Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 498 In ancient times in memory, the first generation of Nine Juezi

The memory has finally been extracted. I thought it would take another two or three months. Wang Linchi looked at the memory extracted from Jia Thirty-three in his hand.

The memories since the birth of the other party have been extracted until now.

From the ancient times to the current chaotic era, seven generations have gone through hundreds of thousands of years. It can only be said that the Jing Dynasty is indeed the shortest living dynasty.

The longest one was the first dynasty, which lasted for nearly 200,000 years. Wang Linchi couldn't even imagine that any dynasty could be so outrageous.

Customs, habits... It would take Wang Linchi at least a month to read it from beginning to end.

The main reason is that even if he uses 10,000 times it, it is not easy to read it after condensing it. What's more, Wang Linchi not only just watches, but also extracts the data that is useful to him, takes notes, highlights, etc., which is natural. It is to try to deduce relevant system data.

He took a brief look at it and found that the extraordinary systems of each dynasty were different.

The reasons for the change are naturally the Doomsday Tribulation and the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation.

He also saw the birth of the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation, which was the scene when Jiu Juezi was building it from scratch.

It's a pity that Jia Thirty-three didn't read everything, because most of the time, he was outside running errands for Jiu Juezi to obtain materials for the Jedi Tiantong Formation.

The other members of the Jiujue Sect are also like this. When Type A goes out, Type B will attack.

Therefore, the data on the Jedi Tiantong Formation obtained by Wang Linchi is relatively limited.

The Jiu Juezi from the ancient times, prefixed by the Human Emperor of the Universe, has an unknown strength for the time being, but it can be seen from his memory that the sky and the earth will fall apart with a wave of his hand, and every move he makes carries great power.

Wang Linchi didn't have much envy. In his time, he could have done it.

After all, there was no Age of Ending Law at that time, and the high-energy environment alone allowed Wang Linchi to exert a lot of strength.

He is so strong despite being limited by environmental factors. If there were no restrictions, he wouldn't be able to claim to be the best in the world. He would at least be able to beat 99% of people with one hand.

The extraordinary system in ancient times was indeed rough. If the environment hadn't been good, I wouldn't have been able to pass the exam as a spiritual scholar now. Wang Linchi complained.

Because the energy in the environment has dropped, extraordinary systems are developing towards refinement, and what is needed is the greatest development with the least amount of energy.

Wang Linchi didn't have much objection to this, but he liked this model very much.

Higher utilization not only reduces costs and improves efficiency, but also allows it to adapt to more different types of worlds.

The more precise the operation, the more corresponding skill improvement and external utilization will naturally come with it.

There is a way of picking up rags, and rich people also have ways of picking up rags.

Wang Linchi is different. He is a rich man but also has huge debts, so he is eager to divide his resources into two parts.

This does not mean that Wang Linchi is stingy, but that his investment is really large. Generally speaking, he increases revenue without cutting expenditure.

No matter how much resources are spent on a project to improve himself, he is willing to throw it at it, even if he doesn't even hit his eyes. Even if it fails and the resources are wasted, he is willing.

He is stingy with others, such as plucking a small amount of money to benefit the world. He is not willing to lend a helping hand even though he is watching the starving people everywhere in Kyoto.

It's not impossible to lend a helping hand. The main reason is that Kyoto doesn't produce enough incense faith.

If he had really achieved his profit expectations, let alone asking Taishan to send food, if he couldn't make it in time, Wang Linchi would have no problem raining rice from the sky.

Wang Linchi was originally a villain with a small structure.

The character is there.

But it's still rough, and it still inspired me. Wang Linchi looked at the extraordinary system from ancient times in his memory and began to further optimize it.

As time goes by, various capable people must have been born, making the impossible possible step by step.

After about five thousand years of development, Wang Linchi couldn't understand the extraordinary system in ancient times, because the Human Emperor of the Universe began to reform various extraordinary systems and optimize the shortcomings, making the originally rough extraordinary system become extremely sophisticated.

Watching this scene, Wang Linchi was a little bit confused. What the hell kind of development is this.

