Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 475 A good teammate will help you become a god, and even if you die, he will resurrect you

What, really dead??? Zhang Lin's voice immediately rose eight times.

The five surnamed Qiwang, Luan Yiwei, Bianjun and other senior officials present were also shocked by Zhang Lin's words.

What's going on? Li Zheng stood up decisively, with a gloomy look on his face.

Your Majesty deceived King Tianqi into entering the palace, and wanted to slander King Tianqi for rebellion. King Tianqi committed suicide to prove his innocence. If it hadn't been for one hour in the morning, King Tianqi would have died with a knife and axe. Zhang After Lin gave a brief summary, he circulated the information to everyone.

Li Zheng was the first to read it and passed it on one by one. Everyone present was silent for a while.

Everyone, what should we do next? Zhang Lin asked.

The problem is big now. If Wang Linchi dies like this, the world will definitely be in chaos.

Mobilize all forces as soon as possible to prevent the Hulu, barbarians, barbarians and others. When they learn that King Tianqi is dead, they will inevitably rebel, and even attack Kyoto. A leader of the border army said decisively.

There are also various forces in the civil society, whether they are ordinary people, merchants or poor families, they are all favored by King Tianqi. Such unjust killings will inevitably cause widespread resentment among the people. Another person from a noble family spoke.

Then haven't you considered ourselves? Who of you can keep the gold and silver mountains that King Tianqi gave us? Li Zheng said quietly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent.

The first two are at best matters of the imperial court, but this matter is directly related to their interests.

Without King Tianqi, can't we... A member of the aristocratic family questioned, but found that everyone was looking at him, and the disdain in their expressions was revealed on the surface. The meaning was obvious. Are you worthy? It's obvious to everyone who King Tianqi is. What a piece of shit you are, and you still want to replace him.

Even Zhang Lin, the head of the Nanzhang clan who was sitting on the main seat and the chief minister of the dynasty, did not dare to say that he could be the leader without King Tian Qi. How could you have the confidence to do so?

There is another way. Zhang Lin said with a gloomy expression: Do you know the demon god in the north?

Of course I know that the demon gods have been wiped out by King Tianqi, and the shamans have been classified as common people, but what does this have to do with us? Li Zheng didn't realize what Zhang Lin wanted to do.

Since King Tianqi is dead, why don't we let King Tianqi live again, a King Tianqi who has become a god! Zhang Lin's words made everyone present quiet down.

Is this method really feasible? Li Zheng also reacted. They have everything the shaman has in hand. They only need to make offerings to the dead Wang Linchi according to the way the shaman makes offerings to the demon gods. Then it is really possible to reshape the dead Wang Linchi. The only drawback of being a Tianqi King is that the process may be too bloody.

This method is feasible, and even the King of Tianqi has praised it and has improved it. It is not as barbaric as the Hulu sacrifice. It only waits for the unification of the world to create a national protector for Dajing. It is a pity that there is no time to promote it. Just...sigh. Zhang Lin said.

Does Zhang Shoufu have an improved divine method? A member of the aristocratic family asked quickly.

I have read it in the palace, but the content is complicated and it is not easy to write down everything. Zhang Lin meant that the things are still in the palace of Tianqi.

Okay, let's follow the advice of Lord Chief Assistant. Since we want to create a national protector god for Dajing, we naturally make King Tianqi our god. Of course Li Zheng agreed.

How could you disagree? Wang Linchi died, and he was the one who suffered the greatest loss. If he could survive, it doesn't matter whether he was the original one, as long as he had the previous memories, behavior patterns and related abilities, everything else would be fine. Don't care at all.

Everyone present thought so.

What's more important is that there is absolutely no resistance to doing this.

But will His Majesty stop it? asked a leader of the border army.

I don't know. Zhang Lin lowered his eyelids, and then said slowly: But he has to do it.

At this time, Zhang Lin was really angry. Someone smashed his gold and silver mountain, which he used to inherit for the benefit of future generations, and the result was just gone.

If Wang Linchi died three to five months later, the situation would not be so passive, and he was sure that he could maintain the entire situation from falling into decay.

However, everything cannot follow his development.

