Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 478: Subdue the troops of the world and destroy the country

What is your Majesty doing? Li Zheng looked at the decree issued in his hand with an ugly expression.

This time Emperor Jing actually wanted to recycle all steam-related machinery for the exclusive use of the royal family.

This is not simple. I just don't want to continue to share the meat and soup with everyone. I want to eat it all. Zhang Lin sneered, and then said: With this contribution, I am afraid that not only His Majesty, but also the royal family has also intervened. It’s inside, otherwise you and I wouldn’t have any news?”

Wang Linchi was dead after all. Even if he became the Holy Emperor of Tianqiren, he could not see him, so he could not come out to take charge of the overall situation.

After being conferred as a god, it is natural for the dragon to see its head but not its tail. It is not that easy to meet. It requires a ceremony of a certain scale.

However, every ritual related to God costs money like water, so naturally they are unwilling to do so.

The temple blessings in Dai Temple are also not allowed. After all, if you hold the ceremony every day, it will cause the god to lose the corresponding sense of mystery.

These temple priests were either directly transferred from shaman positions, or were retrained to take up their posts.

And compared to wealth, the aristocratic families value the blessings of Holy Emperor Tian Qi Ren more, which can actually increase life span. As long as they are blessed once a year and gain one year of life at a time, then they can live forever, which is comparable to giving to future generations. It is better to keep the gold and silver.

It is better for ourselves to enjoy the gold and silver mountains for future generations to enjoy.

Therefore, after receiving an increase in lifespan, many senior members of the family have undergone ideological changes.

Eating alone is not easy to solve. Li Zheng also felt that it was a tricky situation. If Emperor Jing was the only one, they could go to death, but with the addition of the royal family, it would be very troublesome.

After Wang Linchi's 'death', the interest groups naturally had only a fig leaf on the surface, and everyone on the inside was greedy, causing public resentment to rekindle in various places.

Wave after wave, if no one stops the greed of the family, many people may not be able to afford food.

From yesterday to today, private food prices have risen. Zhang Lin said.

Hey~ something is going to happen. Li Zheng naturally didn't pay attention to the price of food, but he understood what it meant when the price of food increased. Either someone was deliberately manipulating it, or there was a problem.

Since Zhang Lin has spoken, it means that the price of food is not about to rise by a penny.

The national treasury will no longer be able to hold on. Zhang Lin dropped another bombshell.

No, how long has it been since King Qi's funeral today? It must be less than three months at most. How could it be like this? Li Zheng was stunned. How could the national treasury not be enough? He remembered that there was too much money before. Come down.

Your Majesty is good at playing bad cards. Zhang Lin did not say it clearly, but the meaning was obvious, that is, Emperor Jing was good at playing bad cards.

With the foundation Wang Linchi left behind, he could still win by lying still.

So they want to take the steam series into their own hands, so that it can not only become a money-making machine, but also gain powerful force. Li Zheng quickly understood what the royal family wanted to do.

It doesn't matter if Wang Linchi is gone, but the core that can make the world rich is in their hands, even if they don't use it.

Reveal the news and let them know what it means to lose more than you gain. Zhang Lin sneered. This was the reason why he came to Li Zheng.

As the commander of Luan Yiwei, Li Zheng naturally has his own news channels.

If the royal family wants to eat alone, let them not be able to eat it either.

He doesn't have to have gold and silver, but others have to follow him. Zhang Lin believes that Wu Xing Qi Wang will be on his side.

Yes, yes, but there is another very serious problem. Have you considered it? Li Zheng agreed, but then spoke again.

What's the problem? Zhang Lin didn't understand.

If people don't have enough to eat, they will rebel. Li Zheng discovered that Zhang Lin had been aloof for too long, and this time he actually forgot such an important thing.

How could I not be... full? No, this is really going to happen. Zhang Lin also reacted instantly.

The prosperity of the world and the well-being of the people are based on the Strong Country Policy constructed by Wang Linchi, and these steam machines are the key point. Once they are gone, the original welfare benefits will collapse, but it will lead to a decrease in the output of production operations.

A single move affects the whole body.

People who are hungry can do it themselves without anyone provoking them.

It shouldn't happen. There is still time. As long as we resolve this matter before the royal family, we can... Zhang Lin said calmly.

