Who is reborn? Who is in love?

392. 392 Full let go of the bottom line

Chapter 392

At four in the afternoon, Jiang Qin and his party landed in Shanghai and went to the university city branch station.

The temperature in summer is very high, sweating in two steps, and several people did not go out, and directly stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

On the way, the bus stops, subway entrances, and even the LED screens on the top of the taxi that passed with them were ads on the top of the taxi.

The casual group of financing is now full of wealth. Not only is the advertisement overwhelming, but also invited a lot of stars to propagate in one breath.

However, when they are near the university town, there are fewer such advertisements, which shows that Tan Qing is clearly drawn the blockade line, and it also shows that the martial arts suppression in the early stage of the group is really effective.

On the one hand, the combat effectiveness of pushing the group is really amazing, and the capture is fast and good.

On the other hand, those people do ignore the potential consumption power of the college student market, and do not feel that this area is worthy of effort.

Tan Qing was waiting in the office early in the morning. Seeing Jiang Qin, Wei Lanlan, Lu Xuemei, and Dong Wenhao, the Queen Break was difficult to hide excitement.

She has been sitting outside for three months. Although she does not lack a colleague around her, she still feels that the 208 people are more close.

“How is the situation in Shanghai now?”

Tan Qing turned his head and looked at Jiang Qin: “The advertisement of the casual group is getting fiercer, but the pushing staff is nearly half. I investigated it yesterday and found that they divided the Shanghai base camp into two teams, the other. Apply to dock the business in Kyoto. ”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Like Ye Ziqing’s style, after all, the handwriting network and the glutinous rice ball have been melted to money. This time difference is not grasped, it is difficult to have such a good opportunity in the future.”

“Boss, I actually have a problem.”

“Tell me.”

Tan Qing pursed the corner of his mouth: “The four major first -tier cities are so difficult to fight. Why don’t they grab the second and third lines?”

Jiang Qin sat on the sofa and drank tea: “Because they all want to kill each other at the stage where their opponents are still weak, they concentrate their energy to dry, because in their opinion, opponents who have the courage to enter first -tier cities can be regarded as their opponents. Don’t solve them first, you will always be afraid of being yin. ”

“Can’t you look at each other’s volume increased?”

“Yes, the industry based on the four major cities can also be integrated to more funds.”

“Will they keep fighting like this?”

“Not necessarily, when they were not able to hurt each other, they would turn their sights to second- and third -tier cities, but at that time, someone must have lost.”

At this time, Wei Lanlan glanced at Tan Qing: “Qingqing, the boss hasn’t eaten yet.”

Tan Qing immediately reacted: “Boss, let’s go for dinner first?”

“Don’t worry first, let’s take a look at their website first, you can open the webpage to me.”

“Oh, alright.”

Tan Qing turned on the computer and opened the handwriting network, the casual group, the glutinous rice net and the nest group.

Jiang Qin visited it and found that the framework of these websites did not change much at the beginning. At most, it was smooth, but in terms of gameplay and function, it still stayed in a very primitive stage.

These people are estimated that they are busy fighting their opponents. No one will stop thinking about product services. I always think that these things and wait for some opportunities to do.

After a long while, Jiang Qin clicked twice with the mouse and announced to go out for dinner. He also specially met a restaurant named Red Maple.

“This restaurant is pretty good, how do you know the boss?” Tan Qing was a little surprised.

“Group buying at will, 40 % off discounts, this wool is not white and white. In the future, the team’s meals can be bought on the heart group. Buy more expensive. ”

Jiang Qin looked around in the office: “There are also this office utensils, you can go to the casual group.”


Wei Lanlan got into Tan Qing’s ear: “Sitting in the morning in 207 before the boss came, saying that he would let go of the bottom line to fully let go.”

Tan Qing suddenly realized: “Oh, this is the case.”

Later, the group went to the Red Maple Leaf Restaurant for lunch. After returning, they met the employees of the Shanghai branch station, and took them to a very expensive coupon in the casual group. Essence

By the time the checkout, the waiter at the front desk notified them that they had won the prize and had gifts. You could go to the casual group station in the front of the street to get a rice cooker.

This is actually a means to increase user stickiness. It is not high -level, mainly to make you feel the more cheap.

Jiang Qin didn’t give that leisurely to lead, so he handed the phone to a pusher.

When the local push worker took the mobile phone to exchange, there was a brand of pulling the hand network on his chest. The people of the heart group were not disgusting. I said that we are competitors. Grass, immediately feedback the headquarters!

That night, the atmosphere of the Headquarters was very dignified.

“Is the handwriting back to Shanghai again?”

