Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 497: Qianlong takes over, a strategy to scare the monkeys

Yuan Lin still failed to persuade Zhang Xuan, Zhang Cheng and his son. They insisted on taking action, and even blatantly ignored the Holy Emperor's birthday.

He was vaguely worried about this and said that nothing would happen, but that was all lies.

So on the seventh day after the army set off, bad news came.

This time, because of his rash advance, Zhang Cheng was first surrounded and then shot to death by random arrows.

As a father, Zhang Xuan was in a state of chaos. He wanted to avenge his son despite the obstruction of his subordinates, and the result was self-evident.

He was immediately captured alive by the enemy, and then things started to get out of control. Because with the Jiangbei King in hand, the opponent boldly broke into the Jiangbei Army's territory, eating up a large amount of area, and quickly made this little-known force quickly expanded.

Fortunately, Zhang Xuan couldn't stand the torture in the end and died in the hands of the enemy, which brought the originally expanding power to a halt.

However, this is not a real crisis, because in this great defeat, the commander-in-chief, the king of Jiangbei, and the young commander-in-chief, the prince of Jiangbei, were killed at the same time, leaving the Jiangbei army without a leader. The soldiers under his command were naturally self-reliant, and they were still coveting Yuan Lin. area.

In addition, there are the peeks of other forces. A huge force has split into a large number of small and medium-sized forces. Originally, other forces could not bite them off, but now it is different, they can bite them.

Just because the Holy Emperor's birthday is approaching, no one dares to take action at this juncture.

The main reason is that the defeat of King Jiangbei this time was too strange, giving people a feeling of divine punishment.

Otherwise, with all the advantages, first the crown prince was killed, and then King Jiangbei was captured. More importantly, that small force also believed in the Holy Emperor, and was said to be a Class B believer. Thinking of this, you say no Is there no problem?

Therefore, the whole chaotic world fell into a strange calm, for fear that he would cause problems.

On the other side, Yuan Lin succeeded in taking over, and he had to do it. If he didn't stabilize the situation, his own life would not be saved.

The main reason is that he is too much of an eyesore and can legally inherit the entire Jiangbei Army. Many people want him dead.

His identity is a son-in-law. If he were a son like Zhang Xuan, this might not happen, but unfortunately he is not.

However, with his ability, coupled with Mr. Bao and the troops he surrendered before, he quickly stabilized the entire Jiangbei Army and gradually regained power.

It's just that it's not that easy to get Jiangbei's army back in his hands completely, and recently, he doesn't plan to use swords or soldiers, so he only uses words and words.

Mr. Bao, I still bother you these days. Yuan Lin rubbed his temples. Fortunately, his internal affairs team had no problems. In terms of foreign affairs, Mr. Bao was in charge, so there was basically no problem.

He could also see that Mr. Bao had an extraordinary background, both in terms of vision and ability. His previous downfall was probably due to the troubled times, otherwise he would not have been able to see such a person.

Haha, it's a trivial matter, a trivial matter. Mr. Bao said with a smile. Judging from the handling methods, no matter how difficult the matter is, he can easily solve it in his hands.

He was able to subdue part of the Jiangbei Army so easily, and he had to rely on the other party's help.

This is no small matter, old man, you saved my life. Yuan Lin couldn't help but said with a wry smile. He never thought that such a thing would happen.

I can only say that he is an old unlucky man.

We'll talk about life or death later. Have you ever thought about taking it a step further? Mr. Bao asked.

Yuan Lin could only shake his head. He didn't have any further plans. He was just forced to act before.

I know you just want to take your wife and live in seclusion, but if you leave, what will we do?

Now you have only two choices, either inherit your father-in-law's Jiangbei Army and charge forward, or leave here and implicate all of us. Mr. Bao said calmly.

You can't... Yuan Lin wanted to say that he would surrender to the others and have a destination then, but before he could finish, he was interrupted by Mr. Bao.

No, this is not realistic at all. Mr. Bao's tone became stiff at this moment.

Let me think about it. After all, my abilities are limited, and you should know that. Only then did Yuan Lin understand why Zhang Xuan worked so hard. It was all because he couldn't help himself.