However, he was interrupted by Li Zheng: Why should we stop and solve it?

The trouble was caused by the royal family. The world belongs to the Li family. It is only the common people who suffer. It has nothing to do with you and me.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Lin was also excited. When weighing the pros and cons, he habitually tied Zhang and Dajing together. Now that he was reminded by Li Zheng, he reacted instantly.

This matter seems to have nothing to do with him, so why should he wipe the royal family's butt?

As the saying goes, you will not survive if you do something wrong.

What are your plans? At this moment, Zhang Lin took another look at Li Zheng, the commander of the Luan Yi Guards. He seemed to be hiding very deeply.

Of course, we will wait and see what happens. The person who rules the world may not be his Li family. The person who is the royal family does not need to be named Li. Li Zheng said calmly.

Judging from the situation, Li Zheng was completely disappointed with the royal family and Emperor Jing, otherwise how could he, the commander of the Luan Yi Guard, say such things.

Then I'll listen to Commander Li. Zhang Lin showed a smile. As expected, the people Wang Linchi valued were not ordinary people. It was just that the other party followed Wang Linchi and was covered by the light for too long, making everyone Everyone thought that the commander of Luan Yiwei was ordinary.

I don't dare to take it seriously. It's Zhang Shoufu who saw things through. Li Zheng naturally wouldn't take the credit. He was finally getting rid of the fate that he, the commanding officer of Luan Yiwei, had left him with.

But he was still unwilling to do so. The best way was to destroy Dajing.

As for causing chaos in the world, what does this have to do with him?

It was the royal family and Emperor Jing who sought death themselves, so maybe he still has to bear the responsibility.

Had Emperor Jing not forced Wang Linchi to death, the world would have been peaceful with Hai Qing, He Yan singing and dancing, and how could there be so many messy things.

Let's put this matter aside for now. How is the progress of the Holy Emperor Temples in various places? Li Zheng asked again.

Holy Emperor Temple, this is about everyone’s lifespan next year, so we can’t be careless.

Of course the progress is rapid. By the time of my birthday on March 28 next year, 365 buildings will be completed. Zhang Lin vowed.

If there were 3,650 seats, it wouldn't be that easy, but if there were only 365 seats, that wouldn't be a problem.

It does not mean that just building a temple casually can be called the Holy Emperor Temple. There must be relevant considerations in terms of site selection, scale, etc.

As expected of the Nan Zhang family, this kind of handwriting is not simple. Li Zheng couldn't help but sigh.

We still need help from Qiwang, who is in close agreement with the five surnames, otherwise I, the Nan Zhang family, will be unable to do anything. Zhang Lin deliberately downplayed the existence of the court and the royal family.

There are so many Holy Emperor temples that must be supported by the imperial court.

The empty treasury is also related to this.

If they really built the Holy Emperor Temple into a shameful place, they would not be able to bear the consequences.

The birth rate affects my priesthood of life, and the death rate affects my priesthood of death. It's a bit interesting. Wang Linchi successfully passed the stage of corpse dissolution and reached the cicada stage.

During the cicada stage, Wang Linchi was able to intervene in the life and death of the world to a certain extent through his own priesthood.

Birth and death rates are a derivative of his priesthood.

Life and death are nothing more than this.

As for the further derivation, it was when he left the Corpse Execution Immortal and became the Ghost Immortal Queen.

Increasing the birth rate and death rate can also help me gain a share of incense.

The birth rate is easy to handle, but what about the death rate? After Wang Linchi found that he had obtained another channel, he was thinking about how to maximize the benefits.

Not to mention the birth rate, there is no need to consider this thing at all. Unmarriage and childbirth are heresy, and the court will help you arrange it.

The mortality rate is difficult. Although death occurs all the time, the amount is still small compared with the birth rate.

More importantly, he has to balance the birth rate and death rate.

Otherwise, if there is an imbalance between the two parties, then the income will collapse.

In that case, let's give it a try. Wang Linchi felt that he needed a war or a change of dynasty?

Anyway, as long as someone dies and someone is born.

The royal family's operation is really high blood pressure. I really think that all the good things are your fault. If I don't step on the accelerator for you, I will be sorry for your operation.

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