Who is reborn? Who is in love?

313. 313 Don't let Xiao Fu's wife learn

Chapter 313 Don’t Let Xiao Fu Po learn

In the afternoon of the same day, “The Talent of the Goddess of Military Training” was edited in just two hours, and then was posted on the watermark of Zhihu, and added a pilot page with a diversion function. Major websites and posted on the details page on the details page.

[The talent display on the military training playground, the goddess dancing is beautiful, the sound of the piano is moving]

Luffy made a series of titles, and then turned the screen very confidently, glanced at Jiang Qin, and asked the boss’s opinion.

Jiang Qin looked at it. The first feeling was almost meaning. He couldn’t let the gentleman’s desire to open the point, so he took the keyboard over, his fingers slammed, and gave him a little modification.

【Shock! The goddess of military training actually made this kind of action at the playground! .

“Try it with this title first.” Jiang Qin released the keyboard.

Seeing this title, Lu Feiyu stunned for a long time, and his eyes gradually showed a shock: “Boss, your thinking brings a new inspiration to my career!”

“Learn it well. The Huang Dongxi in the boss’s belly is enough for you to learn for 20 years.” Dong Wenhao came with a rainbow fart.

“Huang Dongxi? Where is there a yellow thing?”

After Jiang Qin’s opening, Su Nai, who heard the keywords, came and heard the wind. He glanced at the title on the screen, and always felt a little familiar.

On a quiet night in a certain night, when she worked overtime in the office alone to go to the building, it seemed to have opened a similar title?

“Boss, I won’t watch the same video with you, God, I’m dirty …”

Jiang Qin took a sip: “Don’t fill the yellow stalk, let’s put the work at hand first, and I will arrange a new task for you.”

Su Nai pushed the glasses: “The website upgrade has been completed. What are the tasks?”

“Add the function of adding a watermark to the development of a automatic photo and video to Zhihu.”

As an open social platform for college students nationwide, high -quality content is reproduced by other websites to become more and more common. You can’t stop the leakage of the content at all, then you must use this leak.

To put it simply, if you want my content, you can’t blame me for your traffic.

If you want to achieve this effect, some things must be done in the roots. For example, users will automatically add watermarks as soon as they upload photos and videos. This is the most effective diversion method.

“Dog boss, let me work again, my hobbies are about to be quit!”

Su Nai couldn’t do it. I said that I have never rest at all in the past six months.

I went to the market research. I was responsible for the upgrade of the website.

I secretly paid the membership fee for the video website for a year. I originally planned to take advantage of the time when I was not busy with work, but I could work one after another, and I wouldn’t spend money in vain!

“Your hobby is not good for your body, I just use the excuse of work to help you quit addicted!”

Jiang Qin revealed a capital -like kindness, and then turned to leave 208.

After the promotion of self -knowledge, his thinking has been divergent, and at the same time to guide 208 to the online content deep optimization, and at any time, he must listen to the work feedback of Zhihu promotion station at any time. Although the body is not exhausted, the spirit is spirit The level is indeed a bit tired.

Therefore, he intends to go back to the dormitory to take a good rest.

In the quiet evening of the summer, the old fan in the dormitory turned laboriously, making a buzzing sound. Ren Ziqiang lay on the bed and chatted crazy with his favorite elementary girl.

Seeing Jiang Qin back, Ren Ziqiang gurgled up from the bed, his eyes flashed with the light of hope.

“Brother Jiang, ask you a question, do you believe in love at first sight or more believe in love?”

“I don’t believe in feelings, I believe that wealthy can make the ghost, but what do you ask this?”

Ren Ziqiang sat on the bed and scratched his head: “It’s not what I asked, it was Wang Linlin asked. We were talking about QQ. She suddenly asked me the question. I didn’t know how to answer.”

Jiang Qin yawned: “It’s really not easy to answer. This is obviously a trap question. The answer at first sight seems to be frivolous and unstable. Bar.”

“What is a car -type answer?”

“You told her that love at first sight is like, and love is loved at first sight. There is no love at first sight.

After listening to hearing, Ren Ziqiang was so awesome, and immediately sent Jiang Qin’s Sao’s words, and by the way, he worried about Zhuang Chen next door.

Cao Guangyu couldn’t help but raise his head: “Laojiang, do you fell in love with Feng Nanshu at first sight or a long time?”

“I have seen Feng Nanshu’s eyes.”


Jiang Qin went to the bathroom to wash, turned and climbed into bed to sleep, and heard that Ren Ziqiang cheered for a while: “Brother Jiang, she asked me to go outside the school on Saturday afternoon!”

