Who is reborn? Who is in love?

368. 368 Come to dig the walls at will

Chapter 368 Come to dig the wall at the same time

At 10 o’clock in the evening, after the reception of Linchuan Shang Gang, the waiter in cheongsam began to distribute a gift and waited for the bosses to leave.

The front door of Longkai Hotel drove a variety of luxury cars, lined up in a row, and the lamps were shined as bright as day around.

To be honest, the previous year -end wine banquet will basically continue until late at night. Some bosses who have not played enough will also change a beautiful show, and then come to the show, and then dances.

But no one expected that the reception ended at ten o’clock this time.

“Why so early?”

“President Jiang said that their student dormitory had access control and closed at 10:30.”

“oh oh……”

The bosses of the suit leather leather were stunned, and then I remembered that the God of Wealth was still a college student, and it is said that it was still the first study star in the University of Lingda.

In fact, this identity is very easy to remember, but I don’t know why, they always forget Jiang Qin’s college student identity.

Talking about the layout of the business map with Linchuan, he turned to go back to sleep for the school’s access control. A person who can lift the situation and abide by the rules is really terrible.

“Let’s go?”

“Give Give Jiang, wait for President Jiang to leave.”

A group of bosses walked down the steps and walked towards the front door. Seeing Jiang Qin waving to see you in a piece of orange lantern shadow, then sitting on the back seat of the pink electric car with one butt, was a beautiful girl who couldn’t work. Pick up.

Some bosses in the early morning did not dare to overtake him, so they moved slowly behind, and the scene was very magical.

At this time, on the street, Liu Xiliang of the Hamburg emperor gathered the electric car holding the god of Wealth to walk away, and then squatted at the hotel door and waited to pick it up. During the period, many bosses greeted him and asked him how to go.

“Do you want to go back with my car?”

“No, my girlfriend does not know what’s going on today. Filial piety broke out, I have to take the initiative to pick me up.”

“Hahahaha, let’s do it, let’s see it next time.”

Liu Xiliang smiled and waved with them, and then saw a black business car stopped in front of him.

The door opened, Liu Yin appeared, and asked his father to get on the car.

“Whose car is this?”

“Um, friend’s car.”

Liu Xiliang didn’t think deeply. He patted his butt and got into the car, but found that he was not only his girlfriend in the car, but also her girlfriend Ye Ziqing, and another man and a woman, which looked a little strange.

Liu Xiliang stunned: “Yin Yin, do you want to go out with friends tonight?”

“No dad, Zi Qing, they came to you.”


In mid -October 2009, Ye Ziqing suddenly received a call from a college brother and wanted to ask her to have a meal together.

The brother’s name is Zhou Zhenhao. At the age of 28, he was a friend of her for many years. When Jiuhui Group Buying.com first started, he helped Ye Ziqing to do a lot of things, such as cooperation and price negotiations.

Although the website ended up with closed closure, Zhou Zhenhao’s ability left a deep impression on Ye Ziqing.

In addition, there is a person named Cui Yiting in the meal, which is also the character of their current.

Cui Yiting learned well and looked beautiful, but she didn’t like to be regarded as a vase, so she opened a supermarket in school and set up a tutoring agency.

The three of them were really dazzling.

Even if it is compared to Jiang Qin, I am afraid that there will be no more than it.

And they are all rich children, especially Cui Yiting. The family is doing real estate business. Now it is getting bigger and bigger.

In addition to the family background, they are also very good. They always want to make some achievements that really belong to themselves. It is not surprising that it can become friends.

“Zi Qing, three of us come together to do group buying Internet cafes together.”


“You should know that Jiang Qin’s affairs, he didn’t do the group, and said that the group purchase was not promising. Isn’t this an excellent opportunity?”

“He is too young, and he can’t keep up with the development of the times, but you should know the school girl, group purchase is the blue ocean of the future.”

