Who is reborn? Who is in love?

365. 365 is another year of Ping An Night

Chapter 365 is another year of Christmas Eve

On the eve of Christmas Eve, the shaking snow has never stopped since the morning, covering the entire Linchuan in a blink of an eye, wrapping the entire street and building silver, making the world pure white.

The Christmas activities of the Mall have begun, and a tall Christmas tree is built on the huge square, full of color balls and bells.

Under the snow, the people on the square came and went, lively, and a large number of staff members dressed as Santa stood outside, sending various coupons to passers -by.

“How is the situation on the chamber of commerce?”

“Four first -tier cities have spread 107 stores, 17 Wuhan, and 15 Xi’an, of which 40 % of the transfer shops have saved us a lot of time. This is a summary list.”

On the lounge area on the first floor of the Mall, Tan Qing handed a form to Jiang Qin.

Because Alipay has not got a financial license, and Zhihu’s ground push is announced, the entire team is now standby.

Jiang Qin didn’t want to be idle, so he was constantly promoting the brand’s marketing plan and the layout of offline stores. After half a year of effort for half a year, the brand -based brand -based brand was gradually formed.

The second round of strategic promotion is now halfway, and the beneficiary brand has reached double digits.

“Let the cooperation between Zhen Guo Xian and Haibaigai to work for a fresh supermarket to advance smoothly?”

“I have initially reached the intention of cooperation, but there are some details that need to be finalized.”

Listening to this question, Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but stabbed Feng Nanshu: “You see Jiang Qin, saying that good is to play, but talk about work again. Don’t you put him in his husband’s storage place. ”

Cao Guangyu, who was holding his arms with Ding Xue, couldn’t help nodding: “Yeah, Laojiang, don’t talk about work if you come out and play.”

“Okay, then don’t talk about work, say Hi Pi, then he is hipi. People’s entrepreneurs never meet at the guise of group building.”

Jiang Qin sat up from the sofa: “Let’s take action, choose casually, don’t save money for yourself!”

The words fell, and all the employees of 208, Feng Nanshu’s entire dormitory, brought Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue, Ren Ziqiang and Wang Linlin, and Zhou Chao jumped a single jump, all a dozen people all rushed around in the malls.

Jiang Qin was pulled by Feng Nanshu and went to a clothing shop on the second floor to buy underwear.

Although it is a big promotional festival for Christmas, in fact, the mall is more about the elements of the New Year. After all, the year is approaching. This is also a preheating.

2010 is Geng Yinnian, that is, the Year of the Tiger, so there are small tigers, tiger pendants, tiger clothes, and gifts of tigers in the malls, even girls’ underwear.

Feng Nanshu’s eyes were bright, and a few pieces of panties of the little tiger were picked on the shelves and put them in the basket.

“Do you want to buy this kind of little tiger?”

Feng Nanshu: “?”

Jiang Qin coughed: “No, nothing.”

“Jiang Qin, how do you know that I still buy it? Where have you seen?”

“I haven’t seen it, how can I see it.”

Feng Nanshu suddenly stunned his face: “Jiang Qin, you are a big bad guy.”

Jiang Qin pretended to be the same, turned around and looked south, and then pointed at another shop in front of him shouted a good friend pretend, and instantly diverted the attention of the rich woman.

Gao Wenhui was also nearby at this time. After hearing a good friend, he pouted his lips. He said that Jiang Qin’s mouth was really hard enough.

As a result, when she looked at it, everyone was stupid. Good guy, the shop that sells couples really really has a good friend dress area!

“Mr. Jiang is good, please.”

“Do you have a good friend here, right?”

“Yes, President Jiang is qualified to wear a good friend of Zhenger Bajing.”

Jiang Qin held Feng Nanshu’s little hand, and walked into the “Good Friends” area like a gentleman.

Seeing this scene, Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but follow, grabbed the tags of those clothes, and found that it was all an XL code with a S code or XS code. No other code!

Jiang Qin is one meter eight, and his body is slightly thin. The XL code is just right. Feng Nanshu as a girl has a height of 1.7 meters.

In other words, the so -called good friends in it are prepared for the 1.8 -meter boy and a one -meter girl.

Well, this is the ability of banknotes …

“Jiang Qin, I want to buy good friends.”

“Buy, see which one likes you.”

Feng Nanshu ran over and looked around in a good friend area for a while. The expression was like a silly orange cat.

Gao Wenhui pointed out the two clothes: “This … can also be appointed to pretend?”

Jiang Qinwen looked at it and found that there were two white sweaters. The men’s and women’s models had half their hearts.

“You are right. Only a lifetime friend can be worthy of this good friend.”

“Then buy this.” Feng Nanshu pointed to two white sweater, his eyes were full of eagerness.

Jiang Qin glanced at her solemnly: “Are you so confident about your friendship between us?”

“I have.”

“Okay, then listen to you, let’s buy this.”

