Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 479 The fate of all living beings, hidden dragons in the abyss

What, take back the steam plow truck? How is this possible? It was agreed at the beginning that it would be leased to us free of charge for ten years. Yuan Lin yelled at the clerk.

But the clerk smiled: Have we agreed? Who told you?

Of course it's King Tianqi. Yuan Lin said without hesitation.

Then you go to King Tianqi and tell me what to say. The clerk looked disdainful: Go to whoever has agreed with you. If you are a dead man, you don't believe that he can get up and deliver justice to you. .”

However, after the other party finished speaking, he found that there was silence around him, and everyone was looking at him.

That kind of look frightened him, so he had the courage to yell: What are you looking at? Do you want to rebel?

He naturally knew that he had said something wrong. The former King Tianqi and now the Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren had a very high prestige among the people, but he had said something unscrupulously just now, but there was no way to take it back.

What's more, he is an official, how could he be frightened by a group of common people?

We don't want to rebel, but you are rebelling. An old man came out and scolded the other party.

When the clerk saw this, his legs softened and he knelt down with a snap.

My lord, I am a young man who is short-sighted. You should not disrespect King Qi. The clerk recognized the person at a glance. He was the magistrate of their county.

You're not a good-hearted guy on weekdays. Take off your clothes and get out of here. After the county magistrate cursed, he turned back to the crowd and said, Folks, it's not the county that wants to collect steam machinery, it's the people in Kyoto who The order came.

I know that King Tianqi gave this to everyone, but King Tianqi also died in the hands of the royal family. I really...

At this point, the county magistrate burst into tears, and all the people were also moved.

The quantity and household registration of steam machinery in various places are recorded. I also want to intercept them, but there is no way.

The emperor even ordered that these steam machines are like armor. One steam machine will behead the whole family, and three will be... sigh.

Please hand it over. If we are found missing, we will definitely die when the imperial army comes. The county magistrate became more and more sad as he spoke.

If King Tianqi was here, how could we suffer such an unreasonable disaster! Yuan Lin couldn't help shouting angrily.

Everyone's eyes were also looking at this young man.

When the county magistrate saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head: The King of Tianqi could die because of something unwarranted, let alone us.

I don't believe it. There is no fairness in this world! Yuan Lin knew that he was able to live and live well only because of the various benefits and benefits that King Tianqi brought to them. Otherwise, he would just be a corpse now. .

Here, every household offers the longevity tablet of King Tianqi.

When King Tianqi was alive, there was. The county magistrate said calmly, and then looked at the sky: There is no more now.

Three days ago, the imperial court abolished various benefits that King Tianqi fought for us, and restored donations and taxes. The price of food increased again, but our food price is low again. Everything has returned.

No, it's worse than before, because the court is now more greedy. The county magistrate said helplessly.

This is the northern grassland, and everything was built by Wang Linchi. The county magistrate is not from a noble family, he is just an ordinary person, so there are not too many twists and turns, and it is more practical. Lord.

As for the minor official, it was different. He was sent by the imperial court to supervise.

The reason why I gave in was not because of my status as the county magistrate, but because if I didn't give in anymore, I would really be beaten to death here. Then I would give a random excuse to ensure that no one would pursue it.

Precisely because this place was built by Wang Linchi, after the memory was completely evacuated, the collapse rate was much faster than in areas such as the Central Plains.

I want to go to Kyoto and ask what's going on. Yuan Lin said.

It won't work out. You might die on the way. The county magistrate stopped Yuan Lin's idea.

This idea is indeed very good, but in practice it is not very feasible.

A poor boy from a remote country entered Kyoto and wanted to ask about such a sensitive matter. He was afraid that he would be caught and thrown into a sky jail as soon as he opened his mouth.

I won't be reconciled if I don't go. Anyway, I don't have any concerns. I just regard it as making a contribution to the villagers. Yuan Lin knew that there are some things that must be done by someone.

If that's the case, then why can't this person be him?

When the county magistrate heard this, he couldn't help but darken his eyes: Let's set off tomorrow. I'll go to the county office to collect some money for you.

