Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 460 Usurper Package (Enhanced Version)

After Wang Linchi received the order, he and Zhang Lin rushed back to Kyoto overnight.

Naturally, he knew that he was preparing to take care of the orphan or abide by the funeral arrangements.

Early the next morning, he entered the palace.

Emperor Jing was already furious. He had not seen the crown prince, who was already preparing to ascend the throne. As soon as Emperor Jing died, he would be able to take the throne. The main thing was a seamless connection.

After finishing Tuogu's words, Emperor Jing passed away quickly, and the other party had been relying on one breath to hold on.

On the other side, Wang Linchi has already obtained the jade seal.

This thing was so unusual that Wang Linchi threw it into the storage space without even taking a closer look.

Then he hurried to attend the coronation ceremony of the new emperor.

As for Emperor Jing, the late emperor, he needed to rest for a period of time and build a mausoleum.

There was also a problem with the enthronement ceremony, mainly because the jade seal was lost, which made the new emperor look ugly after changing into his dragon robe. This was a huge blow to the beginning of his emperor's career.

Losing the jade seal when he ascended the throne is the same as pointing at him and scolding him for not being qualified to be emperor.

In the end, Zhang Lin, the chief minister, stood up and relieved the embarrassment for the new emperor, and the ceremony went smoothly.

But at the last step, I got stuck again.

Fortunately, this time it was not something that was lost, but a eunuch who began to read out the late emperor's edict.

In accordance with the fate of heaven... I ordered Wang Linchi, a great scholar, to be regent, bestow the throne, grant the title of Tianqi, pretend to be a yellow ax, and supervise all the Chinese and foreign military forces. He built the emperor's banner, added nine tins, crowned with twelve feathers, rode a golden chariot with six horses, and entered the court. Follow, praise and worship without name, go to the palace with swords and shoes...

After Wang Linchi heard this, his expression was like Holy shit, what kind of usurpation package is this? It's an enhanced version.

After this, is he the emperor or is the one above him the emperor?

He could understand giving the throne, but all the benefits and benefits after adding the word Feng Tianqi at the back, all changed.

Tianqi and Tianqi are naturally equal to Tianqi, which means that he and Emperor Jing are on an equal footing.

Everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Wang Linchi, including the new emperor, whose expression was unsightly. Under such circumstances, Wang Linchi was justified in sitting in his position.

Is this for him to be crowned or for Wang Linchi to be crowned?

The decree is completed, and the new emperor ascends the throne. After the eunuch finished speaking, he rolled up the edict in his hand, and then left the stage with a small step.

The entire meeting was silent.

There is nothing wrong with the new emperor ascending the throne, the question is who the new emperor is...

Wang Linchi didn't move. Anyway, he got the stuff, no matter what his situation was.

As for other people's opinions, what does it have to do with him.

Fortunately, the new emperor took the throne anyway and the ceremony ended quickly.

It's just that the process is not very pleasant.

I didn't expect the late emperor to trust the king so much. Zhang Lin looked complicated. In the morning, everyone was still on the same level, but if he wasn't careful, the other party would become the king of heaven. Now he has to address himself as the king.

More importantly, Wang Linchi's regency meant that the power of the new Emperor Jing was directly eliminated.

I have received the emperor's favor, and I will do my best to die. Wang Linchi was actually very embarrassed. He originally planned to harm the other party, but ended up doing such a trick to himself, which made him unable to do it.

People are kind to him, but he is really too embarrassed to mess around.

Nowadays, we can only take one step at a time and see one step at a time. The most important thing is our own reputation.

He wants to become a positive regent like Huo Guangyi, Yin Zhuge Liang, etc., instead of Wang Mang and Cao Cao. This involves his subsequent canonization of the gods.

‘This hit really caught me off guard. ’ Wang Linchi was cursing in his heart.

It stands to reason that even if he wanted the title of King Tianqi, he would have to get it after his death instead of getting it this way.

‘My workload suddenly increased tenfold, and I lost money this time. ’

Wang Linchi was a little helpless. A living person who was granted the title of King Qi and a dead person who was granted the title of King Qi were completely different concepts.

There is a difference in reputation.

The former may become a powerful minister, while the latter is a good reputation.

Your Majesty may have a grudge against the king this time. Zhang Lin reminded.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see it without Zhang Lin's reminder.

