Who is reborn? Who is in love?

369. 369 Like a little daughter -in -law who has just entered the door

Chapter 369 Like a little daughter -in -law who has just entered the door

On the sunny winter, the end of the exam was over. Students left school in the early morning under the fog. Last night, there were dense footprints everywhere, and their toes were all far away in the distant hometown.

Dinner, meeting, arrange holiday work, approve the document of the dealer, and send it to the rich mother -in -law to entrust the rich and rich to Professor Yan.

When Jiang Qin ended his work one after another, even a ghost shadow in the school had gone.

He simply did not return to the dormitory. He directly dealt with the night of 207. After getting up the next day, he went to Linchuan Shang Gang. He was busy until 4 pm before returning to Lingda to clean up his luggage.

Guo Zihang hadn’t left yet, so he came to the car with his luggage and licked B.

There are three old students from high school in the south of the city, Duan Yan, Kong Sisi and Shao Xianghao.

Duan Yan is a class of senior high school. He is his classmates with Jiang Qin and Guo Zihang. Shao Xianghao and Kong Sisi are in class in high school.

The university is a complex environment. The people around you are from the South China Sea. There will always be a difference in habits and customs. Therefore, the friendship of the same high school is precious.

The four of them are the same. Although high school relations are average, they have become good friends in the university.

Jiang Qin also felt that a person was too boring, so he agreed to the request of the car. After all, it took two hours to take two hours from Linchuan to Jeju.

“Brother Jiang, I heard that the South High School is going to change the campus, do you know?”

Jiang Qin nodded: “The entire city center may migrate east, and Dongcheng is the new city.”

Guo Zihang opened his mouth: “What is the land of the south of the city?”

“Look at the government’s planning for the old city, it will probably push down and reconstruction. It is now a school such as a technical college. Now the policy has come down. It is said that it is necessary to encourage junior high school students to test technical schools to promote talent reserves in various industries.”

“We have gone back after that, and there is no place to find a memory?”

Jiang Qinwen was happy: “Even if you don’t rebuild, you can’t find a memory. The fucking door will not be allowed. When we graduated, the principal said that you will always be the pride of the south of the city. Graduates’ notice for prohibiting walking on campus. ”

Hearing this sentence, the people on the car couldn’t help laughing.

Duan Yan, Kong Sisi, and Shao Xianghao were not pure to save money.

Mainly in the past year, the news about Jiang Qin has been overwhelming. Various rumors have also flooded the sky. As an old classmate with high school, it is definitely false to say that it is not curious.

However, because they were not familiar with Jiang Qin in high school, and there was a gap between their identities after college, they didn’t dare to speak after getting on the car.

But with the topic of high school, they also relaxed their hearts and started to join the topic.

“Did Qin Xiuye know the third class? She talked with our class Chen Song for three years. As a result, she broke up now. It is said that Chen Song also took people to their school to make trouble.”

“Fan Wenli in Class 5 is suspended. It is said that what is the yolk cystic cancer is born from birth and now I can’t control it.”

“Bo Zi and Cao Juan have been together since the second day, and now they have broken up.”

“Yuan Peng in class eight and Wang Xing of Class Seven also broke up …”

From Jeju to Linchuan’s high -speed road, everyone talked about the news of high school classmates after graduation.

There are good and bad on these messages, but most of them are bad, because good things can’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Jiang Qin also sighed, because he heard the people in everyone’s mouth, and he didn’t face his face. This was probably the admission to the year, and it should be a good time.

However, for Duan Yan, Kong Sisi and Shao Xianghao, they also have a particularly curious rumor that they did not dare to talk, that is, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu.

Because in their impression, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu had nothing to do with high school. Maybe they didn’t even say anything. Why did they be together as soon as they graduated.

One is the rich people who are cold for anyone, and the other is an ordinary high school student who can only learn.

When did they know?

What happened after two people after graduation?

What flash point to Jiang Qin has touched Feng Nanshu, who has been in Gao Leng for three years?

Is Feng Nanshu so cold to him?

What exactly does the Tianxian girl who is in love looks like?

All of them are in their hearts, and they have been thinking about it for a year.

At this time, the mobile phone that was placed in the storage box suddenly shook, interrupted the chat and thoughts of several people.

“My mother’s phone call, I guess what time is we going back. Zihang, you can help me pick it up, and say that you will get home at 6 o’clock.”

“oh oh.”

Guo Zihang took out the phone and answered the phone, turned his head to look at Jiang Qin: “Auntie called us to go to your house for dinner, and said that it was a bit a bit to do.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Also give Shi An, let him come over.”


At 6 o’clock in the evening, the winter day was dark. Jiang Qin returned to Hongrong House and parked the car downstairs.

Duan Yan, Kong Sisi and Shao Xianghao were embarrassed to go. They all said they had to go home, but I heard that Yang Shu’an and Guo Zihang came, and finally hesitated and agreed.

College students have no advantages, they just listen to persuasion, and they are really hungry.

When I walked into the house, a scent of stewed pork ribs drifted away, and Jiang Qin took a deep breath, and it was comfortable and comfortable in her heart.

To be honest, the mountains and sea flavors are eating too much. When you smell this common taste, it is really easy to get warm.

“Mom, I’m back!”

“Take a break first, the meal is right.”


Jiang Qin changed his slippers and walked in, and turned around and told them to be casual without restraint.

Guo Zihang has been here several times, and it is not restrained at all, but the three in the back are still a little embarrassed, and I do n’t know where I should sit. Until Yang Shu’an smells the wind, the atmosphere is much better.