“The system of fighting group is mature, can be copied, and we can use it directly.”

“With the development path of Jiang Qin, without a year, we can hold the opportunity of the track tightly in our own hands.”

Ye Ziqing thought that this was just a party who hadn’t seen him for many years, but he did not expect that Zhou Zhenhao would open the door like this, so he smiled instantly, and then fell into silence.

In the years after graduation, she is actually very boring.

Running for the family business and drinking with various customers, I have been numb in my heart.

It wasn’t until Jiang Qin’s group of fighting appeared that she realized that she still wanted to start a business and re -climbed from the failed place.

But Jiang Qin didn’t do anything, and said nothing, so when he heard Zhou Zhenhao’s consent, her heart could not not be throbbing.

In fact, Ye Ziqing has long had the idea of making a group purchase website, because even if Jiang Qin does not continue to do it, this project will be done by others sooner or later. What can I cherish?

But because of the moral shackles in her heart, it was difficult for her to make the “grabbing younger brother”, or she would not propose the plan of “buying a group”.

But today, when Zhou Zhenhao said this idea for herself, she discovered how much she desired this matter.

As a result, Ye Ziqing opened the shackles in his heart just in less than three days, and Zhou Zhenhao and Cui Yiting set up a casual group in Yangzhou.

Along Jiang Qin’s development model, their casual groups have developed extremely fast, and the city has been rolled out of the city.

The leaders of Yangzhou were also very excited because they were paying attention to the movement of Linchuan, so they immediately met them, which brought great help to the development of the Sanxin Tuan.

Today, they come to see Liu Xiliang for cooperation.

Because Linchuan’s local brand is too hot now, they want to make group buying, these brands are the mountains they can’t go around.

“Uncle Liu, I know you and Jiang Qin are now partners, but you also know that he is no longer a group of fighting, so strictly speaking, we are not a competitor with him. question.”

“Group buying is a major trend in the future. In the future, young people will only pay for the Internet on the Internet. Choose a store to consume directly, so group buying will become an inevitable.”

“Uncle Liu, Yin Yin and I have been friends since childhood. You should be able to trust me, right?”

Listening to Ye Ziqing’s words, Liu Xiliang didn’t speak.

The three thought he was considering, so he couldn’t help but add another fire, and briefly repeated the subsequent development plan.

For example, quickly spread out a city, and at the same time, with multi -channel publicity, change lines from point to face, and then weave a large net to form your own business form.

“Uncle Liu, after two years, the group will definitely popularize the whole country.”

Liu Xiliang nodded: “The idea is good, but the cooperation is not good.”

Zhou Zhenhao couldn’t help but pinch his fist: “Uncle Liu, sometimes people need to embrace new things.”

“You are a junior. It is a good thing to fight hard. I can’t fight you. So, in Yin Yin’s face, I can help other things except cooperation.”

Ye Ziqing, Zhou Zhenhao, and Cui Yiting looked at each other, and said after a while: “If you disagree, can we help us make an appointment with the fellows of several other brands.”

Liu Xiliang was silent: “It’s useless, they should be similar to me.”

“Uncle Liu, you just need to ask us to make an appointment, let’s talk about the rest.”


Fifteen minutes later, the black business car stopped at the door of a community. Liu Xiliang took Liu Yin and got out of the car and walked into the door.

Liu Yin still has a doubt about his father’s resolute rejection: “Dad, Uncle Jiang doesn’t engage in group purchase, why don’t you want to give them a chance?”

Liu Xiliang looked back at Liu Yin: “I used to be the same as them, and I felt that as long as I was working hard and tough, I couldn’t stop it, but after knowing your uncle Jiang, I knew that the real business was not that way to do that. of.”

Liu Yin was confused: “How did Uncle Jiang do?”

“How can I know that if I want to know, I will not become the richest man? But if you have seen the means of your uncle Jiang, you will know that Ziqing is too naive. If Jiang always builds the Great Wall, they will It’s equivalent to playing sand. ”

“It is really hot in Yangzhou with the heart.”

