500,000. After being divided, each demon god has many believers. They cannot cheat like Wang Linchi. They can only monitor one by one, and the lower the belief level is. , the worse the monitoring means.

The population of the Heng Dynasty was far greater than that of the Jing Dynasty. In the early days, it was supported by the Dai Temple welfare system, so the population exploded. Later, the Dai Temple system was suppressed to the point of collapse. Logically speaking, the population should be reduced, but it could not stand up to the demon gods. The rise of the system requires a large number of people as human sacrifices.

The imperial court had no choice but to induce births. One birth would be punished, two would settle the account, and three or four would be rewarded. The more births, the better the rewards would be, in order to be able to provide enough food for the demon god. Human sacrifice also ensures the population of Daheng.

It may seem like a large number, but in fact it is not many. For example, some demon gods want children, and some demon gods want teenagers and girls. Enough population is needed to cover all ages.

It feels to Wang Linchi that a mature industrial chain has been formed.

There is no need to worry about not being able to support them. In fact, there are not many people who can really live to the age of fifty. If they die after the labor force, they save countless things.

Therefore, the entire Daheng Dynasty is actually a very strong dynasty, with no other shortcomings except the presence of demons and gods.

Thanks to the existence of the Human Society, the human race still has a glimmer of hope. Otherwise, if it were completely controlled by the imperial court, it would basically be doomed.

And in recent days, Wang Linchi discovered that the newly ascended Emperor Heng was indeed outrageous. During this period alone, people and animals were being recruited from all over the country.

Mainly because Emperor Heng approved too many human sacrifices to be given to various demon gods as offerings.

Correspondingly, he is the most stable throne among the recent generations of Heng Emperors. After all, the previous generations of Heng Emperors were committed to overthrowing the demon god belief system. He is the only one who kneels down and acts like a dog. If he is not stable, who is more stable?

The position was secure, but a commotion began below. Wang Linchi had heard of recruiting corvees, but never heard of recruiting humans and animals.

The corvee could still come back alive, but there was no chance that the human animal could survive.

Sooner or later, you will have to rebel. Wang Linchi complained. If there is such a fuss, I don't know if someone will rebel again in the name of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng.

Don't tell me, it's really good...

Wang Linchi felt that if there was a chance, he could help.

Before the change, Wang Linchi really didn't want to revitalize the Dai Temple, but he couldn't help it that the demon gods and others came to provoke him first.

He obviously didn't do anything, but he deliberately targeted his little broken temple. It was a good thing he wasn't the original old temple, otherwise he would really be tortured to death.

Wang Linchi wanted to put things to rest, but if they were so ungrateful, don't blame Wang Linchi for killing them.

Incite rebellion, then mix Daimiao into it, and let this group of rebels once again carry the banner of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng Emperor.

The requirements are not high, just let all the demon gods roll off the altar. Wang Linchi's requirements are not very high. He has never thought about dominating the world or becoming a god. He mainly wants to see the demon gods suffer misfortune. .

The Human Society can also cooperate for a while. Since they want to fight against demons and gods, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

In addition to the Human World Society, there is also...

Wang Linchi thought of many forces again. There were many organizations and forces that openly and covertly resisted the demon god system, but most of them were because the demon god was powerful and the imperial court was in cahoots.

Most of them don't dare to show up and can only hide. As for whether these organized forces are really resisting the demon gods or whether they are trying to make money and seize the land, that is another matter. Anyway, the big flag will be raised first.

As for people who can be so arrogant in the world, they are also in the minority.

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