Chapter 393 The son -in -law is here

In the evening, Jiang Qin went out from the branch to a small Buling bread.

It is said that this van is an old man in the group push planning plan, and has made great achievements for the entire team.

I thought that the group purchase market in the university town was still chaotic, and Zhuxiong cut it. As a result, one day, a car bakery called down, one hand, and the owner was changed in this place.

Later, for a while, some local pushing teams couldn’t help but want to run as soon as they saw the same van, and even a feeling of seeing the urban management without a dealer.

Jiang Qin drove the chariot to the door of a shopping mall and went in two laps, but didn’t think about what to buy.

The Feng family is a big family. There is probably nothing. The estimation of jewelry or something has been difficult to enter the eyes of others. As for the tobacco and alcohol, Jiang Qin doesn’t know much about this aspect. many.

Is it better to buy something you like?

At that time, Feng Nanshu’s uncle will definitely say, what gift do you bring in a junior to play at home, and quickly take it back, otherwise you will be angry and don’t let you come next time.

Reasonable and very reasonable.

But thinking so, Jiang Qin finally picked some Ejiao, tea and the like, and reached a discount with the coupon of the Heart Group, and then opened the small bread to the Laoshan Manor.

At this time, Qin Jingqiu was receiving two relatives at home. A fat and distant housing watch, named Zhang Meilan, and the son of the distant watch, named Su Huiqiang.

In fact, Qin Jingqiu has never seen them several times, but people take the initiative to come to the door. It is definitely inappropriate to not entertain.

Zhang Meilan’s husband is doing a wholesale business, not a rich, but also a high level in the well -off family. Her son is currently at the Shanghai Jiaotong University to go to school.

In fact, Qin Jingqiu understood that the two of her mother came to recognize the door while letting go of the summer vacation, and she also wanted to pave the way for her son. She has received many relatives such in these years, and she is no stranger to this kind of thing.

Su Huiqiang also learned finance. In order to see the “big character” in his mother’s mouth today, he also wore a suit and looked extraordinary.

“Now the domestic Internet economy has risen, Qin, I think you can invest in this industry.”

“But it can’t be randomly invested. There are still many bubbles in this industry.”

“In so many Internet companies, I am most optimistic about Ali. I think this company is destined to do big things. After I finish school, I hope to work in Ali.”

Listening to Su Huiqiang’s words, Qin Jingqiu smiled and couldn’t help nod.

Zhang Meilan also smiled with an eyebrow: “This child, he has been in his head since he was a child. My dad and I have a high level of cultural level. Now I ca n’t understand that he speaks, so I can talk to me.”

“Very good, young people are active in thinking, which is better than those who are dumb.” Qin Jingqiu said very much.

The kung fu of being talking, a burst of dingling sounds suddenly rang from the door. The three turned around and found that a Wuling small bread was opened.

When Zhang Meilan saw a young man wearing shorts and short -sleeved on the car, he couldn’t help but surprised. He said that he didn’t go to the back door when he delivered the goods.

“Aunt, I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Jiang Qin came over with something

Qin Jingqiu smiled brightly: “You busy people still know to see me?”

“I arrived in Shanghai that I arrived yesterday. After a break in the hotel, I immediately came, and I didn’t dare to delay.”

Zhang Meilan was a little surprised: “Who is this?”

Qin Jingqiu stunned: “He …”

“It’s a relative.” Jiang Qin opened his mouth and answered Qin Jingqiu.

Qin Jingqiu felt that this expression was quite suitable: “Yes, relatives.”

After listening to Zhang Meilan, he said, and said that he was estimated to be a relative who had a distance from a distant room like himself. Otherwise, with the power of the Qin family and the Feng family, this person would not only drive a van.

Qin Jingqiu also introduced Zhang Meilan to Jiang Qin, and her son Su Huiqiang, then asked them to sit first, and hurriedly went to the second floor to call Feng Shihua.

Relatives who have never seen a few times on my own side have come to the door, even if you receive it yourself, there is no need to let your husband come forward.

However, Jiang Qin is not the same. For example, the four houses and five enters, this is equivalent to the first time the prospective son -in -law came to the door. The father -in -law did not have etiquette.

