Who is reborn? Who is in love?

319. 319 How much does I have?

Chapter 319 How much does I have?

In the early morning of the next day, at 6:30, Linchuan, where the temperature was still high, suddenly shade, and then there was a whistling wind on the campus. It didn’t take long for the light rain to fall on the window sill, and it instantly swept away. Summer is only hot.

Jiang Qin got up from the bed and left the dormitory after washing.

Because on Saturday morning, there were not too many people on the campus. Only some of the richest morning runners appeared on the playground, but because of a sudden rain, these morning running people quickly left one after another.

Boss Jiang came to the cafeteria, simply ate a bun, bought a cup of soy milk in his hand, and walked to 208.

Of course, you have to do a job in the morning.

So far, the front station plan that knows the whole country has been completed. The university town of the six cities in the goal has all won, and the short video drainage work has also begun to be on track. It is time to start checking the account.

After all, the subsequent promotion is more scattered, and there will be more places to spend money. It is important to understand how much the volume you have for later planning.

Of course, Jiang Qin also wants to know now that I am rich.

It didn’t take long for Xu Yu to come to 208, and there were five people behind him, including the cashier and the members of the accounting group.

The forefront of a company’s formalization is the regularization of financial management. Jiang Qin is now changing in this direction to separate the money account.

After all, the profitability of 208 is getting stronger and stronger, and the volume of flow funds is getting greater. The more formal this area, the more beneficial it is for the management of the funding for the later period of development.

“Boss, good morning.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Start to check the account.”

Xu Yu took the members of the two groups to sit down, took out the account list, calculator, open the cashiers in the computer, and started to check all the accounts.

With the sound of the electronic broadcast of the mechanical in the calculator and the calculator, Jiang Qin found that the amount recorded by Xu Yu became louder and louder. In fact, the eyebrows couldn’t help raising.

He has an estimated value for his wealth, and the current eight digits have surpassed his previous estimates.

But soon, that number started to become smaller, and became smaller and smaller.

At 11:30 noon, under the host of Xu Yu, the account verification work of 208 was over. The entire investigation spent nearly four hours, and the members of the two groups were tired.

This is because there are a lot of profit projects under Jiang Qin’s hand. They are made of groups, knowing advertising, and the profitability of the sweet sweet milk tea shop.

They cleaned up the unpaid payment, calculated the net profit of this month, and finally got a accurate figure -40,000.

Seeing this number, Jiang Qin had a feeling of returning to liberation overnight. This number is so familiar. It seems that this number is also the number in the spring.

“What is the 30 million yuan just now?”

“It is the sum of the profit of all the projects.”

“What about the subsequent minus?”

“In the past six months, your investment amount and promotion cost, and the cost of team operation.”

Xu Yu printed the details and put it in front of Jiang Qin, so that he could clearly see each cashier.

This includes investment in the Wanzhong Group, as well as the specific expenses promoted by the households nationwide, and the four university urban teams, a branch of a group, and the rental decoration and operating costs of 11 milk tea shops.

Finally, plus reduction, the account returned to the beginning of the spring this year. The spring returned to the earth, the recovery of all things, the grass -long Yingfei, and Yingge Yanwu.

Although Jiang Qin knew that his asset accumulation had increased to tens of millions, and fixed assets were increasing, but looking at the almost unmoved number on the book, he still had a kind of drink for more than half a year, but he didn’t have a penny for a penny. Feeling.

“That’s it, it’s good …”

“Then we also said that we only made 450,000?” Xu Yu asked a key question.

After the verification of Kaichun’s account verification, Jiang Qin demanded a unified caliber inside and explained 40,000 to 450,000 yuan, mainly to confuse audiovisual, insignificant development, and strong.

But this time, the situation is completely different.

Zhihu’s national promotion has completed the first phase of the goal, and Jiang Qin also bundled Linchuan’s local enterprises with the help of strong personality charm, constantly building momentum, boasting that Zhihu’s powerful profitability is just right.

So let’s not say that it is 450,000, even if the amount of 40.5 million is said, it is a bit shameful.

Of course, everyone knows that 400,000 is only a flowing capital on the account, which does not represent total assets. However, a large part of the total assets can be used to deploy secretly, and the accounts cannot be made public.

Therefore, only 450,000 can be given to people.

Jiang Qin thought about: “In this way, make two accounts, one is the summary form of the group, and the other is a summary table.”

After hearing it, Xu Yu stunned for three seconds: “Didn’t you finish it just now?”

