Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 459 North and South merge, Emperor Jing wants to take care of himself

The news that Wang Linchi was heading to the south for development spread quickly, and no one from the various aristocratic families stopped him. They all welcomed him.

Not for anything else, just because Wang Linchi can bring them benefits and benefits.

Naturally, everyone is eager for Wang Linchi to come over.

The large-scale development of the north has made their mouths full of food, not to mention that Wang Linchi actually wants to develop another cornucopia.

This naturally makes the aristocratic families flock to it.

As for picking peaches and wanting to replace them? There are many people who have this kind of idea, but having an idea does not mean they can implement it. Except for Wang Linchi, other big families don't recognize it.

You think it's okay if you go for it, but interest groups don't think so.

After Wang Linchi arrived in the south, he quickly started a series of layouts. This time the layout was no longer as difficult as in the north. After all, there was nothing in the north at the time.

This time I had everything, and they were extra cooperative.

But there is also a drawback, that is, everyone is very greedy. Doesn't greedy Wang Linchi think that these people are afraid of being pushed to death?

Then... Wang Linchi dragged him directly back to the north. There was no movement for several days, and even the original items were withdrawn.

This makes people who are originally greedy panic.

Now that Wang Linchi is here, this is the cornucopia. If Wang Linchi gives up, then this place can only be a barren land.

Coupled with the pressure from the aristocratic family, he soon gave in.

In this regard, Wang Linchi has never been used to them. Do you really think anyone can control him?

What Emperor Jing gave was not a death order, but a long-term mission.

It developed within a month. Even if Wang Linchi didn't take action, Emperor Jing couldn't do anything to him.

Moreover, this order is also a secret order, and no one knows the time limit.

After some beatings, the greedy people became more honest, and Wang Linchi began further development and development.

It's incredible. In less than half a month, there has been such a big change. Zhang Lin walked in and couldn't help but sigh.

He had just arrived by airship from the north. The north was now completely stable. He had been worried that monsters would jump out and cause trouble as soon as Wang Linchi left. Unexpectedly, the team that Wang Linchi left behind was very stable.

But even so, he only left after sitting there for half a month.

Now he rushed to the south in a hurry, naturally to help Wang Linchi.

There are public and private.

He was the one who made the original proposal, so Emperor Jing asked him to come. In addition to this development, the Zhang family in the south is the second beneficiary. If the Kong family in the north had not committed suicide, then this would be the second beneficiary of the development in the north. People will not be occupied by the five surnames and seven hopes.

The first beneficiary is naturally the imperial court. If you dare to compete with the imperial court for a big share, do you really think that the soldiers of the imperial court can't carry a sword?

You're here. I need your help. Wang Linchi was not polite at all.

He hasn't done much during this period. He has been analyzing the Wolf God. As for the development of the south? It's not difficult at all. With my strong luck, as long as I deal with the trouble, the rest can be solved easily.

The trouble happened to be blocked by the aristocratic families, so he only had to copy down certain policies according to the script and publish them, and the rest would be completed by himself.

In such a hurry? I didn't even take a sip of water. Zhang Lin hadn't even sat down yet, let alone drinking water.

Okay, you can talk to me while you drink. Wang Linchi said, poured a cup of tea for Zhang Lin, handed it to him, and started arranging tasks for him.

After talking for nearly half an hour, the task was completed.

So many. It seems that you have been very busy recently. Zhang Lin wrote them all down.

Wang Linchi also wrote him a handwritten letter and stamped it with his seal. Otherwise, Zhang Lin would not be able to mobilize the people under Wang Linchi's command.

Well, I am indeed busy. Wang Linchi smiled euphemistically. In fact, he was not busy, and he passed all the work to Zhang Lin, otherwise he would be able to say so much.

There's no need to worry about him being sidelined. Most of the people working under him are memories. Even if they want to bribe him, they can't bribe him away.

There is also a very serious problem, that is, once something goes wrong with Wang Linchi's memory team, both the northern and southern special zones will collapse instantly.

Okay, then I'll get to work first. Zhang Lin said, getting up and preparing to leave.

No hurry, let me ask again, how is your majesty? Wang Linchi asked.

