Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 453: The name of the picture will remain in history, and the family will benefit from it

Wang is really flattered that Zhang Shoufu came here in person. Wang Linchi said with a smile.

In terms of status between the two, Wang Linchi is much higher than Zhang Lin. After all, he does hold many concurrent positions.

I don't dare to accept it. Scholar Wang first quelled the barbarians and then destroyed the rogue bandits. I can't compare with such achievements. Zhang Lin also complimented.

The rogue bandits were destroyed by Li Zheng, but under the orders of Wang Linchi, so the lion's share of the credit belongs to Wang Linchi.

After all, even the Tie Yi Army was under Wang Linchi's command, and Li Zheng had only pushed for it in the past.

Okay, Zhang Shoufu, you and I don't want to compliment each other. Do I want enough? Wang Linchi asked.

Don't worry, Grand Scholar Wang, it's naturally enough. Anyone who dares to miss a little bit will be killed by me. Zhang Lin replied calmly.

That's good. Zhang Shoufu also knows what my king is doing. We all share the meat, and we have never kept anything secret.

What I'm after is just a reputation behind me, not a fortune in life. So if someone touches the meat and soup in this pot, it's not mine, but yours.

Wang Linchi said it very straightforwardly, he just wanted to leave his name in history, and he didn't care about profit.

When Zhang Lin heard this, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. This was indeed in line with Wang Linchi's approach. It is better to have a name than to make a profit.

As an aristocratic family, we have better room for maneuver.

What's more important is that Wang Linchi's picture name means that he must be a fair man, so there is no need to worry about being biased, and he might even dare to antagonize Emperor Jing.

If a great scholar wants to leave his name in history, I am not as good as you. Zhang Lin sighed, and then said: On the matter of the Nursing the Country, our Nan Zhang family will definitely go all out, and the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes will also support what the great scholar does. .”

This is a statement, which means that since you have given them benefits, they must support you.

As long as you don't cause trouble, there will be no problem.

It's a deal, but don't break your promise. Wang Linchi stared at Zhang Lin and warned again: If it ruins my affairs, let alone other things, and takes away a few big families, I'm still sure.

Some people have a weak heart.

Wang Linchi gave them the benefits, but they felt that it was not enough, and maybe they wanted more.

If someone is one step behind, please ask a bachelor to help him, and we will definitely choose a good Feng Shui place for him to be buried. Zhang Lin's words mean that you can do whatever you want, no matter if it's a family member who doesn't listen to you after coming here. I still want to kill the families who don't follow the rules until they don't dare to mess around.

In the face of interests, it is natural to give priority to interests.

That's good. Are you going to visit the Hulu Palace or take a look at the grassland scenery next? After Wang Linchi finished chatting, he invited the other party to stay.

Then naturally we need to see the Hulu Royal Court first. This Hulu has troubled Dajing for hundreds of years. We need to take a good look at it. Zhang Lin also agreed.

The next step is to talk about in-depth cooperation.

The content of Wang Linchi's Nursing the Country is only a rough outline, and many details require further discussion.

Representatives of the royal family and the five surnamed Qiwang families will also arrive one after another. The big family will eat the meat and the small family will drink the soup.

The benefits are indeed great this time, and ordinary people can also eat some scraps.

Zhang Shoufu, I don't know what to do with the southern bandits after they are cleaned up.

The two of them were walking in the court of King Hulu, when Wang Linchi suddenly spoke.

The south is bitter cold, mountainous and miasmatic, and it is close to the sea, so most people are exiled.

After returning from the conquest, we can only temporarily place them under management. Zhang Lin was a little confused. Compared with the northern grasslands, the south is really not good.

As for banning trade at sea, forget about that. At present, there is no sailing, and no one knows whether there is any overseas.

So most of them are fishing.

In other words, we are still letting things go. If this continues, I am afraid that other countries will sneak in and become rogues. The disaster will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Wang Linchi sighed with emotion.

Does the bachelor have a solution? Zhang Lin asked in surprise, otherwise Wang Linchi could ask this?

I have a draft in mind. If it can be completed, the level of prosperity will be no less than that of the northern grasslands. Wang Linchi said this deliberately.

The influence he needs is not only in the north, but also in the south, and even covers the entire Dajing, so that the entire process of his corpse dismemberment, cicada sloughing, and emergence into a god will be more solid.

