Who is reborn? Who is in love?

314. 314 Xiaoyao, you are my medicine

Chapter 314 Little Rich Fu, you are my medicine

Because it is a time -to -school period, and there are new students to join, the girl’s dormitory in the evening is lively and extraordinary, and almost every corner is wandering a senior who wants to talk to the school girl.

Of course, some schoolgirls who love to make friends can’t sit still. At this time, they are also going downstairs in the dormitory.

Jiang Qin rode across the crowd indifferently with a small fan. He didn’t look at it. The main thing was a high -cold male god Fan Er. He felt that he had rode Harley’s momentum. Approve.

It’s like Schwarzenegger in “Terminator” holding a two -tube shotgun, while riding a motorcycle to spray people everywhere.

When I came downstairs in the girl’s dormitory of the Financial College, Jiang Qin stopped the car and planned to touch the phone. As a result, I happened to meet Gao Wenhui who returned from Xitian Milk Tea Store.

“Classmate Xiao Gao, please help me call Xiao Fu’s wife.”

“Oh, can I think of your big baby?” Gao Wenhui couldn’t help her hips.

Jiang Qin waved his hand: “The weather in this ghost is too hot, take a break and talk less, and go.”

“I haven’t seen you showing up for a week. When I was chatting with Feng Nanshu, I suddenly disappeared for a while. If I said, I would never care about you now. Unfortunately, Feng Nanshu had no bones. One week. ”

“The day when the boss is really raised, let alone Xiaoyao, I haven’t given the face of the professional class teacher. Who wants to see that I have to make an appointment three days in advance?

Probably because of the success of the video drainage routine, Boss Jiang will not be arrogant today. Otherwise, when he comes, he will not play a tough guy image of Schwarzenegger.

After listening to Gao Wenhui, he cut and cut: “Talk like this? When you go to Feng Nanshu’s house to pick up your relatives, you want to let me open the door and give the red envelope. Even if you are lucky to come in, Feng Nanshu’s wedding shoes I have no shadow for you! ”


Jiang Qin was confused, and said that the story in your mind was progressing fast enough, and his mother’s wedding shoes, so why do you only update 500 words a day: “I call your sister, go quickly, go high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, high, height, high, high, high, high, high. sister.”

“What are I have?” Gao Wenhui heard that his sister called his sisters instantly.

“Isn’t it a big deal? Isn’t your salary this month?” Jiang Qin put on a promise of gritting teeth, and it looked uncomfortable.

“This is almost the same!”

As soon as Xiaogao shook his hair and went upstairs, she reacted as soon as she walked to the third floor. I worked for you. Isn’t it right? When does the salary of the contract have become a benefit? Is there any king?

But the Lou was climbed halfway. Gao Wenhui felt that he didn’t need to go back again, so he could only hum and climb the two floors, and came to the girl’s dormitory 503.

Pushing open the door of the dormitory, Feng Nan Shu was sitting beside the bed with a black strap skirt with a white shirt with a black neck tie. A proper rich rich girl, with a smart lady fan.

This picture is like a beautiful girl sitting next to the fireplace in the European villa. The brilliant sunset outside the window is like a beating flame, and then the painter is sketched into the painting, so beautiful as solidified.

“Feng Nanshu, your Gai Shi heroes have stepped on the pink auspicious clouds to pick you up.”


Xiao Fu turned his head and looked at her, his eyes were a little blank, and he exuded a dull and cool temperament, making me very stupid, cold, and very stupid.

Jiang Qin, a dog, never allowed her to watch a love movie, for fear that she would learn a little, which caused the incident to be out of control, and was stunned by the second and third rounds, so she was completely in this “The Great Saint Marry”. I haven’t seen it, and naturally I don’t know this classic line.

Gao Wenhui seemed to think of this, so he changed his saying: “Jiang Qin rode your small powder to pick you up, just wait downstairs.”

“Wen Hui, who is Jiang Qin?”

Gao Wenhui knew it in less than a second, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but raised: “You have to let me say that your husband is coming, right? Okay, your husband rode a small powder to pick you up, can you?”

“I don’t know, I don’t understand anything.”

Feng Nan opened his mouth with a calm mouth, and his face was coldly bulging, but the joy in his eyes flickered than the stars, and the small heart had flew out.

She hadn’t seen Jiang Qin for a week, and she couldn’t wait a second at all, so she ran out of the dormitory.

“Well, shoes, Feng Nanshu, you haven’t changed your shoes yet.”

Gao Wenhui hurriedly called her back and pointed her feet with her fingers. At this time, the rich woman was wearing slippers, revealing the toe of the pink carved jade: “Why do you listen to Jiang Qin?”

“Friendship makes me wisdom.” Feng Nanshu explained seriously.

Gao Wenhui couldn’t help but lie on the bed, and then looked up and told: “Don’t forget to tell me about you and Jiang Qin when you come back at night.

“I know, I will bring you delicious food when I come back.”