“I don’t know, but I think we must be alert. We burned money to smash the market in Kyoto. Pulling the hand network may not have to move the idea of Shanghai. I think we should call all management to open a meeting and customize a queen plan. ”

Ye Ziqing carefully entered the perspective of pulling the handwriting network and kept analyzing the cattle. He convened the senior management to meet that night.

The content of the meeting is how to continuously expand its market share in the case of keeping the existing market and cannot be attacked by others.

“President Ye, everyone under my hand said that the person who pulls the handwriting network will be martial arts, what the golden snake is wrapped in his hands, and it can’t be opened at all.

“Yeah, President Ye, the glutinous rice regiment also said that the push of the ground with a high ground combat effectiveness, but the handwriting network does not admit it.”


Ye Ziqing thought about it: “These days, let the people on the street be kept on, and stabilize the market in Kyoto first before dealing with it.”

So on the next day, the people in the casual group began to patrol everywhere on the street, and when they saw the listed, they couldn’t help but look at it.

At the same time, Jiang Qin was walking on the streets of the non -university urban area along with his own ground. One is to see what scenes are the current business atmosphere under the advertisement of the casual group. To cope with the later layout.

However, after a few streets, they suddenly found that there were always people behind them, and the work of turning around was gone.

Jiang Qin frowned, thinking about the director of the ground push group after thinking for a long time: “How long have a sign on the handwriting network?”

“From the beginning to sign exclusively, I have been using this.”

“La Shuang.com is now focusing on the markets of Kyoto and Shencheng, and then use their brand to expose stuffing. Let’s take it in your pockets first. After a while, I will go to you a batch of glutinous rice signs for you.”

“Don’t do a few more kinds of bosses, Wowo.com, Tuanbao.com, 24 vouchers, we change the belt one by one, so that they can’t find out who is who.”

Jiang Qin looked at him after listening, and was surprised: “Yes, what is your name coming?”

The director of the ground pushed up his chest: “Report the boss, my name is Xu Kaixuan.”

“Damn, the name is very nice, very good, very good.”

Jiang Qinlian said three very good, remembering the name Xu Kaixuan in his heart.

In the later period, the group must not fight guerrilla warfare, because when the group purchase network found that under the blessing of capital, no one can fight the opponent, it will definitely give up mutual bite and put their attention to the second and third line markets.

In this way, the layout of the group in the second and third line will be fully exposed, and you have to fight if you don’t want to fight.

At that time, Tan Qing will be transferred back by himself and look at the whole country, so there must be someone in Shanghai to pick the beam.

Xu Kaixuan is a good person. First of all, he is very dog, which is in line with the temperament of their company. In addition, his name is auspicious. The superstitious boss likes to name auspicious employees.

Xu Kaixuan …

Not bad.

Jiang Qin God went forward, and continued to talk with Xu Kaixuan: “How old are you?”

Xu Kaixuan pursed his mouth: “I’m twenty -nine this year.”

“Twenty -nine, can you be a supervisor, have you had a girlfriend?”

“I am married. My daughter -in -law and I have met in the university. I got my certificate within a few years of graduation. Later, I came to Shanghai to develop together.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Did you buy a house?”

Xu Kaixuan shook his head: “How can we, foreigners like us, are difficult to buy a house in Shanghai.”

“Good work, there will be a chance.”

“thank you boss.”

Jiang Qin walked out a few steps and suddenly turned to look at him: “You are married, then you should know what gifts are the best gift to the abbot mother -in -law for the first time?”

After listening to Xu Tan, I thought about it: “I remember when I first took a box of Ejiao when I came to the door, what else had good tea, but then no one was drinking after the expiration, and it was not true.”

“go on.”

“I think buying some jewelry, jewelry or something, it is better to stay around, and the mother -in -law is also a woman. As long as a woman is a woman, I like jewelry.”

Jiang Qin pondered: “What about the old man?”

Xu Kaixuan laughed: “It is much simpler to send the old man, tobacco and alcohol, boss, you want to give you a gift to your old man and mother -in -law.”

“What kidding, I don’t have a girlfriend, just want to find out in advance.”

“oh oh.”

Jiang Qin stood on the street for a while, and suddenly said to Xu Kaixuan: “If you send the wrong gift, will it be hated?”

Xu Caixuan shook his head: “That’s not. Giving gifts is a ritual. It is best to send it to your heart.

“you sure?”

Xu Kaixuan stunned, and said that the boss, do you have a mother -in -law or no mother -in -law, so cautious.

Jiang Qin didn’t wait for him to answer, and waved his hand directly: “Forget it, go back first, notify Manager Tan, I won’t go back tonight.”

“Where are you going?”

“Go relatives.”

(This chapter is finished)

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