Who is reborn? Who is in love?

320. 320 Jiang Xue Jiang Kai Audi? Intersection

Chapter 320 Jiang Xuejian Audi? Intersection

哐 , , 哐 哐 哐 哐 哐 down the cabinet, Professor Yan silently searched silently, as if the momentum is going to remove the 208, Jiang Qin was shocked, and said whether I want to tell the truth that the document had been flew away by my plane.

However, when he was about to speak, Professor Yan suddenly patted his head, and there was a feeling of suddenly cheerful: “Did I not write at all?”

Jiang Qin: “?”

“My memory, what’s going on, willn’t it be Alzheimer’s?”

Professor Yan said to himself for a while, and finally confirmed that he should not write, and then shook his head and left 208.

Jiang Qin stunned for a long time, and was a little unconfident by Professor Yan’s realization. He said that I didn’t have a plane just now? It’s just a fantasy.

He coughed, walked out of the entrepreneurial base, and found a circle outside the green belt.

When I saw a beautiful paper plane soaked in the puddle, Jiang Qin fell into a silent silence. Forget it, I didn’t see it. Professor Yan hadn’t written it. He acknowledged it himself.

Jiang Qin immediately put his conscience steadily into his stomach, then turned his head out, and suddenly saw a girl who was riding an electric car.

She was wearing the ladylike strap skirt with a white shirt on it, with a small black neck tie, her eyes were crystal and moist, and her long hair flew under the clear sky after the rain. Like Bai Fumei, which is difficult to approach.

Feng Nanshu came to charge Xiaofen, and by the way, he bought a bunch of fruits and snacks to work with 208 people. It was really a bit of the sense of responsibility of the boss.

Su Nai and Luffy took the lead in expressing a warm welcome to the boss, and began to grab the fruit by the way.

Jiang Qin heard the news, and shouted that everyone was a bit out of interest. Don’t be so shameful, and then took away the sweetness in the watermelon in the watermelon. As a result, the entire office was scolding the dogs, and the wealth that scared in the nest was scared. trembling.

At the same time, Feng Nanshu raised his toes quietly and glanced at Jiang Qin’s neck, his eyes were very cute.

“What do you see?”

“I didn’t look at anything.” Feng Nanshu immediately moved his little eyes.

Jiang Qin froze and unbuttoned the buttons on the shirt: “Do you want to see this? Look at the good things you do, red and purple.”

Feng Nanshu glanced secretly, and then stared at his eyes with moist eyes: “I bite it.”

“Of course you bite it. Looking at this situation, you can’t disappear for a week. On the hot day, I have to wear a shirt to cover it.”

“Why cover it?” Feng Nanshu was a little dazed.

“Because my good friend is so beautiful, I am afraid that others will be jealous when they know.”

Feng Nanshu was a little cold, and his eyes became bright: “Jiang Qin, you are a good person.”

Jiang Qin smiled slightly, buckled the buttons, stretched out his hand from the fruit box to feed him into Xiao Fu’s mouth, and then remembered one thing: “I called Fang Xiaoxuan and said that let her come to a big trip. Waiting for me in the store, is she here? ”

Feng Nanshu nodded: “She is waiting in the store.”

“That’s a dog here, let me go to the store to find Fang Xiaoxuan.”

“Jiang Qin, I want to follow you a bit.” Feng Nanshu said with a high face with a high face.

“No, I go to work if I go. You can play here, so as not to be a fierce meal, the milk tea is not done, and the book is not written. Do you know how dirty the readers on the website is? Fortunately, she was so big, otherwise it would be depressed. ”

Jiang Qin is really a little afraid of taking Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law, because he will see Fang Xiaoxuan later, and go to the city to see Liu Jiaming. When he returns, he will be dark. Being drilling the small woods and then bite again.

This sticky little fairy, she really bits people.

Jiang Qin printed two documents of the “Zhihu · First Station Marketing Plan”, and then rubbed the small head of a friend, and put her long hair behind her horns behind her ears, turned away from the entrepreneurial base.

There are many orders on the weekend. There are guests everywhere in the room. Jiang Qin felt a little noisy, so he took Fang Xiaoxuan to the back warehouse.

Recently, in addition to training employees in the city in the urban area, Fang Xiaoxuan also went to study outside for a while. The image of the whole person is no longer the previous migrant girl, but it has a feeling of urban white -collar workers.

After returning from the study, Fang Xiaoxuan also improved several of Xiang’s signature milk tea, which achieved very good results.

Everyone knows that the small house is a employee that the boss likes very much, but in fact Jiang Qin also appreciates her, because in her, Jiang Qin can feel the tenacity of the worker.

This is not a capitalist to admire a money -making tool, but that Jiang Qin saw himself who was crazy hard work in Shencheng in Fang Xiaoxuan.

It was just that Fang Xiaoxuan was better than herself than the previous life. When he met a good boss like himself, he did not say generously, and was handsome.

“Zhihu’s national promotion has completed the first stage. I plan to arrange some local brands in Linchuan for a round of marketing. Xi Tian is our own brand, so we have to take advantage of this opportunity to rush out of Linchuan. You think you think Can you be responsible for this? ”

Fang Xiaoxuan was a little nervous: “Boss, I don’t know if I have the ability, but I want to try it.”

Jiang Qin nodded with satisfaction: “You don’t need to be so nervous. I will arrange a special marketing team to connect with you. You only need to listen to the arrangements in the early work.”

