Who is reborn? Who is in love?

364. 364 The silent layout

Chapter 364 The silent layout

In November, it was in a hurry and messy, and it was snowing in a blink of an eye. The country began to enter the winter, and the temperature dropped sharply.

In the morning, the fog of winter fluttering in the streets, seeing a vast look from a distance, light and thin, but closer but not caught, looming.

In this season, pedestrians on the road have changed into a thick clothes, making warmth very well, and actively greet the coming of winter.

Xiao Liu, who was working in Wuhan, got up early and rushed to Yang Ji before going to work. He asked a hot sheep soup. The warm soup water entered the stomach with the fresh mellow fragrance, and immediately warmed his body.

After a contented “ah”, Xiao Liu Lu showed an ecstasy expression, and then easily hit.

At this time, there was a decoration of the street, which attracted Xiao Liu to look out.

I saw that the three shops on the street were decorating at the same time. Although the prototype could not be seen, the brand had been hung up.

At the zero convenience store, Linchuan barbecue restaurant, and an old hotel next to the corner of the street, it seems that it has also changed the brand and changed to Virgin, which is being renovated internally.

“Didn’t you say that the economy is going down again? There are so many new stores to open?”

Xiao Liu opened the white film and soaked in the bowl, and suddenly saw the opposite decoration worker who came to Yang Ji.

It seems that it has been agreed to become the same. Yang Ji’s clerk was busy with breakfast from other places to distribute them in turn to those decoration workers.

The workers hurriedly finished eating, put on their hats and gloves, and went to the opposite side in the morning mist.

“Do you still do a group meal business?”

“No, we don’t pick up the group meals, but we have cooperative relationships with several stores opposite, so we will be responsible for providing the food of workers during the decoration.”

The waiter collected the money and took out a card by the way: “See you often go to us to eat, do you want to get a card? 20 % off consumption, those stores on the opposite side can be used after starting business.”

Xiao Liu took a look at: “Xi Hanheqing, this name is quite strange.”

“But 20 % off is really fragrant.”

“That’s true.”

Xiao Liu came to Yang Ji to have breakfast every day, not only for the sheep soup, but also the honey dumplings and spicy chicken sets in their shop.

It would be great if it can be 2 % off, not to mention the shops on the opposite side can also be used.

Although he is a local, he can’t live in the hotel, but he eats barbecue, goes to a convenience store to buy a cigarette, and buy a happy water is always used.

So Xiao Liu spent 300 yuan, registered membership information, and held a member card of Xi Hanheqing.

“Brother Liu, help us order three cups of sweetness, want two cups of rose taro in the half -pond, a cup of ginger and red dates.”

“Good Lily.”

Xiao Liu walked out of Yang Ji with a member card, came to Xiangtian, and started ordering.

In the clerk to make milk tea, Xiao Liu put the bags and cards on the counter, then took out the wallet from the inner pocket, and found the change in the price plate on the counter.

“Don’t you have a member card?”


The clerk picked up the Xi Hanhe Qing and gently swiped the card. The original price of the sixteen milk tea was discounted by nine pieces.

Xiao Liu stunned: “Can you use this card in your sweetness?”

The beautiful clerk’s sister blinked: “Hi Hanhe Qing’s joy is the joy of sweetness. Didn’t the clerk who helped the members of the members give you a specific introduction?”

“I briefly introduced two sentences, but she gave me a color page of a member card, and I was thrown into the trash can.”

“It’s okay, give you another one.”

Miss clerk sent another guide for the use of a member card: “There is a brand list with this card, and other brands that are about to join the membership plan.”

Xiao Liu scanned his eyes: “But nine dollars, three cups of milk tea, is this discount too big?”

“It’s not a discount. Rose taro is still the original price, but today it is heavy snow. Ginger and red dates are sent. I wish your girlfriend has a warm winter day.”

“It’s not a girlfriend, but I’m chasing, hehe.”

Xiao Liu mentioned three cups of milk tea, smiled twice a little bit, and then walked out of Xie Tian’s store, walked towards the company, and looked at the card handbook in his hand.

He found that this card is so awesome. Although it is only a few stores, what hot pot, fast food, milk tea, grilled fish, desserts, fruit, fresh plan, but also involved hotels, KTV, convenience stores, supermarkets, supermarkets, supermarkets, supermarkets, supermarkets, supermarkets Essence

Didn’t you see it just now? There are several planned shops on the opposite side of the road.

Xiao Liu stopped halfway, and found that the misty mist had begun to dissipate slowly. Essence

At 8:30 in the morning, when he came to the company to sign in to work, Xiao Liu handed the milk tea to his goddess Li Jasmi. By the way, he also talked about the membership card.

“A card, I bought three cups of milk tea after having breakfast, did you spend 23 yuan?”

“Well, they seem to be engaged in every solar term, and there are any crazy Thursday half -price package or something.”

