Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 470 Twelve Golden Orders are in preparation

Your Majesty, it has been more than three months since King Tianqi led his troops on the expedition. Now the world only knows King Tianqi, but not you, Your Majesty. Emperor Jing's 'confidant' staff said beside him.

Emperor Jing's face became increasingly gloomy as he looked at the mountains of good news.

So what? King Tianqi is a loyal minister that everyone in the world knows. When Emperor Jing mentioned the loyal minister, he gritted his teeth. People in the world were blind and dared to call a treacherous minister who controlled the government a loyal minister. , worthy of being both a traitor and a loyal person.

Since King Tianqi has the same name and is known to everyone as a loyal minister, how about your Majesty recalling him? The 'confidant' staff around him gave him a bad idea.

Emperor Jing also hesitated when he heard this.

King Tian Qi conquered the south and the north, wiped out all the other countries, and allowed Dajing's territory to expand crazily. Now that he is recalled, the whole country may not oppose it.

Inappropriate. Emperor Jing refused without hesitation. If he dared to do this, he might have to replace him the next day.

It's because of his lack of ability, not his IQ. How could he actually do something that would destroy the Great Wall at first glance?

Why is it inappropriate? If King Tianqi comes back with his troops, he can seize power and take charge. If he doesn't come back, His Majesty can intervene in the affairs of the court and regain his power bit by bit, instead of having no way to start now. The staff added. .

However, Emperor Jing was very determined and shook his head: Although this is possible, it can easily be self-defeating. If you are not careful, you will lose everything.

Wang Linchi would not kill him, but would make his life worse than death.

He has seen Wang Linchi's methods. Although he hates Wang Linchi, if he really has other means, he is not willing to kill Wang Linchi. After all, Wang Linchi has been respectful to him from the beginning to the end. Any transgression, even the various powers conferred by the late emperor, were rarely used except when necessary.

Furthermore, Wang Linchi can be said to be the leader of the Tianqi Party and is not so easy to overthrow.

On this day, not only the whole party gathered in the court, but also countless people among the people. Naturally, he did not dare.

Then let's test it slowly and issue a golden order first as a test. If King Tianqi refuses to return to the court, your Majesty can intervene and issue another eleven orders as a paralysis. If this is successful, Your Majesty will have great power.

Resisting one order can be used as an excuse for King Tianqi that the general is not accepting the orders of the foreign king, but resisting twelve orders can be said to be treason and killing him for an unfounded crime.

If he is ordered to do so, he can be ordered to return to power and become a common people. Wouldn't it be nice? the staff member said as if I was doing it for your own good.

This really made Emperor Jing feel a little moved, and then he said: But, I also want to unify all the countries.

Not only did he want to attack Wang Linchi, but he also wanted to let Wang Linchi finish the job, and then he would directly receive all the fruits of victory.

This is easy. You can issue the order when King Tianqi is about to win. Then King Tianqi will definitely disobey! the staff said with confidence.

Okay, but who will do it? Emperor Jing asked a very strict question, that is, no one will execute it, and everyone from top to bottom is Wang Linchi's people.

He issued twelve golden orders, seized power and killed people. With his will, he might not even be able to get out of the palace.

No matter how good the plan is, it is useless if it cannot be executed.

Let your own staff implement it? This is simply impossible, because these staff are all shady people and do not have any official status.

There is nothing he can do if he wants to appoint officials. Appointing officials requires going through procedures. If the Ministry of Personnel is stuck for you and you just drag it slowly, there is nothing you can do.

The 'confidant' staff member was silent for a moment, and then said: You can use the dead soldiers as imperial guards and send them gold orders!

After thinking about it for a while, Emperor Jing felt that this was indeed feasible, and then nodded: It's up to you to operate it.

If it were just the Forbidden Army, it would really not be that difficult. The only drawback was that leaving Kyoto without permission might be a bit troublesome, but for Emperor Jing, it really wasn't a problem.

Therefore, the difficulty is to only make the dead soldiers become forbidden soldiers.

Yes, Your Majesty. The staff agreed without hesitation, and then continued: If all the dead soldiers are transferred into the Forbidden Army, and based on this, with Your Majesty's help, we will be able to do it in the shortest time. Within a certain period of time, we will control the imperial army, and when the civil and military forces are in hand, why should we be afraid of King Tian Qi.

Upon hearing this, Emperor Jing felt that it made sense.

It would be best if the dead man could have a clear identity. Whether he was doing business or running errands, he would have an aboveboard identity and reason.

It's okay for one person, but with so many dead soldiers, I'm afraid it won't be easy. Emperor Jing also thought of the shortcomings.