Feng Nanshu changed his small leather shoes and ran downstairs again, and saw the big bear waiting for the roadside.

The fire was dark at this time, but the residual sun in the sky was still a bit magnificent. Jiang Qin hooked up and greeted her in the car, and then felt a fragrant soft body. between.

“Have you sat?”

“Sit, my brother set off.”

Jiang Qingang was going to order her not to call her brother, but after thinking about it, she felt that she hadn’t met for so long. The rich woman must be lonely and bad. Just call it.

He twisted his handle and took the rich woman out of the school gate of Linchuan University and came to Nanshan Izhuang on Pedestrian Street.

Ren Ziqiang has long been here, and he was talking with the old Cao’s family. Each topic was about how to fall in love. This made Jiang Qin unable to show a vigilant expression. The ear of the rich woman.

“Can you hear the voice of speaking?” Jiang Qin asked in a small voice.

Feng Nanshu glanced at Ding Xue and found that she was talking to Ren Ziqiang about falling in love, and instantly bluffed her face: “Jiang Qin, I seem to have nothing to hear anything now.”

“real or fake?”

“Really, I can’t hear it at all.” Xiao Fu’s face was cute.

Jiang Qin is speechless. You can’t hear it and you can answer it with me. Xiao Fu Po is really too stunned. This IQ can at least deceive the fool, but you can’t lie to your smart person.

However, it is a coincidence that it didn’t take long for the waiter to push the door to start food, so Jiang Qin clapped his hand to interrupt their on -site teaching: “Okay, don’t talk about it, hurry up, this thing, this thing too, this thing too. You can learn from one day. ”

“Well, Nan Shu is here too?”

After seeing Feng Nanshu, Ding Xue was surprised, and immediately gave her a Wink eyes, and Xiao Fu’s woman secretly blinked her beautiful eyes, her expression was cute and cute.

Jiang Qin could see all this, and he couldn’t help but be vigilant: “What did you say in the language I don’t understand?”

“Sister Ding Xue asked me if I had a strawberry for my best friend, I said planting.”

“You can really communicate so much information with your eyes?”

“My guess.”

Jiang Qin glanced at Feng Nanshu, and always felt that her IQ was high and low, and could not predict.

In the following period of time, everyone chatted while eating, talked about Ding Xue’s graduate exam, and talked about the schoolgirl who had been self -reliance. It didn’t take long for the topic to return to fall in love again.

Then the situation became Ding Xue’s busy teaching. Cao Guangyu was busy peeled with shrimp, and Ren Ziqiang was busy studying carefully, and Jiang Qin was busy to prevent Feng Nanshu from studying.

Only Zhou Chao, ears did not hear the window of the window, only eating white rice.

After the wine is full, the six -person six people returned to Linchuan University. Ren Ziqiang felt that he was full. He did not expect that girls would have so many details when they fell in love.

“Well, go back first, let’s go to Maple Forest and talk about love.”

In the middle of the road of the college, Cao Guangyu suddenly stopped and farewell to the remaining four humanity.

Ding Xue has been busy exams, but now it is easy to come out, and she seems to be pretty good. Of course, Lao Cao does not want to be so fast with her.

After hearing this sentence, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but glance at Feng Nanshu, and found that Feng Nanshu was looking at him with water. Obviously, he had been seen for a long time. He also wanted to stick to Jiang Qin for a while.

“That … go back first, Feng Nanshu and I go to the maple forest to make friends.”

Jiang Qin’s face was not blushing, watched Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue away, and then changed another trail, and took Feng Nanshu into it.

Seeing this scene, Ren Ziqiang was a little envious, and he didn’t know when he and Wang Linlin could reach this level: “Super, don’t you want to find an object?”

“No, I’m afraid you want me to invite a guest to dinner.” Zhou Chao was satisfied with his toothpick with a toothpick.

Object? what is that? Is it tasty?

At the same time, in the dark maple forest, Feng Nanshu sat across Jiang Qin’s legs. The soft body of Xiangxiang was soft in his arms like water, constantly stimulating Jiang Qin, let him be right Xiao Fu’s friendship has become stronger.

Jiang Qin held her small waist with both hands and stunned her twice, and suddenly she didn’t understand herself.

He has been busy promoting recently. He is not too tired, but he often has a deep sense of exhaustion. He originally thought it was too much worry. I didn’t see it.

But at this moment, when he hugged the soft little rich woman in her arms, smelling the faint girl incense on her body, he suddenly felt that his tight nerves were relaxed, and there was a kind of mood. Feeling, the fatigue in my mind was swept away.

Jiang Qin used his chin to hold his hot friends with hot ears. He said that he was a rich woman, a rich woman, and the rich woman. Is your friendship my medicine?

Today, I went to the town’s small clinic to make up for a teeth. As a result, it is inflamed now. It hurts to bring his head with his head. Is it worth a monthly ticket?

(This chapter is finished)

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