After you become a big power, many things are not yours to decide.

Once you sit in this position, you can do so if you want to.

Unfortunately, Yuan Lin is now forced to sit in this position.

No one believed that he was forced to do so. Everyone believed that his rise to the top was natural, which made him unable to escape even if he wanted to.

Fifteen minutes, I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible.

The north has been in chaos for too long. If the chaos continues, it will probably become another Kyoto. Mr. Bao warned.

What if I really don't want to? Mr. Bao, what are you going to do? Yuan Lin was asking about Mr. Bao, but in fact he was asking the people under him.

Of course they have gone their separate ways. Otherwise, what else can they do? They may find a suitable person and submit a certificate of nomination to join. Mr. Bao said meaningfully.

Surrendering does not mean that you can just pass by, but you must show corresponding sincerity.

Yuan Lin couldn't help but feel his hair standing on end. He naturally knew what the name-dropping certificate was.

What certificate could be more weighty than his son-in-law, the King of Jiangbei, and his wife, the daughter of the King of Jiangbei.

Anyway, it was surrender that you proposed yourself. It is reasonable to use you as a surrender certificate.

As for asking your subordinates to surrender and you go to live in seclusion and enjoy yourself, no matter how obedient your subordinates are, they may not be able to bear this tone.

So in this way, Yuan Lin was really being roasted on the fire.

Then listen to the old man. I plan to succeed the Jiangbei Army and unify the north as soon as possible. After Yuan Lin thought about it, he couldn't stand down this time.

When he became the leader of the Jiangbei Army, he had to lead everyone to eat meat and drink soup, and expand crazily. It would be the best if he could conquer the world.

It doesn't matter if you can't win, just hold on to the stalemate.

Okay, okay, I saw you right, kid. It's just that you can't call yourself the King of Jiangbei right now. And these days, although we can't use weapons, we can prepare for war. As soon as the Holy Emperor's birthday is over, we can defend ourselves against the enemy. The old man was very happy, this kid finally got the idea.

Defending the enemy is another bloody battle. It would be best if it could be solved without bloodshed. Yuan Lin did not place his hopes on the Holy Emperor's gift.

Who knows what divine magic and spiritual patterns could be.

Wouldn't it be bad if it couldn't be used as the key to victory?

Taking the initiative to attack is even more undesirable. He has only a small number of troops under his command, and there is not much territory left. The enemy will definitely besiege him, so taking the initiative to attack is tantamount to seeking death.

Unless he plans to give up his original territory and find a new foothold, he can only defend and then look for opportunities to counterattack.

They are just a bunch of local dogs and chickens. You and I are both second-class believers, and we have the blessing of the Holy Emperor. Mr. Bao said confidently.

It seems that you already have a response plan, so I'm relieved. Yuan Lin knew Mr. Bao's situation and was devout to the Holy Emperor but would not rely on the Holy Emperor for everything.

It kills two birds with one stone, allowing Qianlong to take over, and completely turning the fox's fake tiger's power into the tiger's power.

The matter involving Jiangbei Army's Zhang Xuan, Zhang Cheng and his son was naturally arranged by Wang Linchi. With the help of his own banner, these two people dared to ignore their own plans. They simply put down their bowls and scolded their mother. What happened to Wang Linchi? Can bear it.

Therefore, I chose to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and let everyone in the world know that I am not a fool.

Those public opinions were naturally spread by Wang Linchi. If there was not enough public opinion to suppress them, how could the other rebels stop honestly.

All of them are people who eat people without spitting out their bones. They won't stop until they are frightened.

Next, the protagonist should start to rise, but he is still just shy of reaching Grade A, which is a bit difficult to overcome.

We can only arrange a desperate situation for him, and then use some psychological suggestion. Wang Linchi checked Yuan Lin's level of faith, which was only a little bit short of level A. Unfortunately, he was stuck here and could not make any progress.

I don’t know if it’s because of Qianlong, or if there’s a real bottleneck.

Before my birthday, it should be impossible to succeed. I can only wait until after my birthday.

I'm so interested. If I swallow him later, I should be able to get more nutrients. Wang Linchi naturally can't be nice to someone for no reason.

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