If you need my help, please don't hesitate to ask, bachelor. Zhang Lin understood Wang Linchi's meaning in an instant. This time, let's cooperate first. If the cooperation is pleasant, I will contact you for the next project.

The premise is that the family must be sincere enough.

This matter will take time. There is still a big problem in the northern grassland that has not been eliminated. Wang Linchi shrank back again. This kind of thing must be like ambiguity, hanging on to the other party.

Seeing Wang Linchi change the topic, Zhang Lin did not continue, but followed Wang Linchi's topic and said: But the demon god Cang Tian Wolf? This evil demon is indeed the cause of trouble.

On the Hulu side, they were called wolf gods, but in Dajing, they were naturally derogatory to this group of religious gods and called them demon gods, which meant that demons became gods.

As for the source, it is currently unverifiable.

It is this demon god who is revered as the Wolf God in the Hulu tribe in the north. It is very difficult to break the belief. Wang Linchi said.

This matter is indeed not easy, but it is not without solutions.

If the Grand Master is at ease, I will leave this matter to me. It will be an honor for me to be able to do my best for the Grand Master. Zhang Lin knew that he was about to receive a certificate of submission.

But this is also for themselves. After all, they get the benefits, and Wang Linchi wants a reputation.

So this time, their aristocratic family must cooperate with Wang Linchi to increase their reputation.

Just use this wolf god, the Wolf of the Sky.

The name belongs to Wang Linchi, and the benefits belong to the family and the court.

Then I'll bother Zhang Shoufu. Wang Linchi couldn't help but smile.

It's good to work with smart people. Except for the fact that I like to make up some unnecessary troubles, it's pretty good.

After the two chatted for a while, they quickly arranged for Zhang Lin to take a rest, while Wang Linchi was going to go back and take a look at the details of the supplies and personnel that had been delivered.

These things are processed by the memory, and then classified and summarized into tables.

Wang Linchi can just read the reports, but he can't handle everything personally.

There aren't many things that the memory can help him with, but it's very suitable for dealing with such chores.

Sure enough, it still needs to be tied up with interests to make it strong. Wang Linchi couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the statistical report.

If he really wants to use the great righteousness of Sanxing Dajing, loyalty to the emperor and the country as a reason to ask the family and the court to contribute, I'm afraid he can get one ten thousandth of it.

With profits as a chain, the next supplies can be doubled every time, and the personnel needs can be doubled every time, and they can be met.

It's just that we have to give it some sweetness next time. If we keep trying to draw a picture, there will be problems sooner or later.

Wang Linchi's approach was very simple, that is, the aristocratic family and the court were interested in the interest, while Wang Linchi was interested in their principal.

Anyway, Wang Linchi can only contribute a little, but he still contributes for himself. No matter what he does, he will not lose.

If the project fails, the family and the court will take care of it, and he won't pay a penny.

As for the plan, it doesn't matter. At worst, he can change his skin and enter the court again. Then he can clean up the mess and succeed.

It failed to clean up the mess and then reskinned it. Anyway, the main feature is a matryoshka doll.

The great wolf crown of the sky has responded. A shaman with a face painted with plant-dyed patterns, a wolf skin on his body, and decorated with various animal bones said.

This shaman was the Great Shaman of the Royal Court. He was not arrested like Hulu Khan. At that time, he was patrolling the grassland and performing various rituals for the Sky Wolf, so he escaped.

Although he is still hiding from the Iron Wing Army's encirclement and suppression, he is like a lost dog.

However, many remnants were also gathered together, forming a considerable force.

Go to the royal court, summon the Wolf God, and kill the Dajing Spiritual Master!

The Great Shaman of the Royal Court said in a solemn tone.

However, no corresponding reply was received. Everyone participating in the ceremony could not help but look at each other, and then someone said: Great Shaman, how should we get to the royal court? There are Jings and Jingbing everywhere.

His Majesty the Cangtian Wolf Crown will give us protection, don't worry about Jingren and Jingbing. The great shaman replied: As long as we kill this great Jingling, retake the royal court, and re-establish the khan, then the grassland will be restored. Will return to the gaze of the Wolf God.

Your majesty is with us.

Hearing what the great shaman said, the remnants of the Hulu tribe also shouted enthusiastically: Your Majesty, you are with us!

Most of those who were willing to follow the great shaman at this time were fanatical believers of the wolf god Celestial Wolf, and a small number of them were coerced.

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