Who Told You to Use Your Power Like That?

Chapter 452: Yangguoce enters Kyoto

Trash, a bunch of trash! Emperor Jing looked at the ministers in the court with cold eyes, and said with a gloomy expression: A hundred thousand troops cannot compare to a thousand Iron Wings.

Your Majesty, this is not the fault of the ministers, but the bandits are too cunning. Zhang Lin stood up, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Isn't this the plan to start liquidating them?

Luan Yiwei must have the corresponding evidence in his hands, but it's just not easy to show off his face on weekdays, so he didn't take action.

It was different now. The Kong family incident had just happened, and he could not guarantee that Emperor Jing would not attack his Zhang family.

The reason why Zhang Lin came out to resist the pressure was because the fact of being a bandit was inseparable from him.

If the bandits were not wiped out, then nothing would happen. However, who would have thought that Li Zheng, the neglected commander of Luan Yiwei, could actually have such thunderous methods.

By following Wang Linchi, he was actually transformed.


I'm afraid someone is cooperating inside and outside. Li Zheng stood up and said angrily.

If he had encountered this matter before, Li Zheng would not have expressed his opinion, but would have remained silent.

But it was different now. Behind him was Wang Linchi, and behind Wang Linchi stood Emperor Jing, which meant that he was marching in front of the king at this time.

He had been serving Emperor Jing for so many years. Although he could not fully guess what Emperor Jing was thinking, he could still know when to speak and what to say.

Your Majesty, I want to ask Commander Li to exercise military power, which is inconsistent with etiquette and laws. He should be removed from the command and handed over to the Three Laws Division for trial. When someone saw this, they immediately came out to divert the conflict.

It is true that Luan Yiwei cannot have military power, but there are exceptions for many things.

You are ready to kill the hero after you return in triumph. Are you so eager to avenge your bandit master? Emperor Jing looked at the censor with murderous intent in his tone.

This made the other party's back break into cold sweat.

Your Majesty has wronged me. I spoke uprightly, and my merits and demerits cannot be offset. The other party looked righteous and awe-inspiring, even though he was scared to death in his heart.

Oh, Kong's traitor is also as righteous as you. What's the result? He jumped out at the critical moment.

You are smarter, and you actually want to avenge your master by framing Zhongliang. It's a pity, I'm not stupid.

Of course Emperor Jing knew that the other party didn't have such a thing at all, but if he said it did, then it had to happen.

Left and right, drag it down and check it out.

As soon as the voice fell, a soldier dragged the censor down.

The censor still wanted to speak, but he got hit by several big mouths. His whole face was so swollen that it was difficult to open his mouth.

If you want to block someone's sword, you must be prepared to wipe out all nine tribes.

Emperor Jing has been troubled endlessly by this group of aristocratic families, and he is eager to kill them.

Okay, let's talk about the returning bandits. Zhang Aiqing, what do you think? Emperor Jing looked at Zhang Lin again.

The pressure came back again, which made Zhang Lin feel helpless. The move just now not only did not divert Emperor Jing's attention and topic, but made the other party even more worried about him.

I...I am incompetent, which makes the bandits bigger. Zhang Lin put the blame on himself without hesitation.

The boss wants you to take the blame. If you don't take the blame, you will die. He can only take the blame honestly.

This matter is not Zhang Aiqing's fault. The origins of the bandits are complicated. If Wang Aiqing hadn't come out of nowhere, we wouldn't have been able to quell the trouble for hundreds of years. Emperor Jing raised it high and put it down gently.

However, this did not make Zhang Lin relieved, but made him anxious.

There must be something he wants, otherwise it would be impossible to let him go. However, now that things have happened, he can only bite the bullet and continue.

This matter must be related to Wang Linchi, otherwise Emperor Jing would not have mentioned it.

This is the Nursing the Country that Wang Aiqing wrote a few days ago. Zhang Aiqing, please take a look. Emperor Jing said, taking out a thick memorial.

The eunuch on the side took it and handed it to Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin took it respectfully, and then began to flip through it, not very quickly.

The more I read, the more frightened I became. It contained information on how to develop the north and use it to increase national power.

In addition to asking for money, people and materials, he also saw a very important thing, which was profit.