When Zhang Lin came from the north to the south, he returned to Kyoto to report on his work, and he must have met Emperor Jing.

My health is not optimistic. Now that the prince is supervising the country, fortunately he does not dare to move, but he is a little restless. He seems to have the idea of ​​​​remaking the world. Zhang Lin hesitated and did not hide it.

Wang Linchi and them are now the leaders of the interest groups. If Wang Linchi raises his hand, he will become the largest faction in the court.

Therefore, everything about the prince is under their surveillance. In the eyes of everyone, the prince is just a puppet. If he is calm, everyone can still give him enough face. If he is not calm, if he really offends Wang Linchi, It's not impossible to change someone.

With Wang Linchi's current reputation and power, there would be no problem if he wanted to do it.

The premise is that interest groups must be offended, otherwise Wang Linchi will easily get into trouble if he insists.

This is a good thing. The new king has his own opinion, which is a blessing for me. However, I and other senior ministers have to grasp the direction for the new king.

After all, a century-old dynasty and a thousand-year-old family. Wang Linchi said slowly.

The first sentence is not the key, the second sentence is.

After Zhang Lin heard this, he also thought about it. Although Nan Zhang, Bei Kong and Wu Xing Qi Wang were noble, they were not from a thousand-year-old family. At most, they were just following Taizu Dajing in the uprising. But when Wang Linchi said this, he I couldn't help but think about what it would be like if it were passed down in my family for thousands of years.

Grand Scholar Wang is extraordinary. He sees far beyond us ordinary people. Zhang Lin understood that Wang Linchi was baiting him, but he had to bite the hook.

What the Crown Prince did was indeed against the principles of a gentleman. A gentleman should be a friend rather than a party member.

It was the Crown Prince's team who said this. Their family would resolve the matter and ensure that Wang Linchi would be satisfied.

Zhang Shoufu is indeed the pillar of the country. Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile. The family was indeed good at internal fighting.

He just hinted a little, and the other party immediately understood what Wang Linchi wanted.

The next step will naturally be easier to deal with. How to get rid of the prince's team, or even evade the prince, etc. This is something that aristocratic families are very good at.

In that case, I will go and do my work first, and the bachelor will have a good rest. After that, Zhang Lin stood up and left.

There is no grinding required for work or anything like that. You are still the first assistant after all. Plus, with the guide given by Wang Linchi, it is naturally very fast to get started.

After the other party left, Wang Linchi continued to be immersed in analyzing the wolf god and completing the corpse analysis. Power was just a cloud to him. If it was not necessary, he would not touch it at all. He was more interested in his own strength.

Ahem, it is said that Grand Scholar Wang Linchi, Chief Assistant Zhang Lin, and others, today... forget it, I will go to the Hajj tomorrow to see you. Emperor Jing spoke weakly.

The prince stood expressionless in front of the bed. He knew that Emperor Jing was dying.

This is intended to be an orphan.

He actually wanted to stop it, but he couldn't. His power was too weak, and neither Luan Yiwei nor the eunuchs present could listen to him.

But it didn't matter to him. Regardless of whether he stopped it or not, the situation would not change at all for him.

Even if he is allowed to take action, the prince actually does not dare to take action. In his eyes, Emperor Jing, who is younger than him, has many tricks and may have already left a back-up plan. Once he stops him, he is likely to will be replaced.

He is not the only candidate, nor is he irreplaceable, so the best solution is to be honest as before, and the world will be his.

Yes, Your Majesty. The eunuch quickly took note of everyone and hurriedly left the room.

Prince, go get ready and come back tomorrow. Emperor Jing turned to look at the prince again, with an indifferent look on his face, completely treating him as a tool.

My lord, I obey. The prince turned around and left without any hesitation.

He naturally understood what to prepare for, which was to prepare to ascend the throne.

He didn't stop it just now, so the throne belongs to him. If he stopped it, then the throne doesn't necessarily belong to anyone.

Talent is hard to find, but if you want to find mediocre people, they are not everywhere.

After the other party left, Emperor Jing actually breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that if the prince was disobedient, another obedient one would inevitably cause trouble.

'This simulation is finally complete. I hope that Emperor Jing, a heroic spirit, can achieve unparalleled quality. ’

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