I don't think His Majesty is like a human king. Why don't we abolish him? Zhang Lin felt that this troublemaker could no longer stay on the throne. Everyone was happily eating meat and soup together, and everyone ate it. Your belly is swollen, but it turns out you were lucky. Not only did you kill the chef, but you also overturned their dining table.

It's inappropriate. Li Zheng objected: We should first let King Tianqi rest in peace and further appease people's hearts.

Don't make trouble at this time. Put out the powder keg in front of you first, otherwise they won't be able to bear it if it explodes again.

The death of King Tianqi has already made Dajing, which had just stabilized, become very dangerous. If you try to destroy it, it is simply irritating the nerves. It doesn't matter if it doesn't explode. What will happen if it does?

Forget it, according to the late emperor's decree, King Tianqi should enjoy the imperial system. The Ministry of Rites, do you have a choice? Zhang Lin skipped Emperor Jing and started discussing directly, and also decided on Wang Linchi's funeral specifications, using the highest Standard imperial system.

In this matter, no one objects. It doesn’t matter what size is used for a dead person, because it has no impact anymore. There will be no problem whether it is chasing the seal or selecting the location, or arranging it in the largest direction. .

You can choose Mount Tai as the mausoleum. The Minister of Rites said directly.

Everyone was also shocked, you guys really dare to say that Taishan is the largest mountain in Dajing.

In the future, King Tian Qi can also build a Dai temple on Mount Tai, which can not only support the golden body, but also allow the body to enjoy incense together.

The Minister of Rites intends to do it all in one step, add a deity to the funeral, and provide a one-stop service.

Yes! Zhang Lin didn't care about this matter. Wang Linchi gave so much, and he only wanted a name when he was alive, and he only wanted a name after his death. Of course, he had to reciprocate the favor and help the other party.

Do you have anything else to say? Zhang Lin continued to ask.

Soon, a group of people spoke to each other, and a new charter appeared.

Zhang Lin recorded the content and wrote it into a memorial. He had decided, but since Emperor Jing was also the emperor, he just had to give the last memorial to the other party and let them know about it.

As for disagreement, in the current situation, it was no longer up to him to agree or disagree.

Commander Li, could you please go to Prince Tianqi's Mansion and fetch the Feng Shen Xuanyi Jing from the study. This volume is the book of Shinto compiled by Prince Tianqi. We need this book. Become a god to King Tian Qi. Zhang Lin spoke.

Li Zheng is the most suitable person to handle this matter. Firstly, he is the commander of Luan Yiwei. Secondly, he is also the first person to follow Wang Linchi, so it is unlikely that anything will happen.

Yes, Lord Chief Assistant. Li Zheng naturally could not refuse, so he immediately stood up and left the table, heading towards the Tianqi Palace with his people.

He naturally knew that he had to get it as soon as possible to avoid long nights and nightmares.

This memorial is submitted to Your Majesty. Zhang Lin handed the memorial out and asked people to send it to the palace, and then continued: Everyone, please disperse, it's time to do something.

Emperor Jing looked at the memorial that was rushed to him with a ferocious look on his face.

How dare they! He couldn't help but roared in a low voice.

When he learned that all the dead soldiers and staff were missing, he knew that he had been tricked.

As a result, the other party actually dared to give me such a treasonous memorial.

The specifications, location, etc. of King Tianqi's funeral were decided directly without any discussion with him, without any regard for Emperor Jing.

At this time, Emperor Jing was also very tired.

In the hands of the late emperor and Wang Linchi, the ministers and aristocratic families were like dogs, biting wherever they were told.

Why did everyone become disobedient when he got it? Why didn't he listen to himself even though he was already in power? Instead, he was busy with a dead man.

He was so angry that in the end he could only write the word yes bitterly on the memorial. The word was made of red sand, which was very dazzling in his eyes.

But he had no choice but to agree.

'I regret it...' After Emperor Jing was angry, he was full of regret. No wonder the late emperor just asked him to be honest and obedient before his death.

If there was a chance to come back again, he would definitely delegate power to King Tianqi just like the late emperor. No, not only delegate power, but also check for and fill in the gaps. He would complete everything that the late emperor did not give.

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