“Your conventional approach is a bit honest, and you don’t show up at all. In this way, the operating costs of the four universities and the operating costs of the branch are all calculated into the cost of fighting. The cost of coincidence is also calculated in the group. ”

“Then take out the profit of the group as part of the promotion cost and calculate the profit of Zhihu.”

Under the guidance of Jiang Qin, the cashier and the accounting group re -started the calculation watchmaking, and the total amount of the income was 40.50,000, but the classified account list has changed dramatically.

From the profit of 16 million to 450,000, it is considered to be counted as the promotion cost of the group, with a total profit of 8.3 million. The remaining 3.6 million, accounting for about 80 % of the balance of subjects.

Among them, the investment of Wanzhong’s shares was divided into the account of the group, and it was considered as a fixed assets without being included in the general account.

In this way, the fighting group has changed from crazy profit to barely maintained.

“Okay, use the second split time when announced to the outside world. Knowing that it is really awesome, the garbage is dead.”

Xu Yu swallowed his mouth, saying that the boss was forcibly let the group not make money, and made Zhihu a loss: “Boss, this statement may not deceive professional people.”

“Not important. After the baptism of time, everyone will not remember the numbers, but only remember to fight for the group, and know that there is great promise. As for some potential opponents, even if they understand the greasy inside, they will only be able to be only about the catty inside. Laugh at us. ”

“I see.”

Jiang Qin nodded, then sat on the boss chair, caught in thought.

There are only more than 4 million disposable funds now, which is sufficient for the promotion behind Zhihu, but the problem is that you can’t spend all the money on this one. After all, the operating cost of the group is also very large. Part of the part.

It seems that I need to save a little from others’ pockets.

Jiang Qin performed very well in the reception yesterday. The person who leaders had established, especially the scene where Xiao Fu came to pick him up and directly set up the scene of Rolls -Royce’s opening, which was very shocking.

Now, it is also time to use everyone’s pockets.

Jiang Qin turned on the computer and wrote a Zhihu and the first stop marketing plan in three places. To put it simply, the national promotion of Zhihu has begun to achieve results. I plan to use Zhihu’s current influence. Let’s promote the brand of all strategic partners.

Of course, it is impossible for free. I believe everyone knows that there is no good thing for free.

After Boss Jiang wrote the draft, the first one thought of the brand was Gadori.

Linchuan’s bosses should now know that Gadorgi has obtained the promotion plan tailored by Jiang Qin. In this case, many people must be looking forward to the performance of Gadorgi.

Jiang Qin decided to use President Liu to first use the typical example of Liu to the vast number of rich people in Lingchuan.

However, things in the world are extremely coincidental. Boss Jiang just had this idea, and then received a call from Liu Jiaming.

“President Jiang, I’m sorry. I was too excited last night. I ran away without saying it. You see when you have time, let’s ask for a meal and talk about the planning costs.”

“President Liu is so polite. I like to make friends with like -minded people. When I come up, I will talk about the money too vulgar, not my style.”

“I know Mr. Jiang Renyi, and he didn’t even talk about the conditions. He directly provided the planning thinking. The more Jiang, the more, the more I think I should be grateful.”

Liu Jiaming was indeed too excited last night. After leaving the reception, he returned directly to the company and began to instruct the secretary to call people.

That night, Gadorgi’s management took advantage of the night to add a class to formulate a new propaganda material, and determined the design concept of the new packaging. Until this part of the work was completed, Liu Jiaming had time to find He Yijun for Jiang Qin’s phone call. Number.

So they took the meeting to 7 o’clock tonight. The two met in Long Kai, and He Yijun was a companion as an introducer.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qin smiled slightly and said that President Liu was still very timely. Otherwise, I couldn’t cry to death?

He reached out and took a piece of paper from the table, folded a paper plane, and threw it out along the window.

This action can actually reflect his current state of mind.

“Well, where did the latest management specified by the entrepreneurial base I put on the table went?”

At this time, Professor Yan pushed the door and walked in, looking at the empty table, showing a skeptic expression on his face.

Since the air conditioner has been over in the summer, the old strict head has not returned. After all, September has not been finished, and the weather is still hot, so he often works here.

Yesterday afternoon, he took three hours to write a new management regulations for entrepreneurial bases. He originally planned to arrange a student to help enter the computer today, and then print it out to various activity classrooms.

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Qin converged with a smile and turned to look out of the window: “Professor, do you believe it may have long wings flying?”

“Polying, hurry up and help me find it!”

“Don’t we go outside to find it? I guess it is unlikely to find in the house.”

“I put it in the room yesterday, how could I run out.”

Back in Shenzhen, the bed was moldy, and temporarily went out to stay in the hotel, absolutely!

(This chapter is finished)

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