Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 474 Unexpected appearance, suicide

In the palace, the atmosphere inside the palace was not filled with the quarrels and quarrels during the morning court, but instead it was a happy one.

Your Majesty may have other motives for doing this. Wang Linchi said abruptly.

As soon as these words came out, the singing and dancing stopped, and the smile on Emperor Jing's face froze.

No one thought that Wang Linchi would ruin the atmosphere at this juncture. It was not the time for everyone to drink and have fun.

I won't feel at ease until you die. Emperor Jing drank the wine in the glass in one gulp and then said viciously.

Why? Everything I did was for Dajing, and I never had any selfish motives. Wang Linchi asked back, he had to do this for a show, and he couldn't expose it now.


Emperor Jing slapped the table and roared viciously: But you are blocking my way. Who wants to be a puppet emperor?

Your Majesty, you have lost your composure.

Today morning, I have returned the government to you. If you had not come to invite me, from today on, I should have stayed at home for three years without stepping out of the mansion. Wang Linchi said calmly.

Emperor Jing was stunned as soon as these words came out. He had no idea that Wang Linchi would say these words.

The late Emperor's kindness to me is as great as a mountain. I should devote myself to it and die.

It's just that Your Majesty seems to have misunderstood that I have selfish motives. May I ask Your Majesty, can I do anything disrespectful to Your Majesty and the court? Wang Linchi asked.

Many images appeared in Emperor Jing's mind. Wang Linchi really respected him. Even if they were disgusting with each other, they still fed him all kinds of delicious food. Is this considered a matter? It's not a big deal at all.

As for disrespecting the imperial court, it is even more bizarre. Since Wang Linchi became regent in the past few years, he has been running around here and there without stopping.

Whatever he wants, Wang Linchi will allow him, except to prevent him from being tainted with power, it can be said that everything is good.

Never... It took a long time for Emperor Jing to hold back these two words.

Have I ever failed to live up to the late emperor's entrustment? Have I ever failed to live up to the important responsibilities of the imperial court? Wang Linchi asked again.

Never... Emperor Jing knew where his problem lay.

He seemed to have been deceived into lameness.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s too late to wake up at this time.

King Tianqi, I can explain this matter. I... At this point, Emperor Jing was a little hesitant to speak.

Your Majesty, I've always heard that spiritual scholars won't end well if they win three yuan in a row. I originally thought this was a lie, but now that I have a second look, it may be true. What Wang Linchi said is, don't expect me to forgive you, since you want to kill me When I started, there was only you and not me.

Unfortunately, Emperor Jing didn't seem to understand what Wang Linchi meant, and instead kept saying it was a misunderstanding.

Emperor Jing now suspected that the staff around him were probably brought in by aristocratic families in order to use his hand to kill Wang Linchi and cut off his arm.

Wang Linchi wears the same pants as the aristocratic family, but Wang Linchi also controls the distribution of benefits.

The aristocratic families naturally want to eat more and occupy more. If Wang Linchi dies, wouldn't it be their share?

‘This line is really unfathomable. I never thought that the noble family would hate King Tian Qi so much and regret it. ’ Emperor Jing felt regretful in his heart.

As for not being from aristocratic family? Who else could it be.

Above the court, if you want to subdivide it, there are only two factions in total, one is his imperial faction, and the other is the aristocratic faction.

Wang Linchi balanced the two factions and formed an interest group.

Your Majesty, it's too late. How can a broken mirror be reunited? Wang Linchi interrupted Emperor Jing's ramblings and thoughts in his mind.

Reunion is very simple for Wang Linchi, but for this world that is neither scientific nor fantasy, it is indeed impossible to reunite.

Emperor Jing couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and asked: How do you want to solve it that day, King Qi? If it is reasonable, I will agree.

At this time, he had to step back and act as a puppet for Wang Linchi. The other party really returned to power, but as a puppet for a noble family, it would not only be him who would act as a puppet, but all future generations might have to act as puppets.

I am quite well informed. Your Majesty wants to kill me for the unwarranted crime of rebellion. Today I will die to prove my innocence. Wang Linchi said, pulling out a gorgeous long sword and putting it against his neck.

I have gone to see the late emperor. I hope that your majesty will take care of you. You can govern the country like a small cook and don't be impatient.

