Who is reborn? Who is in love?

282. 282 I want to live in your house

Chapter 282 I want to live in your house

Subsequent days began to become calm and comfortable, which is no different from ordinary summer vacation.

After going out to school for a week, the travelers were successful and succeeded in the mother’s mothers once in the morning and evening.

However, because the rich woman appears in Jiang Qin’s house every day, Yuan Youqin just wants to educate Jiang Qin every time she just wants to educate Jiang Qin. After seeing her, she will have a feeling of being dazed.

“Mom, I want to eat watermelon.”

“If you eat and eat, you know how to eat it, will you not cut it yourself?”

Jiang Qin watched the watermelon from the mother -in -law’s mother -in -law’s mother -in -law’s heart, and said that the original rich woman was the good recipe for maintaining the emotion of the mother and child.

On July 12th, the sweltering Jeju finally ushered in a heavy rainfall, dispeling the high temperature that made people suffering. At that time, the thunder of thunder over the city at that time, and the huge rain drops fell to the ground.

After a while, the rainwater was gathered into a water flow on the road, and it couldn’t drink it in the sewer.

Jiang Qin was sitting in front of the computer at this time, and his fingers knocked on the keyboard. Among the 208 group chat, the destination of the summer group building plan was north, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Each city lasted three days. Enjoy it!

The next second, his account was banned for a day.

Su Nai: “I also blocked the boss again, because I had an ominous hunch in my heart.”

Wei Lanlan: “If I remember correctly, these four cities seem to be the forefront of the promotion plan.”

Dong Wenhao: “Good guy, I feel that my summer vacation is over yet.”

Su Nai: “A scared people, fortunately I blocked!”

Xu Yu: “It’s no useful, the boss has asked me to buy you a good ticket. Everyone will go tomorrow and meet at night.”

Tan Qing: “In such a hot day, why can’t the boss take us to a cool place?”

Dong Wenhao: “The cool place is not worth promoting, so we still work in essence.”

Wei Lanlan: “I received a notice just now. The boss said that we asked us to bring the computer without paying the ticket.”

Su Nai: “Why didn’t he dare to come out and say this by himself? !!”

Dong Wenhao: “Because of your dogs and gallbladder, I banned the boss.”

Jiang Qin was sitting on a chair and watching Su Nai in the group was irritating, and his heart was so comfortable.

Little programmer, delusional against his capitalist, is simply a car.

At this time, the sky outside the window was gloomy, and it continued to be faintly thunderous. The windowsill also fell from raindrops, and it continued to splash to build a smoky Jeju.

The door of Jiang Qin’s bedroom was suddenly pushed away. Feng Nanshu, who was ponytail, walked in from the living room. The expression was cold and cold. He also held a yellow peach canned in his hand and gently put it on his table.

“Jiang Qin, give canned food.”

Jiang Qin touched the knife, pry open a small gap on the edge of the canned food, and easily unscrew the bottle cap: “Don’t eat too much, you have eaten two cans in these three days.”

“I am used to eat it for you.” Feng Nanshu’s eyes were a little innocent.

“When you eat one, I said that, but I drank a sip of sweet water, and it was the other left.”

Feng Nanshu rolled up his cheeks, took the canned food to sit on the bed, took a small spoon to start digging and eating, and after eating tired, he hugged by the book case, watching the rain quietly outside the window: “Jiang Qin, our family from our family When can the family portrait be done well. ”

Jiang Qin stretched his waist: “I have done it, I called me yesterday and let me get it.”

Feng Nanshu Guru sat up: “Then let’s get it.”

“It’s still raining, wait until the rain stops.”

“oh oh.”

Feng Nanshu took off his shoes and rolled into the bed, then drilled into the pink quilt, closed his eyes, and quietly listened to the sound of Jiang Qin knocking on the keyboard.

She ran here every day, and every time she went home until late at night, mainly because Jiang Qin’s warmth had a special magic for her. After coming, she didn’t want to leave.

Although her garden villa also has TVs, she is larger than Jiang Qin’s family, and the sofa is more comfortable than Jiang Qin’s house, but it is completely unattractive for her.

On the contrary, although the TV here is small, the sofa is small, but as long as you sit here, even if the advertisement has become much better.

“Jiang Qin, if I am homeless, can I live here all the time?”

After listening to Jiang Qin, he narrowed his eyes: “Aren’t you going to sell your villa?”

Feng Nanshu came out of the bed and looked at him: “Can you sell it?”

“Uncle Gong is estimated to shout 666, so older, he still has to move the house. Did he always live in your house? Where to move, do you come to my house?”


Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth, got back into the quilt, and turned his back to him: “But your family is so comfortable.”

Jiang Qin watched her shrink into a ball in her quilt, and raised the corner of her mouth slightly: “Then you just sleep here for a while. When the rain stops, I will take you to take the photo album.”


Feng Nanshu agreed and closed her eyes gently.

The sound of the keyboard in the ear, the sound of rain outside the window, the faint thunder sound, and the drowsiness like the rain on the street, making her gently trapped into the dream.

Beautiful girls are sometimes like cats, and they are always so drowsiness in places where security is enough.

Two hours later, the rain didn’t stop, but the rain was much smaller. Feng Nanshu got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and found that Jiang Qin was staring at the rain outside the window, his eyes were slightly vicissitudes.