“Good boss, thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

“It’s not that I give you this opportunity, it’s your boss lady too much like you.”

After listening to it, Fang Xiaoxuan was extremely proud of her eyes, and she was also grateful to her beautiful boss.

In addition, Jiang Qin did not know that Fang Xiaoxuan was actually a scholar. It was almost a momentary kung fu. She made a sweet taste from the words just now.

Although the boss is more serious, speaks very majestic, and he is simple and neat, and he is still capable, but he still has to listen to the boss’s mother.

“By the way, there is another thing. When we promote the sweetness, do you have to make an explosive product or explosion series. Do you have any ideas?”

“The taro milk tea left by Gao Dawei was very good, but some customers responded that it was too sweet, so I improved a version, reduced the sugar, and added some roses to make incense. Is this okay? ”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Yes, I don’t like to drink milk tea. Since you think you can do it, use this.”

Fang Xiaoxuan pursed his mouth: “Boss, I hope you can taste it first. If you don’t like to drink milk tea like you, you feel delicious, then I will be more confident.”

“Well, make sense.”

After sending the house Xiaoxuan to leave, Jiang Qin came to the table in front of Xiang Tian and knocked on the table: “Xiao Gao, give me a cup of rose taro.”

The words fell, and there were two laughter next to him. Jiang Qin turned his head and found that it was the flat school girl who helped him throw garbage at the playground that day, so he smiled with a kind.

Qi Qi and Guan Wensi certainly came to buy milk tea.

Because no girl can refuse milk tea, and no girl can refuse sweetness.

But they did not expect to meet Jiang Qin here, let alone Jiang Qin will buy rose taro.

This milk tea is the latest product launched by Xiang Tian. It sells very popular in school. It is also hit by the merchant to the title of the goddess, but a boy comes to buy rose taro. This is a bit funny.

Riding a pink electric car, love to drink girls like milk tea taste, oh my god, this senior is really funny and speechless.

“Jiang Men’s god loves to drink rose taro. This feels too scary.” Guan Wensi whispered.

Qi Qi couldn’t help but laughed: “It’s a little mother -in -law, and you don’t call him the male god, I will get goosebump again.”

“But people say that he is a male god.”

“It can be seen a little bit of vision. Even the handsome guy is not considered, how can you be a male god.”

In the process of dialogue between the two, Gao Wenhui had already done rose taro and handed it to Jiang Qin. Seeing Jiang Qin’s milk tea, Qi Qi couldn’t help but stunned: “Oh, no, he hasn’t yet didn’t yet have Pay! ”

The voice of this new goddess was a bit loud, causing the guests in the store to see it.

Gao Wenhui was also froze after listening, and then patted the table: “Yes, boss, you haven’t paid yet!”

“I promised that this month without your salary, your waistboard is hardened again, right?” Jiang Qin turned to look at her.

“I can’t make a joke.”

Gao Wenhui smiled and sent Jiang Qin out, and then turned to look at the guests waiting for tea: “That’s my boss, the dog is angry, let everyone laugh.”

After hearing this, the guests in the shop suddenly shifted their eyes to Guan Wensi and Qi Qi. Seeing this scene, the two girls’ brains were a little embarrassed, and their eyes were stunned for a long time.

I just laughed at others drinking rose taro. It looked like the mother in her mother, but they were the boss of sweet milk tea.

But how could he be a sweet boss?

This shop is a fire in the city, and it is declared that in order to ensure the taste, no franchisee has never been recruited. How could he be a student?

After a long while, Qi Qi and Guan Weisi walked out of the door and glanced at the signboard on the door. There was a string of numbers under the signboard, saying NO.001, to put it plainly, this number represents the first shop of Xiang Tian.

“Isn’t possible? Is this a fake sweetness?” Guan Wennsi said his guess.

After listening, Qi Qi felt very likely: “Well, maybe it depends on the fire in the city, and secretly came to school to have a vacation.”

“Even if it is fake, then you have to spend a lot of money?”

“There is no need to join the franchise fee. It doesn’t cost much to open a milk tea shop simply, not to mention that this store is still so small, or triangular.”

Qi Qi stood on the side of the road, holding her hands on her chest and analyzed a pass, and there was a serious goddess Fan Er. As a result, when she finished this sentence, she suddenly heard the sound of the engine of the car rang from behind.

She thought she blocked her own, so she turned and retreated, but found that she was a black Audi in front of herself, and it was the latest A6.

Is it … is the rich second generation who came to talk to himself?

Thinking of this, Qi Qi immediately sorted out his hair and adjusted his posture to the state of the goddess, and found that the Audi really dropped the window.

I just looked forward to the appearance of the conversation, but instead stretched out one hand, handed out a empty rose and taro cup, shook it twice towards Qi Qi, and motioned for her to hold it.

Qi Qi felt that this scene was a little familiar. It seemed that she had just happened not long ago, so she glanced at the owner’s face carefully, and her head began to buzz, and her hand could not help but take the empty milk cup.

“Thanks for the school girl, come to drink milk tea next time to help you from ordering.”

Jiang Qin put on sunglasses, raised the window up, drove away from the front square road, and nodded while pouting his mouth.

The taste of this rose taro is really good. It can be used as the main product promoted by sweetness, and then packed it into a net red model with Zhihu’s traffic.

(This chapter is finished)

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