“Shihua, come out, see people.”

“I’m practicing a word, my wife, don’t we say before, I still don’t show up in this occasion, so as not to let you talk.”

Qin Jingqiu looked at him at a glance: “It’s not that you can see my cousin, it’s Jiang Qin.”

“Jiang Qin is here?” Feng Shihua froze for a moment, and immediately put down his writing brush and walked out.

“You can wait for a while.”

“What’s wrong?”

Qin Jingqiu looked at him: “Go to the formal clothes and go again.”

Feng Shihua looked at his clothes. Although it was a very ordinary home casual suit, it was not a concept with the casual pajamas: “I can’t do this?”

“Where is this, Jiang Qin is the first time you come to the door. Why do you have to give me a little more?”

“Our family Nan Shu hasn’t married yet.”

Qin Jingqiu pursed his mouth: “That’s because you were too busy when you were in the New Year. I didn’t go to Jeju with me. I guess Nan Shu himself felt that he had married.”

Feng Shihua had to change his clothes after listening. I don’t know why it was a bit nervous: “Am I going like this?”

“Okay, it’s almost.” Qin Jingqiu sorted him up for him.

At the same time, in the living room on the first floor, Jiang Qin was sitting opposite Zhang Meilan and Su Huiqiang, and there was no desire to speak, so he kept looking around.

To be honest, he has seen a lot of villas, including President He’s, but such European -style buildings can make him feel more pleasing to the eye.

He considered him, whether to send a set of such types to Cecilia Qing and Professor Yan, the old man should be very happy.

And this scene fell in the eyes of the mother and son opposite, Jiang Qin’s image at this moment was a bit meaningful to enter the Grand View Garden.

“Laoshan Manor is a European -style classical building. It was designed by a master of architecture in Southern California Michael. He is best at restoring the noble temperament in the European style style. This is his first work in our country.”

Jiang Qin froze and found that the guy opposite was talking to himself, so he said a good voice, but he couldn’t help but murmured. Did Michael say that Michael was not a fucking dancing? I ran to the house again.

Zhang Meilan smiled and was proud of his son’s learning.

At this moment, Qin Jingqiu and Feng Shihua came down from the second floor. Both of them changed a set of clothes, which looked more official than just now.

Zhang Meilan felt a little flattered, and hurried up and greeting Feng Shihua twice.

Although Uncle Feng did not come for this mother, but they were all followed. You could not talk to others, so Feng Shihua began to talk to the distant watch.

Of course, chatting is chatting, and his main task is to observe Jiang Qin.

“Jiang Qin, how did you come here?”

“Uncle, I drove over.” Jiang Qin pointed to his small bread.

Feng Shihua feels interesting: “How can you open a small bread?”

“This car is very good. It also has air -conditioning, but it is cool.”

Hearing this sentence, Su Huiqiang next to him couldn’t help but laughed, but pretended to cough to cover up the past. The expression was as natural as ever.

Later, Qin Jingqiu invited them to dinner in the restaurant, and secretly told Jiang Qin that the braised pork ribs made by their aunt was particularly delicious, and told him to eat a few more pieces.

After listening to it, Jiang Qin said well, and said that she would eat the rich woman’s part of her, and coaxed Qin Jingqiu to be happy.

However, Qin Jingqiu’s family only eats daily, so there are only two chairs in the restaurant. Jiang Qin’s best thing is that he never uses himself as an foreigner. When he looks at the chair, he turns to find a chair everywhere.

As a result, as soon as he moved one, he was reached out by Zhang Meilan, and then he was picked up by Su Huiqiang when he moved the second one.

It wasn’t until Jiang Qin moved to the third one and sat down that Zhang Meilan showed a surprised expression. He said that even this kind of relatives who were not weak can go to the table for dinner. His cousin’s sister is a bit too good for others.

“Do you also eat with us too?”

Su Huiqiang was a college student. He had nothing to do with his heart. When he was surprised, he said.

When I heard this, Qin Jingqiu’s face changed instantly, and it was obviously a little annoyed. I said that you can lick your face and rice. This is my pro -son -in -law!