If a few people were crammed in, and he had to cooperate inside and outside, there wouldn't be much problem. But if hundreds of dead soldiers were crammed into the Forbidden Army, it would be very conspicuous.

You can do it in small amounts and multiple times. The staff proposed a solution, and then continued to persuade: The departure of King Tianqi is a God-given opportunity. If you miss it, your Majesty will only be a puppet in the hands of King Tianqi in the future.

There are indeed risks in this matter, but if you want to achieve something big, you can't look forward and backward.

After all this tossing, Emperor Jing was a little confused after being brainwashed. He just felt that what the other party said was very reasonable and nodded in agreement somewhat confusedly.

It makes sense. King Tianqi once said that it is not advisable to do great things while cherishing one's own life! Emperor Jing quickly figured it out. If the other party dared to do this, he was daring to take a gamble.

The other party can win the bet, why can't I win the bet?

As long as you stand up and become the master, no matter how great the risk is, it's worth it.

In that case, let's act according to the plan. As for this first golden order... Emperor Jing asked when it would be issued.

It can be sent out in three days. The airship is here, so it is not advisable to send it out too early. The staff still gave corresponding time. As Wang Linchi's memory, he naturally had information about Wang Linchi.

And you can't really rely on deception, you have to show your real skills, otherwise the whole process is just bragging and low-level operation, Emperor Jing can tell at a glance that there is something wrong with you.

It was precisely because of his usual display of true abilities that Emperor Jing gained a corresponding 'respite' from Wang Linchi's 'oppression', so he listened to his staff.

Otherwise, with your weird operation, another Emperor Jing would have to kill you first and use you to sacrifice the flag.

There are many people who have brains, but it is really rare to have no brains.

Well, let's go. Emperor Jing was satisfied and asked his staff to do the work.

He naturally values ​​​​and trusts his staff very much. Everyone is loyal to him and has extraordinary abilities. If he were not rejected by the court and depressed, his achievements would definitely not be inferior to that of King Tian Qi.

The staff bowed and resigned, and soon left the palace.

Hahaha~ Great things can be expected! Emperor Jing laughed heartily. He had not been so happy for a long time. As long as he succeeded, he would be able to show off his talents.

As for yourself? That didn't matter. With Wang Linchi as a gem in front of him, he was left with a complete and powerful Dajing. He could just copy Wang Linchi's decrees. There was no need to go to all that trouble.

What's so difficult about governing the world? It's just a matter of giving orders all at once.

The power is in his hands. Zhang Lin and other aristocratic families can rely on Wang Linchi. After he takes back the power, he will naturally be able to rely on himself. If anything happens then, just follow Wang Linchi's method and tell Zhang Lin and others to do it.

What? Wouldn't life be the same as it is now?

How can they be the same? One is able to do whatever he wants, and the other is a canary raised in a cage. His life is in the hands of others, so naturally he feels uncomfortable.

I hope everything goes well. Emperor Jing quickly suppressed his smile. Before success, he would naturally not overdo it and would need to continue to be patient.

A smile appeared on Wang Linchi's lips, and he was in a very good mood.

Your Majesty, what happy things have you thought of? Li Zheng noticed Wang Linchi's smile.

Of course I'm happy. If I succeed this time, it will be the beginning of the Great Jing Dynasty. If I die, I will not be ashamed of the late emperor's promotion of me. Naturally, Wang Linchi couldn't say that because his script has been carried out smoothly, the stage It is also being built, just waiting for him to go back and make a name for himself, and then perform the autopsy.

Li Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't expect Wang Linchi to say this. If he thought about it carefully, except for evading Emperor Jing, everything Wang Linchi did seemed to be for the country and the people.

When the king defeated the barbarians and destroyed the bandits, he already deserved his kindness to the late emperor. Li Zheng said.

Report to the king on the golden stage, support the jade dragon and die for the king. Wang Linchi responded.

Good words! Li Zheng praised without hesitation. If Wang Linchi said a few words casually, even if the writing was poor, he would praise it against his will.

It's indeed a good poem, but it's a pity that it's been too long and I can't remember the whole poem clearly. Wang Linchi sighed. The events in his past life have become farther and farther away from him, and many memories have become a bit mottled.

Li Zheng was also stagnant, the co-author was not written by you...

The past is like smoke, so why should the king dwell on the past? Li Zheng advised.

Wang Linchi shook his head and did not answer. He pulled the horse's reins, clamped its belly, and prepared to enter the city to accept the surrender of this small country.

The other party is not a time traveler, so naturally he cannot understand himself.

And he is not an ordinary time traveler, but a precarious time traveler. He doesn't know when this world may perish, causing him to continue wandering to the next world.

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