After watching the operation of the two of them, Gao Wenhui shocked, and said that the rich people could really do whatever they wanted, and said the black one as white?

Then Xiao Gao watched them buying two good friends jackets again, which was the very Korean -style coat. The hem was a little bit above the calf, one white and gray.

Feng Nanshu’s figure was very proud of it. After putting on this white coat, she instantly had the temperament that the female lead of Korean drama could not be compared, especially the slender legs, with a black wide -leg broken jeans, alive alive High -cold white and rich.

Although Jiang Qin’s dog is mediocre, it belongs to a look -and -looking type. It contains a turtleneck sweater and put on a gray coat. Standing with Feng Nanshu is a perfect poster.

“Good guy, is this an idol drama?”

Wen Jinrui held his hands on his chest: “The boss and the boss are the male and female owners of the brain replenishment when I read the romance novel!”

Su Nai squinted and looked at Wen Jinrui: “Can the dog boss be a male lead? Are you serious?”

“Well, the boss is inferior, but the boss is definitely the female lead!”

Cao Guangyu also came over at this time and saw that they were a little excited: “Laojiang and old Jiang, take it off and put it on!”

Ren Ziqiang held his breath: “Brother Cao, I suggest you still don’t want it, you can’t control this dress.”

“The face value of Laojiang can be controlled. Why can’t my handsome face be?”


Cao Guangyu put it on and tried it. Hey, the length could be pulled to the ground, and there was a tanged, just like a skirt dragged when a female star walked the red carpet.

It turned out that the control that Ren Ziqiang said had nothing to do with his face value, but height.

“It’s boring, this mall doesn’t want to make my money.” Cao Guangyu scolded Ding Xue and walked away.

Jiang Qin didn’t make Master Cao’s money really uncomfortable: “Lao Cao, don’t leave, there are shorts!”

“Don’t persuade me, I want to be quiet.”

Jiang Qin sighed, then held Xiao Fu’s wife, went to other shops to see her favorite boots, and helped her pick a few winter inside.

The white is very lined with the temperament of the rich woman, the black is cool and stubborn, the pink and cyan look are lively and agile …

Jiang Qin took it out one by one, raised in her chest ratio, and I felt that I wanted to buy any one, it seemed to have a feeling of playing miracles.

And Feng Nan Shu looked at him quietly, his soft eyes were full of dependence, and his heart shouted for a long time, and he felt like he wanted to call his brother again.

“Just these three pieces, plus … the top third pair of boots above, the one with the ethnic style hook.”

“Is this Mr. Jiang?”

“Yes, the number of 37.”

The clerk took the boots with a little embroidered national style and gave it to Jiang Qin. Together with the previously picked clothes, they were all put in the basket and were mentioned by the rich woman in the test room.

Every time Feng Nanshu changed, he had to come out for Jiang Qin. It really was suitable for each piece. This face value was too capable.

However, when he changed to the boots, Xiao Fu’s wife tossed for a long time and did not come out for a long time, and then said a little seriously that the boots were a bit small.

“I can’t be small, don’t you know your feet?”

“Jiang Qin, it’s really a little small.”

After listening, the clerk couldn’t help but speak: “President Jiang, the number of this boots is indeed a bit small, or try a large number?”

Jiang Qin nodded, followed the clerk to find a pair of big one, and then sent it to the fitting room.

Although Wanzhong Mall was changed according to the manual written by Jiang Qin, some details are still not too much. For example, this shop. Although the main is the tide brand clothing, the number of shoes is not large, but the test clothes room does not put slippers in the clothes room. It’s too much, this still needs to be improved.

“Wait for a while, I will unlock the shoelaces to help you wear it.”


Feng Nanshu took off the inappropriate boots, just raised his feet like this, and looked at Jiang Qin stupidly.

After the laces were unlocked, Jiang Qin raised the boots and put on Feng Xiaofu’s black silk.

Boots are still different from small leather shoes, because the shoe tube is relatively long, so it is difficult to wear it if you use shoes to put on your feet, so that Jiang Qin could not wear it a few times.

In desperation, Jiang Qin squatted down again and planned to loosen the shoelace again. As a result, before he finished it, he suddenly heard Xiao Fu’s wife “ah”.

Boss Jiang raised his head in doubt, and as a result, he saw a feet on his face and stepped on his face, soft and cold.

“I almost fell, but fortunately I was a little smart.”


After a long while, Feng Nanshu was taken out of the store by Jiang Qin, holding the newly bought little boots in his hand, and his agile eyes couldn’t help but look at Jiang Qin’s face, and then he returned to a serious look after watching it.

“Boss, it’s noon, eat.” Dong Wenhao stood at the door of the grilled fish shop.

Jiang Qin nodded: “The people who notified the messy strolls are gathered, and they will not leave meals late.”

“Well, why are you a bit unattended, what happy things you encounter?”

“It’s okay, you don’t understand …”

(Seeking a monthly ticket!)

Seeking a monthly ticket …

(This chapter is finished)

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