“Oh, Meimei, Chen, you are coming, you have a good thing.”


In the morning, the color page was almost rotten, and there was a special member of Xiao Liu to see the membership card.

In fact, Xiao Liu gave them Yang Ji’s lamb soup and dumplings a few days ago, but everyone was not interested, but today there were several colleagues who took the initiative to say that they would have to try it with him.

The goddess Jasmine proposes to go together.

The livestock’s life is boring. I can’t stand a little freshness. I want to go together with something.

However, the plan is often unable to keep up with the change. As soon as Xiao Liu had finished the work, he planned to take them to eat Yang Ji. As a result, he received a notice from the leader and followed several supervisors to go to Kyoto to have a meeting.

It was already evening from Wuhan to Kyoto. From the airport, Xiao Liu came to the hotel and started to rest.

The seats in the economy class are forced and dense, and they are uncomfortable to sit, and the designer must be a lack of morals. It is straightforward to the back of the back design.

Xiao Liu fell asleep and slept until night. When he woke up again, he was empty in his belly, especially if he didn’t eat Yang Ji’s dumplings today, let alone how empty is.

“Find something to eat.”

“I don’t know if there is a delicious dumpling shop in Kyoto.”

Xiao Liu scratched his head and walked out of the hotel, walking forward aimlessly, and came to a relatively prosperous street, and his eyes instantly captured a familiar logo with Yang Ji.


He walked over and glanced twice, and suddenly he had a feeling of dreaming back to Wuhan. It was not because of Yang Ji, but because there was a sweet sweetness not far from Yang Ji, and he saw on the card introduction manual. The green pepper grilled fish, zero convenience store.

In addition, there are obviously there are several shops that are under the streets that are in pairs, and there are obviously several shops that are being renovated, and there are things like scaffolding at the door.

Is my grass, is it aggressive?

Xiao Liu stepped forward, glanced at the commercial street in front, and found that those shops were really being renovated.

Although it is already night, there are still a lot of nearby traffic. Most of the young people. Several people looked like students, and then walked towards a nearby merchant merchant and entered a river to fish.

Xiao Liu stunned, reached out to get out the member card in the wallet, and bought a bag of cigarettes tentatively at the convenience store.

Can brush.

This card can really swipe. Although there is no discount on buying cigarettes, he can clearly see his points.

At this moment, the phone in Xiao Liu’s pocket suddenly rang.

Take it out to see the caller ID. It was Lao Liang, a classmate in college. After graduation, the two went to different cities. One in Wuhan and one in Xi’an. They often communicated QQ, but there were not many phone calls.

“What’s wrong with Lao Liang?”

“Brother’s birthday today, I can’t find a friend, call you a call, how are you okay recently?”

“Destwing, not even dinner, when the community is too hard, the body and the soul are sold, but they can only make some woys.”

“I’m almost the same. I just finished the class and found a hot pot restaurant. I gave myself a birthday. I dare not tell my parents.”

Xiao Liu sighed and just wanted to comfort his brother a few words, but found a cheerful music sound in the handset.

Let’s say goodbye to all the troubles, to all the happiness, hi, dear dear happy birthday, I wish you happiness forever, happiness forever ~

The song was obviously a large group of real -life singing, because he also heard someone sang wrong, and the one in the back also sang as a worship. The key is that there are applause after singing, and there is a lively blessing.

“Lao Liang, don’t you say you alone?”

Xiao Liu was a little uncomfortable. There was a kind of feeling that the brothers and brothers would be afraid of being suffering, and they were afraid of the brother Kae Land Rover.

He is now a strange street corner standing lonely in a strange city. He listened to his brother as lonely. He also had a birthday alone. He just felt a little bit in his heart. As a result, he heard such a lively noise, and his mentality was a bit worse.

“I’m really alone, how can I call you, but the waiters of hot pot restaurants have come to help me celebrate my birthday, it’s surprising.”

“What hot pot restaurant is so outrageous? Still help guests to have birthdays?”

“River fish.”

Xiao Liu stunned, lowered his mobile phone, and looked at the river from the bright square across the square.

Suddenly, he had a hunch. An unknown mystery seemed to constantly invade everyone’s life in a fast and low -key manner, and gradually deceived people’s hearts in a way of never seeing.

Dauxue solar terms will be free to drink ginger and red dates for tea shops. A person who has a birthday for a person can also be blessed by the whole shop.

Xiao Liu itself is doing market work, so she is very sensitive to these things. From the morning to the evening, what he saw and hear this day and hesitated in series is completely like a mist that came in the morning. But huge.

(Seeking a monthly ticket!)

I recommend a new song of Shabao Liang, which has been circulating recently, called “Waiting for Falling Flowers”. In addition, I also refer to a song when I set up a man for Jiang Qin, called “Freedom of Freedom”. Finally, it is the most important thing. Poor and poor child, give some monthly tickets …

(This chapter is finished)

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