But didn’t wait for her to speak, Jiang Qin had been sitting upright: “I don’t eat with you, I can eat some food.

Hearing this sentence, Feng Shihua was even more surprised by his prospective son -in -law. He didn’t understand that the boy was young at a young age. How could he say that it would be so rounded and the emotional intelligence could not be high.

His words not only covered the mouth of this distant relative, but also kept his face for everyone, and he also left face, but also listened to his wife’s words by the way. It seems that Nan Shu really dug a baby.

In fact, Jiang Qin had such a good temper. It was pure because he came to the door for the first time. He didn’t want to leave a bad memory for the uncle of the rich woman.

“Jiang Qin, what is your market doing now?”

“Now the Lord is doing second -tier and third -tier cities, and the first -tier cities are too ruthless. I have no plans to mix in.”

Hearing the sudden chat between Feng Shihua and Jiang Qin, Su Huiqiang was stunned, his eyes were a little confused.

Feng Shihua said again at this time: “I have been paying attention to this industry for a while, and the competition in first -tier cities is indeed too crazy.”

“Uncle, who can’t crazy crazy, at the end of the last year, no further progress, small capital can’t carry it. After all, in addition to professional industry promoters, most investors still hope that they can see considerable in a short time in a short period of time. ROI. ”

Jiang Qin put the chopsticks: “If you have never been effective if you have been burning money? Who is willing to throw it in, how can the capital market always allow consumers to take advantage of it?”

After hearing ROI, Su Huiqiang pursed his mouth and knew that the Chinese name of the word was called investment return.

Feng Shihua glanced at Jiang Qin: “What do you mean by saying, will this farce end the end of the year?”

“No, by the end of the year, the useless website and small capital with weak resistance will be kicked out, change the Internet giants to end, choose a horse, decide a victory, and this battlefield will not be limited to a city, but this battlefield will not be limited to a city, but this battlefield will not be limited to a city, but this battlefield will not be limited to a city, but this battlefield will not be limited to a city. All in the country. ”

“Are you so sure?”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Now the hottest website in Shanghai is called casual group. In May this year, I received a financing of $ 5 million. The connection. ”

Qin Jingqiu couldn’t help but speak: “Ali only shot 5 million, so that the casual group will not lose, nor will he win. In fact, you want to attract more capital to end.

“I am right, so starting from the end of the year, after the small capital is weak, all websites will pursue urban coverage, and the plates are naturally large, and those giant crocodiles can take away the fruit logically.”

“I have always felt that doing business in my twenties is too frivolous and easy to radiate, but your thoroughness is beyond my expectation.”

Feng Shihua was silent after speaking: “I know you want to fight the last round, and you can come to me at that time.”

“That’s not necessary. I still have a bunch of cards in my hand, and there are eight heavenly kings to help me support it.”

Jiang Qin spoke, and suddenly glanced at Su Huiqiang, who was opposite, always stretched his chopsticks towards himself, and went to clamp the braised pork ribs, so he laughed and replaced the braised pork ribs in front of him in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Su Huiqiang was stunned directly. Suddenly, he went to eat a seat when he was a child. Because he especially liked a dish, his uncle and uncle would smile at him with a smile.

Zhang Meilan didn’t notice this, but captured a word: “Strong, is Ali the company you said before?”


“Ali is a very good company. Our family wants to go to work there.” Zhang Meilan said for his son.

Feng Shihua nodded with his face very much: “That company is really good, strong and strong should be possible.”

Qin Jingqiu suddenly said at this time: “I heard someone said before, Pang wants to dig you to Ali as an executive?”

Jiang Qin nodded: “I mentioned it once. She said that after I graduated, she hoped to work with me, but in fact, it is not important to dig or not dig. Her submarine word tells me that they want to eat.”

Su Huiqiang heard it beside him, and felt a little breathless.

He knew that the topic on this dinner table had nothing to do with himself, but he had a feeling of unable to sit still, and he always wanted to get up first.

After a while, after dinner, Zhang Meilan drove his son home with BMW, and always felt that there was something wrong.

Originally, I wanted to recognize a door and a meal.

(This chapter is finished)

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