Benefits that everyone in the entire Jingguo can enjoy.

And their aristocratic family naturally has a share.

What's more important is that the risk is really not high, but he can make much more money than supporting the bandits.

However, there was a serious problem before them.

That was the cost. Wang Linchi only had Hu Lu as labor force and nothing else.

Then the support of the court and the aristocratic family is needed, and the aristocratic family can also arrange for people to go there as a means of obtaining benefits.

If you want benefits, you can either provide money or effort. If you want to have sex for nothing, then wait to be dealt with by Wang Linchi, Emperor Jing, or even other aristocratic families.

Everyone has contributed, and you just want to get a share without giving anything. How can it be that easy?

You are really a great talent. This matter should be supported by the whole country. Zhang Lin said without hesitation.

He knew that after he said this, Nan Zhang would inevitably bleed a lot, but compared with the future benefits, this was simply a drop in the bucket.

'This Wang Linchi is indeed different. The first two Xingjings were reforming internally and harming the interests of the family, but this Lord Wang is attacking externally, making the cake bigger so that everyone can eat. ’

‘It seems that we need to get closer and let Mr. Wang become a buffer for our family and His Majesty. ’

After Zhang Lin watched Nursing the Country, his favorable impression of Wang Linchi has greatly improved. As for giving money to others?

This is not a problem at all. For the first batch of people who have passed, how can they take root without suffering, and how can they gain benefits if they do not take root.

If you want benefits without paying the price, he is worried that it is poison.

Let me read it with you, Emperor Jing said. By doing this, he was naturally paving the way for Wang Linchi.

The main reason is that he can see that if the north is really operated by Wang Linchi as Dajing's farm and pasture, then the one who will benefit the most is his Dajing, and it can further strengthen the national power, let alone Sanxing. Maybe it can flourish for another three generations.

It can also better improve the quality of your heroic spirit.

Zhang Lin passed on the Nursing the Country without hesitation, and it was naturally given to representatives of the aristocratic families with five surnames and seven hopes.

Other small aristocratic families don't have any decision-making power at all, only big aristocratic families like them have it.

After reading it, the big families all praised it. Of course they could see the benefits of this National Support Policy, so it was not a loss to serve as Wang Linchi's subordinate.

In that case, let's come up with a charter today and transport the supplies Wang Aiqing needs to the north within three days, Emperor Jing said.

Your Majesty, three days is too long. It would be best if I can deliver it tomorrow. Zhang Lin said without hesitation.

In the past, taking something out would have been like killing them. Today, I was rushing to deliver it for fear of being late.

What Mr. Zhang said is absolutely true, and we need to supervise the construction of airships as soon as possible to use them as transportation. Someone else jumped out and proposed to build more transportation means.

In the future, the North will definitely produce a lot of benefits, and they will definitely have to travel back and forth, so enough airships are very important.

After all, they have invested resources in it. It is impossible to say that they will only give money but not supervise it. What if someone gets embezzled?

Wang Linchi may not be greedy, but others are.

Transportation is essential.

Next, naturally, you and I will establish a perfect charter very quickly.

It’s not that this group of people have no ability. If they really had no ability, they wouldn’t be able to reach such a high and powerful position. It’s just that they don’t use their abilities in one place, and they are all consumed internally.

Now that there are interests tied up and directed, everyone is working hard in the same direction, and it is also for themselves, so the efficiency is naturally higher.

Emperor Jing was satisfied with this but also very dissatisfied.

What I am satisfied with is that the regulations given and the resources mobilized went smoothly. What I am dissatisfied with is that everyone is like a waste on weekdays and only contributes when there is internal fighting.

If it weren't for his short time and the problem with the start, he would definitely kill all these people.

It's a pity that it can't be eliminated now. The entanglement between the imperial court and the aristocratic family is really too deep. It can affect the whole body. If we really have to take action, I'm afraid there will be a lot of 'rebels' or a vassal king will raise an army to clear the emperor's side.

The great interests of the family were affected. The family really dared to change the emperor. If Dajing was in chaos, the quality of his heroic spirit would probably decline.

He did not have the corresponding ability and courage to do such a thing that was not worth the gain, so he could only hope for help from King Tianqi.

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