After a long while, Yuan Youqin spoke again, let them go to wash their hands, waiting for dinner, so everyone started to line up to wash their hands.

Kong Sisi was the first to finish washing. He wiped his hands and went out at will. Duan Yan followed closely, but when he came out, he found that Kong Sisi was stupid and was standing in the corridor between the restaurant and the living room.

“What’s wrong?”


Duan Yan walked around and looked at her finger, her eyes suddenly froze.

In Jeju in winter, the heating was hot. Feng Nan was tied with a high ponytail, and his upper body was a short sleeve. Below was a black and white trousers. Then he entered and exited the kitchen and brought the hot meals to the table.

After setting up the plate, Feng Nanshu found that someone was staring at her, so she showed a high -cold expression and returned to the kitchen again.

“There are a lot of girls in Jiang Qin’s house.”

Xiao Fu’s wife said seriously, and the exquisite Qiong’s nose wrinkled slightly.

In the corridor at this time, Duan Yan and Kong Sisi looked at each other, and suddenly felt a fierce feeling.

Feng Nanshu, Feng Nanshu of Duancai, Feng Nanshu in the state of home, and Feng Nanshu, who has been in high school for three years as a treasure …

Yes, we all know that Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin are together, but it is not the same as when they are together with them. Why is Feng Nanshu also at Jiang Qin’s house and help Dai dishes.

In three years in high school, every time she appeared in a high -cold and rich beauty, she was so cold that she was not courageous, but now why is it like a young daughter -in -law who has just entered the door?

“What’s wrong? Isn’t it eating?”

“This meal has become what I can’t afford to eat …”


Shao Xianghao walked over with a doubtful expression while wiping his hands, just looking at Feng Nanshu with braised pork ribs, and the paper towels in his hand fell to the ground instantly.

He and Kong Sisi are in class in high school. In other words, they and Feng Nanshu are classmates in get out of class who class together.

Although Feng Nanshu does not participate in collective activities, she is often the center of the topic. Everyone often guess how Feng Nanshu will be outside the school.

Some people say that the rich must receive elite education, such as ballet, piano, violin and the like. When you rest, you will lie on her more than a hundred square meters of bed. Take a look at the literary masterpieces. Home restaurant.

Who would have thought that she would bring back and forth food like a little daughter -in -law in an ordinary family.

Jiang Qin also came out at this time. After seeing Feng Nanshu, he narrowed his eyes: “Come back to my house again?”

Feng Nanshu learned his eyes and narrowed his eyes: “Welcome back.”

“Why are you stupid again?”

“I have always been smart.”

Xiaoyu dumped the ponytail and went to the kitchen to continue the vegetables.

Jiang Qin wiped his hands and greeted everyone to sit down, just go home, don’t be like Liu Xun into Grand View Garden.

Duan Yan, Kong Sisi, and Shao Xianghao sat down and silent for a long time. They did not ease until Guo Zihang and Yang Shu’an came over after washing their hands.

Subsequently, Jiang Zhenghong also returned home from get off work. Nine people were around the dining table. Although they were squeezed, they were also happy.

Yang Shu’an and Guo Zihang sat on both ends, on the one hand, Duan Yan, Kong Sisi, and Shao Xianghao, and on the other hand, there were four harmonious family of four, Jiang Zhenghong, Yuan Youqin, Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin.

To be honest, although Kong Sisi and Shao Xianghao are classmates in the same class, they are also the first time they have been so close to Feng Nanshu.

It was also the first time they discovered that Feng Nanshu was really beautiful than many people.

“Well, how did Xiao Fu’s hands wear a bracelet?”

When eating, Jiang Qin suddenly discovered that Feng Nanshu’s wrist was wearing an emerald bracelet.

Jiang Zhenghong pursed his mouth and put down: “Nan Shu is not a belt of 30,000 yuan. I can’t pretend that I don’t know, or if I don’t care, I will return to her a bracelet.”

Jiang Qin opened his eyes after listening to: “Okay, dad, your private house money is really enough.”

Jiang Zhenghong held his breath instantly: “How can I have any private house money?

“Then where do you want to buy a bracelet, willn’t it be a pickled fake bracelet?”

“Haven’t I told you at the beginning? Our old Jiang family is the landlord component to the previous three generations. You are aunt, one passed to your mother. ”

Yuan Youqin nodded: “I don’t like to wear it, so I passed it to Nan Shu.”

Jiang Qin silently stabbed a bone and got into the ear of Xiao Fu: “Do you know what the heirs mean?”

Feng Nanshu nodded and whispered: “Knowing that the friendship is to a certain extent, I can get your heirbal treasure.”

“That’s right, it’s friendship, friendship for a lifetime, wow, you are so smart, you even understand this.”

Jiang Qin’s tone was full of encouragement like coaxing children, and a ribs were pinched.

He is too clear about his mother’s mentality. He just wants to hold Feng Nanshu as a daughter -in -law, but fortunately, the rich woman is stupid, and thinks that this bracelet really represents friendship.

Jiang Qin stabbed the pork ribs, looked at Feng Nanshu’s bracelet, and then slapped the pork ribs, and then looked at the table. Suddenly, he felt that it was not right.

Even if I am not stealing my house, how can I get my mother ’s heirot?

Does she really understand anything?

Jiang Qin thought more about the more incorrectly, and looked at Xiaoyu again: “Are you just talking about it?”

Feng Nanshu said seriously: “Jiang Qin, I never lie to you.”

Seeking a monthly ticket! Intersection Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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