If possible, take a detour to Dai Temple and offer a stick of incense to King Tianqi.

Our county has received such a great favor from King Tianqi, but in the end we can't do anything. Now that you want to go, just walk a little longer to show your appreciation.

In most places, the title of Wang Linchi is still King Tianqi, rather than Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren. This is how the deity is conferred, but the spread is ignored.

Naturally, Yuan Lin would not refuse. He had always wanted to see King Tianqi, even if it was just the golden statue standing in the temple.

As for the 365 Holy Emperor Temples built by aristocratic families, they were naturally built in the Central Plains where Dajing was located, and could not be built in the four directions, east, west, north, and south.

After Wang Linchi's death, the aristocratic families had naturally been on guard against rebellion by these Hulu and barbarians.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Whether they are Hulu, barbarians or the remnants of other destroyed countries, all of them are actually ready to take action. They have not taken action yet, and they are all waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Normally, this opportunity should be very far away, but no one could have imagined that the royal family would personally send one in order to eat alone.

Even if you eat so much, you won’t be afraid of choking to death on the spot.

One more thing. You are coming from the north. It is not easy to enter the customs. Even if you and I are both Jingren, but we were Hulu before, you will inevitably encounter difficulties. You will have to be patient. The county magistrate said. , and gave another instruction to Yuan Lin.

Yuan Lin nodded: I understand.

During the period of King Tian Qi, there was no problem of discrimination, but that is not necessarily the case now. Who knows what changes have taken place in the Central Plains.

Therefore, if you can endure something, you must endure it instead of resisting.

Go, go back and pack up. The county magistrate said, asking Yuan Lin to go home and pack up. This is a long trip.

What? Take an airship?

There was no problem before, but after the imperial court issued the order to recover steam machinery, airships were also controlled. Unless necessary, ordinary people could not ride on them at all.

Not to mention an ordinary person like Yuan Lin, even the county magistrate, he couldn't even take an airship, let alone other people.

After Yuan Lin responded, he ran home and started packing his things.

There are actually not many things to pack, after all, how many things can one person have.

Wang Linchi was lying in the coffin and suddenly noticed some kind of fluctuation.

What's the movement? He could detect the fluctuation, but he couldn't detect it in detail, and it calmed down in an instant.

This kind of thing makes me feel like the destiny of all living beings.

His magic power can interfere with the fate of all living beings to a certain extent, so he naturally has corresponding monitoring capabilities.

Recently, he has been pushing the royal family to do things on their own, to bring about chaos in the world as soon as possible, to further grow his two priesthoods, and to move himself from the cicada stage to the emerging stage as soon as possible.

Divine power and divinity are the transformation of corpses, the priesthood is the transformation of cicadas, and the final emergence is the complete deification of oneself, becoming a god-like existence.

The reason why I say similar is because this is his ability, not his essence.

It feels like the wind is rising at the end of the day. Could it be that a hidden dragon was born? Wang Linchi compared the data and quickly found a piece of slightly similar data.

This piece of data is the hidden dragon effect, one of the effects of the incarnation of the true dragon on the Holy Lord.

When the dynasty changes? Doesn't it mean that there are still ten years of Guozuo... Oh, just because there are ten years of Guozuo doesn't mean that everything will be fine within ten years. Besides, there are only less than five years left.

It has been more than five years since Wang Linchi got the magic weapon, so if he really wants to change the dynasty, he should be ready almost now.

But Wang Linchi was also confused. How was the other party going to change the dynasty?

At least in front of the combat power of various steam machines, neither spiritual warriors nor shamans have any resistance.

No, there really is something that can resist steam machinery. Wang Linchi quickly thought of himself.

Who else could be the biggest cheat in the world besides him, the Holy Emperor Tianqi Ren? The other party might find him soon.

Changing dynasties, investing in the future founder of the country in advance... Wang Linchi knew with his toes that this was an investment with a very high return rate and very low risk. If he didn't make a big bet, he would be sorry for his luck.

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