The old Ren was excited to go to bed and did a dozen push -ups. He decided to take the survival fee that night to ask for dormitory for dinner.

Zhou Chao is also very inexplicable. Damn, he still has nothing to do, and his mother can have a meal for a meal.

“Old Ren, can I take Feng Nanshu to go together?”

Jiang Qin lay on the bed and asked, but stared at the chat box on the screen of the mobile phone.

[Jiang Qin, I am a little obedient today, are you busy? .

[Jiang Qin, I saw the cat that would only be turned over in the afternoon]

[Jiang Qin, Fugui said that it wanted to go out and walk]

[Brother, I think the little feet you think can’t be itchy again, I want to cry all day]

[The above sentence was issued by Gao Wenhui, but it was not so itchy. .

Jiang Qin has been busy in these days, and has never been with his good friends too much. Now watching Xiao Fu’s message, the main thing is that he can’t bear a little loneliness. In the lines, “I want to meet” and “I want to meet”.

Ren Ziqiang is now immersed in the intense pleasure of his favorite school girl. He is just a father -in -law for Jiang Qin, and of course he will not refuse.

“This way, I brought Ding Xue too. She is a girl. I know the careful thinking of girls. You can ask what kind of boy she likes.” Cao Guangyu saw a stitch, a batch of dogs.

Ren Ziqiang nodded fiercely, and felt a little bit unsatisfactory: “Good brother Cao, I must ask.”

Jiang Qinwen sat up and got up: “Old, you ask for advice, but you must whisper, don’t give my little rich woman to the church, she learns something thief!”

“Brother Jiang, I can ask a little bit, but Sister Xue may not be whispered.”

“It makes sense, so Lao Cao, your name is Ding Xue whispered, don’t give my little rich woman to the church.” Jiang Qinjian pointed out Cao Guangyu.

When I heard this, Lao Cao immediately narrowed his eyes: “Skill, but you have to let me pit your meal, otherwise I will always be pitted by you, very faceless.”

Jiang Qin laughed: “I want me to invite a guest? Yes, the next night, I will give you a table for you.”

“Really false? This is not suitable, in fact, Nanshan Fanzhuang is enough.”

“How can Nanshan Fanzhuang be worthy of Master Cao, you must be Juxianlou, so, you bring Ding Xue with, and I talk to her about you to go to the playground to see the school girl. What do you think of? ? ”


Cao Guangyu’s face was obviously panicked: “Brother Jiang, I’m wrong, I will make her whisper!”

Jiang Qin thought about it: “I don’t think it’s enough. You have to ask the dormitory to eat again, so I can barely forgive you to be rude.”

When I heard this sentence, Zhou Chao was dumb in bed. Oh my god, I did n’t even say a fairy dormitory, and I did n’t even say a word. Go out, do this fucking still king?

In a blink of an eye, the time came the next day, Jiang Qin went to 208 to stare at the drainage video, and found that the effect of this video is really good, and it also proves that this routine can continue to be used.

As a result, he convened a meeting to open a meeting to systematically analyze and discuss the drainage videos.

How to use the script and editing to cleverly make some “accidental videos” suitable for spreading, so that they can put them out on other platforms, so as to drain it.

For example, I find someone to play a freshman who is unbearable by military training. Let him wear military training uniforms to see the rain in the playground, and then turn to an empty border. no?

Another example is to use interesting dialects to re -interpret the currently hot animation bridge section, can there be traffic?

In response to the ideas proposed by Jiang Qin, the brain holes of Dong Wenhao and Luffy began to expand, and they instantly thought of a lot of fresh ideas.

“Boss, I understand what you mean, but the thoughts in my mind are very mixed and chaotic. Can you settle it first?”

“Okay, then think about it, and then write a plan for me. The name of the project is called Douyin Program.”

“Good boss.”

Jiang Qin waved his hand to announce the meeting, and then opened the website after the upgraded website browsed carefully. The current content of Zhihu has become increasingly larger. In order to facilitate retrieval and browsing It came out.

In addition, several new sectors have gradually accumulated rich content.

In particular, the social news search list made by Su Nai during the summer vacation has also passed the official launch. The name of the section is decided to be today’s headline, which is simple and popular, and is popular and loved by college students.

“Brother Jiang, come to Nanshan Ifozhuang, the location has been set, and Lao Cao and Ding Xue have arrived!”

“Okay, wait for me for half an hour, I will pick up Feng Nanshu.”

After Jiang Qin returned the news, got up to 207, unplugged the power plug of the small powder, and came to the dormitory building of the Finance College in the evening fire.

(This chapter is finished)

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