It doesn't matter. Wang Linchi didn't mind at all. He wished he had a bigger grudge. After all, he had to use Yue Wumu's script when settling the bill.

How else would it end perfectly?

Zhongliang who is framed spreads far more widely than Zhongliang who dies a good death.

Forget it, Your Majesty, you just have your own plans. I don't know whether you should prepare to do things in the middle of the court or go back to the south? Zhang Lin asked.

Once this incident came out, it naturally caused the original plan to deviate.

Since the late emperor asked me to serve as regent, I cannot live up to the late emperor's good intentions. I plan to formulate a new national policy, a Strengthening the Nation Policy on top of the Nurture the Nation Policy.

And within three years, we will wipe out all the countries and complete the great integration plan. Wang Linchi said calmly.

However, Zhang Lin was not calm at all.

This is true. Zhang Lin's eyes widened.

What name is greater than this? Wang Linchi replied.

At this moment, Zhang Lin couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart. He didn't care about Wang Linchi's name, but the benefits brought by Wang Linchi's decision were absolutely unimaginable.

And it also needs to open up to the outside world.

I am willing to work hard for the king. Zhang Lin said that his family has all invested their wealth on you, just for a reward.

This matter is not urgent. You have to return to the south first. The north and south roads are important foundations. If it is completed, the subsequent layout of Dajing will not be a problem. Wang Linchi said.

Yes, Your Majesty. Zhang Lin suppressed his joy and left quickly.

As for the new emperor? Who cares, be honest and be a puppet, dare to cause trouble, and then they will dare to abolish the establishment.

The saying that we share the world with aristocratic families has never been a lie.

After Zhang Lin left, Wang Linchi received some more people, and he became more and more irritable about this.

‘Let’s make peace with it now. Although the workload has increased and the difficulty has also increased, it is not without some benefits. It can directly strengthen my plan. ’

‘Personality, packaging, publicity, and public opinion all have to keep up. ’

‘Thanks to my strong mental strength and literary spirit, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to maintain so many memories. ’

Wang Linchi will need a lot of memory to help him further stabilize himself.

There is also the need for sufficient resources to solve the distribution problem.

Fortunately, Dajing's productivity was low and many resources could not be utilized. As long as Wang Linchi utilized them, he would not have to worry about allocation problems in the short term.

After that, that's another matter. Wang Linchi doesn't care anyway.

‘After a short period of feeding, due to the collapse of the entire system, the original high productivity will collapse, and eventually a social fault will be formed. ’

‘The summary is that it is difficult to move from luxury to frugality. ’

The entire system built by Wang Linchi was supported by his memory, and the craftsmen in Dajing knew it but didn't know why. As long as he withdraws, there will be no way to recreate it, and it will be obvious what will happen.

In the future, a young man opened his eyes with joy in his expression.

Jing Shizong, Emperor Xuanwen, is indeed a heroic spirit of unparalleled quality. The young man looked at the summoned Emperor Jing and checked his origins. It was indeed because of the glory of Dongyue Tianqi Dasheng Rensheng that he was able to achieve unparalleled qualities. quality.

Unfortunately, it's not a combat type, but an amplification and exploration type, but that's right, it was originally meant to be a big deal.

Then he checked the circumstances of other Emperor Xuanwen's deaths.

At the end, his expression became ferocious.

No, how come this has not only not changed, but also made it worse for me.

When they saw King Tianqi die for an unfounded crime, everyone else was numb.

Then, after the death of King Tianqi, Guo Zuo, who originally had about a hundred years left, was shortened to only ten years.

Without King Tianqi in charge, the barbarians in the north rebelled, and with the banner of revenge for King Tianqi on the side of the Qing Dynasty, the rebel army quickly swept across the north and south of the Yangtze River.

Mainly because Emperor Jingpingzong Liyuan was not only a foodie but also fond of fun. He thought that by killing King Tianqi, he would be able to control the court wisely and powerfully.

Facts have proved that when King Tianqi returned to power before his death, the other party not only failed to grasp all the inheritance left behind, but also made a mess.

According to the testimony of heroic spirits from the same period, this is indeed the case. If the other party does not mess around, even if he does not move, he only needs to sit on the throne honestly, Dajing can still have at least three hundred years of reign.

Idiot, so stupid!!!

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