“Jiang Qin, I’m awake.”

“Go to wash your face, I will take you to get the album and eat by the way.”

Jiang Qin turned off the computer, picked up the car key, waited for Xiao Fu’s wife to wash his face, and then drove to the Seagull Photo Museum.

Because the albums were put on two copies, these things were quite heavy together. Jiang Qin put something into part of the trunk, leaving only one album in the hands of the rich woman, and then found a small casual. Restaurant, have lunch.

During the meal, Feng Nanshu kept watching the photos in the album carefully, looking at everyone in each one, the light in his eyes was always flashing.

Jiang Qin opened her mouth to eat something, but her cute little eyes never left the album.

So fascinated?

Jiang Qin held a period of pepper and quietly fed it, and found that Xiao Fu Po chewed it twice. After a second silence, he began to make a sound of Shathaha.

“Eat still?”


After lunch, the two returned to Hongrong’s home. Jiang Qin took out a variety of ornaments, filled with a whole coffee table, and then took a photo of the two of them for a long time, and his expression gradually solidified.

After finishing the calf, the suit with a white skirt, he didn’t pay much attention when shooting, but after making it into a storage, why is the sense of vision of the wedding photo so strong!

However, it is also good to see such a strong sense. Ms. Yuan Youqin will definitely be happy to explode. Then take this opportunity to say about going out for half a month.

But if you say it straight, it is definitely inevitable to have a meal. How can you avoid it?

Jiang Qin thought silently, and couldn’t help but glance at Feng Nanshu, who was still looking at the album.

In the afternoon, the door of the house was pulled open. Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong went home from get off work, walked to the porch to change shoes, leaving two wet footprints at the door.

“Mom, the album of our family has taken it back.”

“So fast? Let me show me.”

Yuan Youqin hurried to the living room, and when he saw the album and setting on the stage, he smiled with a brow: “The four people are better than three people.”

Jiang Qin coughed: “Mom, I want to tell you something. Feng Nanshu wants to travel to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen for half a month. I have persuaded him hard and said that it is not safe outside, but she has to go.”


Feng Nanshu looked at him dumbly, stupid for a long time.

“Nan Shu, why do you suddenly go out to travel? Why?” Yuan Youqin’s eyes were confused.

“She said she was tired in our house.”

Feng Nanshu opened his eyes wide: “I don’t!”

Jiang Qin grinned: “Actually, the rich family wants to go out to play. You also know that the young lady of the rich people must turn around the north of the South China Sea every time. has no meaning.”

“Does anyone accompany you?” Yuan Youqin asked.

Feng Nanshu shook her head and wanted to say that she didn’t know anything, but it was meaningless to fall in Yuan Youqin’s eyes.

“How can no one accompany? How safe is a girl going out?

“Yeah, little rich woman, just listen to my mother, how comfortable you are at home, you see that I don’t do anything. I make my mother angry at home all day. I can’t afford to sleep until twelve o’clock every day. , The shoes are messing up with clothes and not washing. The key is that you don’t sleep at night. ”

Yuan Youqin stood up and stood up: “Jiang Qin, you are okay at home anyway, or you will accompany Nan Shu to play, let’s go, I will clean up things and get you overnight.”

Jiang Qin was silent for a moment, and there was a word in his heart that he didn’t know if he was not asking.

But after thinking about it, he still felt forgetful. Anyway, he could go out, and he listened to a few words. If you are a pro -you, do n’t ask for the time being, so as not to be beaten.

He returned to the bedroom, inserted the U disk into the computer, and selected a few electronic versions to send it to the QQ space.

That night, many people were hard to sleep all night and greeting Jiang Qin’s ancestors.

On July 13th, a sunny day, Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu to the airport and took a noon flight to the capital.

The capital in the summer season is very hot, and the air quality is a bit poor. A deep breath, obviously you can feel a sense of granular. Jiang Qin coughed twice, took Feng Nanshu on a taxi, and went north to the north all the way north. Essence

Wei Lanlan and Xu Yu arrived one step ahead of time. At this time, the hotel had been booked and was waiting at the door.

Su Nai was also rushing to the hotel at this time, his face was full of excitement.

Although the suspicion of working this time made Su Nai want to grow up, but in the end, it was a far door, and it was still a public fee. It was definitely fake that a little excited mood was definitely fake.

After a long while, Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu arrived at the hotel and merged with Wei Lanlan sitting in the hall.

“Boss, boss, see a long time!”

“It’s been a long time no see Lanlan, how is the summer vacation?”

Wei Lanlan groaned: “Okay, it’s a bit boring at home for a long time. After all, it is summer. There is no place to go. I can only travel in public.

Jiang Qinle was sole, and the mother of the world really looked like: “By the way, the room is open? Let’s take us to settle it first.”


“Are you all here?”

“Su Nai and Dong Wenhao have been here. I have just handled them in. It is estimated that they are resting in the house. Others should still be on the road.”

Jiang Qin walked to the door of the elevator with the box: “Can you come at 5 pm?”

Wei Lanlan turned on the mobile phone and took a look at the flight information table: “It should be almost the same, but Luffy will land at 40.40, and it may take some time on the road.”

“Then 5:30, come to my room to gather, we go out at night and turn around.”

This month’s double monthly ticket, brothers and sisters start up! Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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