This kind of shock is no less than that of a primitive man wearing an animal skin, rubbing out an atomic bomb with his bare hands, and then telling other primitive people that it was easy.

Fortunately, other primitive brains have not yet developed to this point, but there are also outrageous ones. Although they have no way to independently develop them, they still imitate them.

As expected of the first generation Jiu Juezi, this ability is indeed extremely powerful. Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh.

He is small-minded and small-minded, but he is smart and does not think that other people's success depends on luck and that he is just not as lucky as others.

With his luck, it's really hard to say this.

The Human Emperor of the Universe has been alive for 100,000 years, and he has occupied most of the dynasty by himself. If it were not for the catastrophe of the end of the law, he might be able to become the first eternal emperor. Wang Linchi actually wanted to know what the end of the catastrophe of the law was. It jumped out from somewhere, but I haven’t seen this one yet.

After waiting for three days, Wang Linchi finally found the place he wanted to see by further accelerating.

The Nine Jue Divine Palace was created by the Emperor of the Universe. Jia Thirty-three successfully became one of them and received a code name. He began to travel around the world and began to charge the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation.

Speaking of which, the Jiu Juezi of this generation seem to have discovered the Tribulation of the End of Law very early, and started planning and responding to it early. Wang Linchi connected part of the information through Jia Sansan's memory, It's a pity that Jia Thirty-three is really not a high-level person, more like a tool man like a dead soldier.

Therefore, most of the memory is of no use to Wang Linchi, and he has no good solution.

The other Jiu Jue Sect members should still have some memories, but they won't play a key role.

If there really was key information, then it would not have been Jia Sansan who was arrested, but other members of the Jiu Jue Sect.

The Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation has been activated. Wait, is this something wrong? Wang Linchi suddenly noticed something wrong.

The Jedi Tiantong Formation that was activated for the first time was completely different from the ones that were activated later.

It is rooted in the calamity of the end of the law, and to a certain extent, if the Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation is not activated, the calamity of the end of the law will be delayed for a long time. Wang Linchi narrowed his eyes, and he did not understand why.

The Jedi Heaven Tong activated the Doomsday Tribulation and formed a new era. As for the ancient era, it was naturally destroyed by the Jedi Heaven Tong. The decline in the energy environment led to the final demise.

Wang Linchi paused the memory playback and began to think about why.

The Jedi Heavenly Tong Formation has not been modified. It is exactly the same as it is now. The only difference should be that the other party made some manipulations on its hands when it was started.

If the other party stays behind, will it be used to revive spiritual energy...or to locate other worlds?

If there had been no time traveler, Wang Linchi would have thought it was a revival of spiritual energy, but with a time traveler like Bai Changsheng before, there was one more possibility.

We can only find the next generation of Jiu Juezi, and then we will make other plans. Wang Linchi knew that he had information, but it did not mean that he could confirm it.

There's only half a month left before the Holy Emperor's birthday. Just because of something like this, the whole country has stopped fighting. Emperor Jing was sitting on the throne. He was now so thin that he was no longer human. He would naturally lose weight if he was hungry for a long time.

There was no one in the court hall, only corpses lying on the ground. When he saw these corpses, his eyes showed disgust.

Holy Emperor...hum.

He closed his eyes, and all the past events appeared in his mind. From the rich life to the current embarrassment, he didn't know why he ended up like this.

He stood up slowly, but found that he had no strength.

I've been hungry for too long. It seems I can't eat more this time.

Death in this chair will not disgrace my status. Emperor Jing knew that his death was close. The reason why he was able to survive until now was thanks to his broad heart and fat body, which naturally made him better able to withstand hunger. .

In addition, he ate some meat even when he was extremely hungry, so he managed to survive.

If he doesn't chew it now, it's because the corpse has been dead for too long and has completely rotted. He really can't eat it.

Even if he could get it, eating it would be harmful rather than beneficial. Filling his stomach would send him on his way, so he would rather go hungry than die early.

He is afraid. He is afraid that after his death, he will have no face to face his ancestors.

Such a powerful dynasty collapsed in less than ten years in his hands.

He slowly closed his eyes and finally lost his life.

It's a pity that he can't die just because he wants to.

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