Chapter 424

At noon in winter, the weather is clear and the sky is blue.

The conference room on the second floor of the group building was sprinkled through the window and brought warmth into it.

At this time, the boss of more than twenty brands sitting in the conference room, his mouth couldn’t help but rose up, and then smiled twice obsessively.

Some bosses with a low laughter feel a little bit unable to laugh every time they laugh. They laugh out the sound of goose and laugh out.

Damn, they used to open a branch outside, and they could not return their own books for half a year. Some people could not market marketing.

Whoever thought about this time, he made money before opening the door, and he also had sales subsidies.

I sell my things, do you subsidize me? Who is this fucking?

Those who have never seen this business can only be said that they are all bodhisattvas who buy group buying.

Of course, the most terrible thing is President Jiang.

He said that when the group purchase market sank, he sank, and he sank wherever he was sinking.

This can also be explained by news spirituality. After all, everyone knows that the group is now entering the national market. As an internal personnel in the industry, Mr. Jiang knows more than them.

However, President Jiang let them give money to whom, and let them subsidize whom to subsidize them. This fuck is evil.

The local bosses without Internet marketing experience were numb to Jiang Qin’s show.

“Are you all the richest people come?”

“Then let’s have a brief meeting and talk about the promotion issues in the later period.”

Jiang Qin walked into the conference room, reached out and closed the door, and sat in front of the conference table. Wen Jinrui followed closely and walked in with his tea cup.

At this time, the brand’s boss held a smile, covered his mouth, and tried to make a serious expression, but there was always a feeling of “my wife gave birth to a child”.

Seeing this scene, Boss Jiang couldn’t help it, so everyone was happy.

The second strategic marketing conference this month has not yet begun, and the entire meeting room laughed.

“OK, don’t laugh, start talking about it.”

“The first wave of our strategic marketing has begun to achieve results. Presumably everyone should feel it. In summary, it is a word, which is very brave.”

“However, this is not a long -term plan, because the market deformity is temporary. This industry will always return to the original position. At that time, it will win with quality, so everyone has recently upgraded and upgraded. “,”

“We will have a boutique plan in the later period, but we need to be hard to hit the iron.”

“In addition, there are those who want to go to Shanghai to lay out. Now I can prepare. I will go to Shanghai to do some dogs later, which can help you operate on the spot.”


Hearing this sentence, the meeting room began to discuss.

The sinking of the group purchase market is very fast, which has led to a lot of war in the first -tier cities. Jiang Qin is very bizarre to go to Shanghai at this time.

“President Jiang, isn’t the battlefield of group purchase sinking? There is no dispute, it will be difficult to promote.”

“Yes, it’s sinking, but where I am, wherever I will become a new battlefield.”

In fact, the warfare in the first -tier cities is because the pattern is stable. There are not many competitors who can play the ring. It is impossible for those group purchase websites to be blogging each other with their left and right hands.

But Jiang Qin went to Shanghai this time to steal his house.

Everyone is laying a second- and third -tier cities, right? Good, good, that tier city is mine.

As for why this node is chosen because of the current time, all group purchase websites are in a weak state.

In order to drive away the casual group, and smashed a lot of money in, and then opened up the market crazy. The funds in the hand should be bottomed out.

They now increase the number of cities crazy, in fact, to prepare for the next round of financing.

In addition, when this round is over, the giants will end. Jiang Qin always has to make a little results. On the one hand, it is to deter the entire market, and on the other hand, it is also to show the strength of the Eight Heavenly Kings.

After the deployment meeting, Jiang Qin walked out of the conference room and stretched out a lazy waist. He saw that Su Nai had stood downstairs and waited. The expression on his face seemed to be going to the execution ground.

“Boss, I’m going to test the subject two, please give me some blessings!”

“Remember to be a seat belt in the car, but don’t sit on the co -pilot. Don’t panic when entering the warehouse.


Su Nai revealed an unrealistic expression, turned to BMW Wei Lanlan, and then slowly drove out of the headquarters of the group.

Jiang Qin also drove in the car and returned to Linchuan University.

In recent days, the temperature has gradually begun to rise. The college students who have shrunk in the dormitory can not help but throb.

As soon as Jiang Qin returned to the dormitory, he smelled the smell of perfume from the face, and then found that Cao Guangyu’s style was going to go out, and Ren Ziqiang was also sorting out his hair and engaged in a rolling bias. Eleven Lang is the same.

“Lao Jiang, are you back? Is it cold outside?”


“I said it didn’t say anything, can I stand outside?”

Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue wandered in the snow and snow for half an hour last year. When he came back, he shouted to go to the toilet and went to the toilet. As a result, he did not find a urine tool for a long time, and then he caught a cold.

Jiang Qin pondered: “I don’t know much about it. In short, there is no problem to fight, but it is not recommended to take off the pants. On the one hand, there is any injuries.


Will this fuck call not describe? This fucking is too described, okay?

After listening to Jiang Qin’s serious nonsense, Cao Guangyu and Ren Ziqiang’s faces were red, howling, don’t talk nonsense, who fucks take off his pants in the ice and snow, we are all serious college students!

Jiang Qin laughed and said that he was a fucking college student who did such things.

Then the two left the dormitory humming, and they were obviously restless in their eyes, and they didn’t know what was fantasizing.

At the same time, Chaozi was leaning on the table, his back faced with the edge of the table, lifted Erlang’s legs, immersed in the gentle sunlight of the afternoon, and held a novel on his hand, like the old monk settled.

“Super, don’t you go out for a walk? Today’s sunshine is still pretty good.”

“I can also bask in the sun in the dormitory, and I do n’t know what to do outside, and I do n’t like Cao Brother, and I can pout when my mouth is cold.”

Jiang Qin reached out and turned on the computer: “In fact, you don’t need to envy the old Cao He Lao, all the youth is wasted in falling in love. What eggs do you use?”

After listening to Zhou Chao, he looked at the web novel in his hand: “Brother Jiang, I waste time on the web novel, not even more effective, they have harvested a daughter -in -law and said that they said that they said that There is also a big fat boy. ”

“That’s not necessarily. Maybe you can still be a web author in the future. What is the good use of love? You have to buy gifts, and you have to take time together. Sober, only you and me! ”

“That’s the truth!”

Zhou Chao took the book and instantly came to the spirit: “I have always conceived a online novel, and I think I am not worse than them.”

“Look, this is the harvest. When you become a well -known online writer, they are also baby and baby all day.”

“Brother Jiang, tell me something again.”

Jiang Qin got up and opened the closet and changed his clothes: “Wait for me to tell you again.”

Zhou Chao stunned: “Didn’t you just come back and go out again?”

“I will go to Shanghai in a few days to go on a business trip. This time, I have been going for a long time. I have to coax my good friends first, so as not to be sad again.”


Jiang Qin was dressed and turned off. Before the screen went out, the QQ chat box on his desktop had not been closed yet.

[Xiao Fu, I’m about to go outside and go out. .

In fact, he wanted to make a meal, but because he was talking, Chaozi was saying that he was cold and pouting his mouth, so he made a mistake, and then he was shifted by Super Zi to his attention. He didn’t find his mistake at all.

However, even if it is found, it is useless. The QQ in this era has no withdrawal function at all.

“You look at the novel first, I coax Feng Nanshu and come back, and continue to discuss the beauty of our single.”

Jiang Qin left a word, and he left the dormitory.

At this time, Chaozi was speechless and twitched all over. Is he talking like this? You said with a word of love than falling in love, but as soon as you get a little bit, you go out and fall in love!

At the same time, at 503 in the girl’s dormitory building, Feng Nanshu, who was wearing a relaxed bear pavement, began to run around the balcony and the dormitory.

Because of the weekend, the sisters in the dormitory chased drama, watching novels, and gurgling.

When they saw Feng Nanshu quickly put on small leather shoes, they immediately came to the spirit.

Everyone knows that Feng Nanshu is a husband, let alone real people. Even if she saw her husband’s news, she was very addicted. She suddenly changed clothes, and it must be that guy came to her again.

“Jiang Qin is going to take you out to play again?”


Feng Nanshu answered softly, and then silently added that I was going to pour with my good friend.

She was wearing that Moncler’s white short down jacket, and then a pair of high -waisted black jeans below. The outline of the small buttocks was round and round, and the two beautiful legs were slender.

Then Da Da da, Xiao Fu’s wife went downstairs all the way and went to eat two meals.

Picking away the green cold -proof curtain, Feng Nanshu saw that Jiang Qin had been sitting in front of the table in the second row of heating, and she ordered a lot of things on the table. She loved it.

“elder brother.”

“Well, eat.”

Feng Nanshu was fed back to the pot, and then chewed well, looking around on the table, and did not find roasted sweet potatoes and moon cakes.

She didn’t know when she could pout, but she didn’t dare to ask, but opened her mouth to eat everything that Jiang Qin fed, like a silly hamster.

(Seeking a monthly ticket)

(This chapter is finished)

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