“Is our Burger Emperor in Linchuan? That is also a household name. I spent five years marketing. All eighteen foreign branches closed down. But business facing the whole country is not done. ”

Liu Yin followed up the door: “Dad, do you mean, Zi Qing will fail?”

Liu Xiliang sat on the sofa and made a cup of tea: “They did well in Yangzhou because of the light of your uncle Jiang. Only when Jiang Qin’s means in Linchuan will support Zi Qing, do you understand? ”

“I understand this.”

“Therefore, Yangzhou’s results are not their, but you are uncle Jiang, and you know when they go out. How can it be so easy? It is still from the point to the line. Do you think other competitive companies will watch it open?”

Liu Yin was silent for a long time: “But Zi Qing is my good friend.”

Liu Xiliang glanced at his girlfriend: “Because of your good relationship, I promised to help them ask for a meal, otherwise I would not even think about it.”


On the third day after New Year’s Day, several more popular brands in Linchuan were approved by Liu Xiliang to Juxian Tower.

This time, Ye Ziqing was really prepared, and PPT alone made more than 20 pages, and kept explaining while those brand bosses were eating.

Cui Yiting is beautiful and her eloquence is also very good. In addition, she has a wealthy background and a good temperament. She is used as a commentator. It is indeed a few bosses at the scene.

Just after talking, several bosses shook their head with a smile, their thoughts were almost the same as Liu Xiliang.

After seeing Jiang Qin’s means, they did not interested in these words of Ye Ziqing’s team.

“Girl, your casual group is Jiang Jiang’s group, right?”

“Um, our model is similar.”

“That Jiang doesn’t do it anymore. Why are you dare to do it?”

Cui Yiting froze: “Don’t he do it, can we not do it?”

Zhou Zhenhao pulled her aside and said with a smile: “President Zhao, that Jiang Qin is not a god. He may not do a group because he is not here, and it does not mean that this project cannot be done.”

President Zhao of the convenience store waved his hand: “Xiao Zhou, your ideas are really good, but I am still willing to believe that President Jiang’s judgment, not to mention that we also have our own rules and regulations. Come here first. ”

Between speaking, several other bosses also expressed the same meaning, and then got up and left.

This time they came over for Liu Xiliang’s face, and the vegetables didn’t take a few sips, and then they said the box in a smile.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Zhenhao’s smile gradually disappeared: “These people really have no vision.”

Ye Ziqing patted his shoulder: “It’s not so smooth to do business, just feel good.”

“I’m fine, but the name of Zhao Zhao called the President Jiang Qinjiang, but it was Xiao Zhou, it was too polite,”

Cui Yiting took the computer and sat over: “Time will prove who is the winner, I hope they will not regret rejecting today.”

Liu Yin also sat next to him at this time: “Zi Qing, while the investment is not big, I think you should think about it.”

Ye Ziqing’s eyes were a little confused: “Yin Yin, why did you do this? Do you not trust my judgment?”

“No, I just wake up.”

“Eat first. The cooperation of these brands is icing on the cake.

After the four people sat down, they ate some meals, and then went out of Juxian Tower.

After the cooperation collapsed, Ye Ziqing’s mood was inevitable, so they took a walk along the street, but they found the bosses who had just left Jixianlou in front of them.

They are in suits and leather shoes, standing in front of a milk tea shop, lining up to buy milk tea, and holding a black card in their hands.

Seeing this scene, everyone was a little surprised.

“Dad, what are you doing?”

“Drink milk tea, you look at this milk tea, the exclusive taste of the world’s richest man, although it is very earthy, but it is really up.”

“Why did you learn to drink milk tea too?”

“This is the new model of President Jiang’s family. The business holding card is free. When I came out, I saw it, so I came together to taste it together.”

(This chapter is finished)

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