Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 469 A mountain of gold and silver, a mountain of aristocratic families

The entire huge state machine, coupled with Wang Linchi's large amount of memory, worked intensively to fully defend the entire Dajing, so as to prevent the spiritual warriors from having problems.

If the spiritual warriors really dare to riot, they will be strangled immediately. Wang Linchi really does not need the spiritual warriors.

After the problems in the imperial examination were announced, riots did occur, but they were quickly suppressed.

Basically, 99% of spiritual warriors are from aristocratic families, and their number is pitifully small compared to ordinary people. Under internal and external suppression, spiritual warriors have no place to vent their complaints.

The imperial examination system disappeared for unknown reasons. If you have clues, the court will not be stingy with rewards. But if you want to vent or disrupt order, don't blame the court for killing you.

The person in power now is Wang Linchi, not Emperor Jing. He doesn't care about balance and power. He only uses gold and silver to smash people with great power.

Either kneel down and get rich together, or be killed. There is no third way and no compromise.

The issue of spiritual scholars and imperial examinations also lasted for nearly three months, and then it gradually calmed down. Those who should accept their fate have already accepted their fate, but what can happen to those who don't.

Even Wang Linchi couldn't solve this problem, so why should they be able to solve it.

Of course, many people have the idea of ​​being a shaman. Anyway, they all have power, no matter what they use it for.

But this group of people also encountered difficulties, mainly because these demon gods were too bloody and cruel, sacrificing human lives at every turn, and more importantly, they were beaten to death by Wang Linchi. If they wanted to be dogs for the demon gods, they had to do it under Wang Linchi's control. Resurrecting a demon god right under your nose is not worth the gain.

Since your life is in danger and you have to bring your own dry food, naturally there is no further explanation.

As for becoming a demon god, no one seems to have realized that it is possible. After all, there is inertia in thinking. Firstly, demon gods are animals, and secondly, there is no corresponding way, so it is easy to fail after trying.

Become a god after death? He himself is dead, why should he help others?

After the incident involving the spiritual warriors passed, one of the spiritual warriors in Dajing was naturally dead. Wang Linchi did not say anything about this.

Anyway, for him, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

In the matter of the imperial examination, Wang Linchi never acted openly from the beginning to the end. He was all controlling it secretly. This kind of thing is like a piece of shit. As long as it gets stained, it will definitely form stains.

During this period, Wang Linchi was also studying demons, and soon incorporated them into his own system, becoming the brain of the game character.

He didn't fuse it directly, but through a series of experiments, he dismantled the demon, and further synthesized it through a spiritual master to create a brand new demon. The demon born from him was then built into the brain.

Whether it is raw materials or manufacturing processes, he uses himself instead of this old devil.

After it was used up, the demon had no value and was quickly destroyed by Wang Linchi.

Wang Linchi will indeed save some precious materials, and the devil will indeed cherish them. However, the devil is alive, and may recover, and can even parasitize people.

Even if such a dangerous thing cannot adapt to the environment and can easily die, it is still very dangerous.

Of course, if he can solve it, he will solve it directly.

The processing method is also relatively simple, just kill it yourself with a mental ape.

He was supposed to be dead originally. If Wang Linchi hadn't saved him, he wouldn't have survived until now and was solved by him.

Everything is on track. All I need to do next is destroy the surrounding countries and use the rest to further my reputation.

Wang Linchi looked at the report in his hand and saw that the matter of the spiritual warriors had completely calmed down. Even if there was any trouble in the future, it would only be a minor matter.

So Wang Linchi is going to take the next step, which is to expand his territory.

The king's idea is very good, but is it so easy? Zhang Lin walked in.

The other party held a lot of memorials in his hands and placed them on Wang Linchi's table.

What's so difficult? Wang Linchi asked back.

I don't know how the king will arrange the shamans. If they believe in demon gods again, then I, Dajing... Before Zhang Lin could finish his words, Wang Linchi threw a pastry and blocked his mouth.

Just kill him. Haven't we been banning faith? Wang Linchi didn't know what he wanted to ask this guy.

