Who is reborn? Who is in love?

424. 423 is a bit greedy, and get bigger again

Chapter 423 is a bit greedy, get a bigger again

In mid -November, the group purchase website of second- and third -tier cities had signed enough merchants, officially opened its business, and invested a lot of funds.

For 20 % off the group, I hit 40 % or even half a price.

Such behaviors instantly aroused hot market feedback, such as pulling hands, glutinous rice, 24 vouchers, Wowo.com, etc. users have continued to rise.

This is the first wave of offensive and defensive battles in second- and third -tier cities, and it is unimaginable.

The group is like a crispy chicken, chasing along the way.

But just like Jiang Qin’s idea of promoting Zhihu, they seek quality of the promotion of first -tier cities, but they have a quantity for the second- and third -tier markets.

It means that a region manager cannot fully take care of all cities.

After all, the casual group only did Shanghai and Shencheng at first, and the number of teams had exceeded two thousand. If each city did it as follows, the cost of labor cost was too great.

Therefore, everyone’s routine is that the elite team has been pushed all the way, signing a group of the hottest merchants to invest in the market, and then set up a local team to maintain business relationships, continue to do publicity, and open up business areas.

There are competition between teams, especially the front line market, and a large number of KPIs need to be completed every day.

In the current situation that has not yet been profitable, each team needs to get more contracts and make more transaction orders in order to ensure wages and bonuses.

Specific, nervous, competition, elimination, and constantly stimulate everyone’s brain.

Many times, as soon as the team was changed to the evaluation list, it was directly pushed by the ground push team of other websites.

Because a merchant on this above is likely to be able to top three to five transactions.

But … there are exceptions.

Xiaoga from Nuomi.com recently asked Grandpa to tell Grandma to sign three new stores with the group of hot evaluations, but the effect is not ideal. These shops seem to have not too many mass foundations.

However, with the opening of the discount, the transaction volume of these shops later is also good.

Anyway, the market has killed red eyes, who still cares about those.

In addition, the management of many websites is also analyzing and learning the routines and models of groups, and what they want to learn most is the praise list of groups.

However, the praise list of the group is actually established by many local college students. The localization is very strong, but other websites do not have this channel, so even if the homepage is updated, the praise list is added, and it has not splashed in a short period of time. Too much water.

“There are still a few people who can’t talk about it.”

“Yeah, it looks very stubborn, no matter how much they settled in, I don’t agree.”

“In fact, this is almost the same. The market share is almost open with the group.”

“If the praise list can be built, it is probably not so difficult to fight.”

“That’s hard to fight, let’s … can’t beat.”

“Actually, the group is very powerful. Obviously, there are so many people, but they can resist for so long. The military value is a few high. I heard that the boss is still a college student? Martial arts school?”

“They have been doing it for a long time, and the user experience is not bad. The audience has a deep foundation and normal.”

“But those websites on the local area can’t live …”

Song Yaqian chose to leave school because of her entrepreneurship. When she bought a hi buying group last time, Luo Ping appreciated her, so she gave her an opportunity to go to the Jinmen branch.

However, when she came to Jinmen and heard that everyone was talking about the group, her mind suddenly stunned, and she didn’t respond for a long time.

How can I hear people talking about Jiang Qin here?

After she took over a part of the sub -stations, she realized that the original group was playing against the opponent with the handwriting network in Jinmen.

It is not just Jinmen, but even the cities such as Xijing, Mall, and other cities.

She was a little embarrassed, because she knew that Jiang Qin was a boss who knew it. She had a natural propaganda advantage and barriers in the business circle of the university town. It was normal for him to make a hi buying group.

But she couldn’t imagine that a college student group buying website dared to go out of the school gate and grab the market with capital support. That is not a level opponent at all!

Although Jiang Qin was very connected in the group buying market, even Ye Ziqing’s girlfriend had to call him an uncle. He could not be lost with his heart group now, and was finally acquired?

Song Yaqian itself is a person in this industry, but with her thinking, she does not understand the purpose of Jiang Qin.

This is a game of winners. In addition to winning is to lose, he now does not sell the website to sell the website. Do you want to be the last winner? This seems a bit ridiculous, everyone is a college student.

“What’s this……?”

“Praise list, gourmet food list, and … Crazy Thursday?”

Song Yaqian came to Jinmen. She didn’t do anything else. In addition to understanding the business situation, she has been analyzing the group network.

She found that compared with the group of Kyoto University Town, the group in second- and third -tier cities has been upgraded a lot.