As he was about to take action as he spoke, Emperor Jing quickly stood up and shouted: Stop!!!

In such a hurry, he overturned the desk in front of him, and the things on the desk fell to the floor, making a huge noise.

A lot of things were broken, including wine glasses.

King Tianqi rebelled, join me in killing the rebels!

Emperor Jing had previously made an appointment with the dead man to throw a glass of wine as a sign of honor. This time he threw not only the wine glass, but also the dishes and table, which was equivalent to overturning the table, so he naturally rushed out.

And for the sake of legitimacy, the slogans were naturally shouted loudly.

Even before Emperor Jing could stop him, people rushed in.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Linchi was seen killing himself. When his head fell, blood spurted out from the fracture in his neck, soaking most of the banquet scene.

Emperor Jing was also stunned.

If Wang Linchi had not died, he could have continued to be tough and agree with his point of view, but after Wang Linchi died, the problem became huge.

This was a loyal minister, and a capable loyal minister. Now that he was fine, he was killed by himself, so what should he do next?

After waking up, everyone in Emperor Jing was numb.

The dead soldiers who rushed in also looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Your Majesty, this matter... asked the eunuch on the side.

Today was indeed too shocking. King Tianqi died to prove his innocence before Emperor Jing slandered him as a rebel.

Then, the unlucky one is Emperor Jing himself.

It's unreasonable... It's unreasonable! Emperor Jing started in a low voice, then shouted loudly, and finally strengthened his belief.

There is a possibility that King Tianqi may have rebelled. His body will be collected immediately and the investigation will be jointly conducted by the Censor of the Capital, the Minister of Dali Temple, and the Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

At this time, Emperor Jing knew that Wang Linchi had to bear the blame.

Of course, this was a test of the officials. If the subsequent resistance was particularly fierce, he would be ready to throw the scapegoat away, but if it was not fierce, he would have no choice but to wrong Wang Linchi.

Anyway, he was prominent throughout his life, and it doesn't matter if he is a little stained after his death.

As for being a loyal minister, for Emperor Jing, even if everyone is dead, he should turn the remaining value into his political capital as soon as possible.

This...is. The eunuch on the side also hurriedly agreed.

Go to the imperial study room quickly and capture all the traitors so that they can be tortured to find out who ordered it. Emperor Jing then turned to look at the group of 'death warriors' under his control. He knew that he had been tricked, but now he finally The important thing is to catch the scapegoat. If he really runs away, without the scapegoat, his problems will be bigger.

Yes, Your Majesty. The dead soldiers turned around and left without hesitation.

It all dissipated in the deserted corner, leaving only some traces.

As for Emperor Jing's original staff, they have long since disappeared, so how could they still be there?

If you succeed and retire, why should you be the scapegoat for Emperor Jing?

Emperor Jing naturally did not know these things. Under pressure, he began to deal with various matters in an orderly manner.

Fortunately, Wang Linchi was 'dead', and his control was further enhanced.

‘What we have to face next is the counterattack from the aristocratic families and the people. Damn it, how are we going to solve this? ’

‘Do nothing, or send out sinners? ’

‘No, you can’t issue an edict if you’re guilty, I can’t make a mistake, so I can only make this unfounded reality a reality! ’

Emperor Jing looked at the bloody appearance of the ground fiercely. He knew that he could only go to the dark side in one way this time.

Wang Linchi can never be overturned, and the other party must rebel.

Maybe having it is not enough, you have to be really talented.

‘Then the first step is to silence him to prevent this matter from spreading. ’ Emperor Jing looked at the singers, eunuchs, maids and others present.

No, your Majesty will silence you! I don't know which singer or maid shouted. In an instant, chaos spread, and a large number of people fled from the banquet, which made Emperor Jing feel suffocated.

He just thought about it, why did someone react?

‘I’m going to suffer! ’ These two words appeared in Emperor Jing’s mind, and then he yelled: “Stop everyone!!!”

But no one listened to him at all, and they all ran out.

At this time, Emperor Jing understood that silence was no longer possible and he had to find another way to deal with the aftermath.

Now he is encountering the most dangerous moment in his career as emperor, and he will be shattered to pieces if he is not careful.

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