Zhang Lin suspected that the disappearance of the imperial examination system had something to do with Wang Linchi.

However, this matter indeed had nothing to do with Wang Linchi. After all, when he arrived, the imperial examination system had already been destroyed by the catastrophe of the end of the law.

Tell me, do you really know nothing about the imperial examination? Zhang Lin swallowed the cake and asked in a deep voice.

I don't know, why do you think this matter has something to do with me? Wang Linchi complained. He had no reason to destroy the imperial examination system computer.

What's the reason for that? Zhang Lin asked again. In terms of strength, Wang Linchi was the number one spiritual warrior. How could he not know that?

When Wang Linchi heard this, he also sighed: That's okay, I'll just tell you.

While talking, Wang Linchi took out a cup and poured a full glass of water into it.

This made Zhang Lin a little puzzled.

This cup is our heaven and earth, and the water is the spiritual being. Can you understand? Wang Linchi asked.

You said, this is called a metaphor. Zhang Lin still didn't quite understand.

Very good, this is us and the world a few months ago. As Wang Linchi spoke, he stretched out his hand, and the cup was immediately broken by him, and the upper half was taken off. The tea flowed down in an instant, leaving only Glass half full: This is now.

After the words fell, Zhang Lin's pupils shrank.

Of course he understood what Wang Linchi meant.

Is it not allowed by heaven and earth?! Zhang Lin understood instantly.

That's right, so it was wiped out in one day. Wang Linchi said, looked into the distance, and continued: Now I am no longer the first spiritual person to win three yuan in a row, because heaven and earth have cut off the path between spiritual people like us. Because of the Tao, I have fallen into the same realm as you.

Not long after this happens, you should be able to feel that what the world wants is to be cut off, not cut in half.

For a moment, Zhang Lin was speechless.

Why is this, why is this... He murmured to himself, and then he suddenly woke up: What about the shamans, they...

I don't know what their situation is. After all, I am a spiritual warrior, not a shaman, or a spiritual warrior who was cut in half by heaven and earth. Wang Linchi further deceived them.

If there are no more spiritual men in the world from now on, then how should our family deal with themselves? Zhang Lin was also a little confused. Good guy, this is a direct blow to their roots.

Do you still need to think about this? Wang Linchi couldn't help but joked, and then said: I have built a mountain of gold and silver for you. I don't ask you to make these two mountains bigger. I just need to keep them. One of the best families in the world.

As soon as these words came out, the confusion on Zhang Lin's face receded, and a light appeared in his eyes: What the king said is reasonable. It is indeed my fault. With gold and silver in hand, there is no need to worry about the family being cut off.

Keep this matter secret and don't let anyone know about it, otherwise the world will be in chaos. Wang Linchi said.

Don't worry, I know it well. Zhang Lin naturally couldn't tell it. He knew this secret, which meant that he had the opportunity to take the first step. If he told it, he would destroy his advantage. Why would he do this? Something that harms others but does not benefit oneself.

As for preventing the world from severing the spiritual warriors, Zhang Lin has no idea at all. Wang Linchi can't even do it, let alone him. What if a lightning strikes down and he is directly punished to death by doing something that goes against the will of heaven? If you do it, your reputation will be gone in that lifetime.

Although Zhang Lin is not as extreme as Wang Linchi's desire for fame, he does not really care about his own reputation.

Your Majesty knows, when will the world's spiritual warriors be able to notice something strange about themselves? Zhang Lin wanted to know how long this advantage would last.

I don't know either. Wang Linchi didn't do any research, so how could he know these things.

In this case, there is no way to prepare in advance. Zhang Lin said helplessly. The preparation in advance was of course a lie. It was just to deal with Wang Linchi and make him look good. Otherwise, he would have said that he wanted to make profits from it and take advantage of it. It's just too ugly.

Why prepare? No one will die. It's just you and me joining the common people. Wang Linchi joked, and then said: Get ready, we are going to start a foreign war. This is a big business.

Fighting a war is nothing more than logistics, so he needs help from aristocratic families, and then he needs enough benefits as bait to make the aristocratic families jump into the pit themselves.

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