Although their market is being stretched a little bit, the praise list is really intuitive.

She even suspected that the group invited a special gourmet critic to write food evaluation for these shops.

But she left school for too long, and she didn’t know the existence of the Zhiyou Group. You invited them to have a meal. These college students really fell out.

In addition, there are so -called Crazy Thursday. Every Thursday, they will concentrate on a wave of funds to discount at a certain time. Although the handle network has pulled away some customers, every Thursday, there will be countless groups. The returning guest went back again.

Pulling like this is very unfavorable to the fast -playing handle network.

Moreover, Song Yaqian felt that the Jinmen branch station ignored the purchasing power of the university town whether it was pushing or supervisor.

But based on these advantages, did Jiang Qin want to win in this crazy vortex? How can it be.

“Jiang Qin, have you opened a new business area again?”

As Song Yaqian’s news was sent to the QQ group, a group of college students in the group rose.

They are also looking for a website recently. With the sinking market of the National Group Buy Network, half of the people have already taken off the website. They can hear Song Yaqian say that the group is still on the outside business, and everyone has a question mark.

“President Jiang is still continuing to expand the market?”

“No, it is the best time to sell now. I really have to wait at the end of the year, and I may not be sold.”

“I passed the provincial capital yesterday, and I seemed to see the leaflet of the group. I thought it was wrong.”

Jiang Qin is not done by all second- and third -tier cities. In fact, he is still in the development business circle along the path of promoting the promotion.

In the entire market layout, these cities and four first -tier cities can include north and south, more mobility, and can radiate at any time.

Therefore, except for those group members who dived like death, many people said that they heard for the first time and did not understand.

But soon, Jiang Qin’s news came out in the group.

“It’s a bit greedy, sell it bigger and sell.”


With the silence in the group, Jiang Qin had come to the headquarters of the group, and then went to the technology department after stopping the car.

Recently, the temperature of Linchuan has risen a lot, and the snow on the road is almost melted. Only places where you can’t see the sun can still see old snow.

Jiang Qin came to his own office, soaking a cup of hot tea, waiting quietly.

After a while, Su Nai came down from the technical department on the fifth floor: “Boss, why do we have to be on the fifth floor?”

There was no elevator inside the group building. Nayako ran up and down these days, very annoyed.

“The Ministry of Technology is a group of elderly otakus. The lumbar disc is not good. It is too slow to exercise. Our entrepreneurs not only care about KPI, but also care about employees’ health.”

Jiang Qin Zhenzhen had a word, and then turned the words: “How did the work of the Ministry of Technology do?”

“The internal management system is optimized, and it has passed the security test and can be put into use. In addition, I also added an anonymous boss mailbox function according to your instructions.”

The owner’s mailbox is a channel for the formal employees of all levels to give the message directly to Jiang Qin.

This thing is generally not used, because the leapfrog reporting is a taboo in the workplace, and employees will not believe that there is really anonymous in the world.

But once someone is risky and uses it hard, it means that something that is having to deal with it is happening, so chatting is better than nothing.

“Gannaiki, the technical department for three days, I asked Xu Yu to send the bonus to the accounts of the cricket tonight.”

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, he turned around: “But when you come back on vacation, your first priority is to do a good job of product management system. This must be done before next month.”

With the kung fu of being talking, Wei Lanlan also came upstairs: “Well, Su Nai is also there, and I can save me call you. You wait for me downstairs and downstairs.”


Jiang Qin’s face number: “What do you do?”

Su Nai took a deep breath: “Go to participate in the supplementary test of the subject two.”

“Have you ever tested the second subject two?”


Jiang Qin gave a thumbs up: “I advise you not to take the test, and you can just hire the driver directly in two years.”

Su Nai narrowed her eyes and said that she was really big and big, the boss really dared to say more and more.

Jiang Qin turned to look at Wei Lanlan again: “Did your brother pick it up?”

Wei Lanlan nodded: “It’s already come.”

The Lanlan family is in a mountainous area. The local educational resources are not good. Few students can pass the test. Most young people began to work at home to work at the junior high school. At the age, they entered the factory.

Wei Lanlan had eaten hard, so I always wanted to pick up the oldest in school, so that he should not lose on the starting line. Jiang Qin is now a bit thin in all walks of life in Linchuan. It was done, and I even chose a very good school.

“Are the bosses who participated in strategic marketing?”

“I came here to inform you of this matter. Everyone has come to Qi, waiting for the conference room on the second floor.”

“Okay, I have seen it in the past.”

(This chapter is finished)

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