Who is reborn? Who is in love?

281. 281 The names are all missed

Chapter 281 The names are all missed

In Teacher Song’s eyes, when he said the news, the office should be exciting, but he did not expect that their expression was more weird than one.

Where did he know that before he returned, everyone had discussed Jiang Qin, and even a few labels were even reached.

Learning is okay, other mediocre, ordinary family, no highlights.

Just after speaking, Jiang Qin suddenly became the first study star of Linchuan University. This is nothing. The most important thing is that the famous young entrepreneurs in the latter are nearly 10 million assets. Strong.

The teachers in the office, look at me, I look at you, and finally all came over and studied the newspaper for a long time. I didn’t speak for a long time.

Official media reports are not a small magazine, and it can be explained that the problem is to be able to go to the Finance and Economics and Youth Daily. Even if the data inside is not true, the things written in it are definitely true.

Although the emotional person is not a rich second generation, he is already a rich generation.

In other words, the eyes of these people are really not ordinary …

The class teacher in the class pushed the glasses, returned to the workshop silently, and started to write a report carefully. The other teachers were almost the same. They all pretended that they had not talked about Jiang Qin just now.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Song was even more puzzling.

A student I have brought before, nineteen years old, nearly 10 million assets, but you are not shocked? What families are the crickets?

At this time, Jiang Qin didn’t know what his people were in the eyes of Teacher Chengnan.

Today’s little rich woman wore a white dress, her pretty face was exquisitely like a pink carving jade, picturesque eyebrows, moist red lips, and a cold expression, which made other girls in the studio pause. Lost color.

Miss Makeup Ms. held the brush in her hand and tried to this face for a long time, but she didn’t know how to get started at all. I’m afraid that her painting snake would be enough to destroy this natural beauty.

In the end, Xiao Fu’s wife was only erased with red lips that brightened lips.

The makeup artist felt that he was a waste, so he announced that he had been replaced and began to sting on Jiang Qin’s face. He seemed to find all those owed to Feng Nanshu on Jiang Qin.

Jiang Qin was very dissatisfied with this.

Xiao Fu’s wife is exquisite and has nowhere to get started, but I am also handsome. What do you do so hard? It’s as if there are many shortcomings on your face.

“Sir, please look up a little bit.”

When he heard the makeup artist, Jiang Qin looked up slightly, and then saw the little rich woman behind the mirror. The saliva in his mouth was going out, but his expression was still cold.

“Are you handsome?” Jiang Qin asked her expression.

Feng Nanshu nodded seriously and seriously: “Jiang Qin, I have made it up with you, you friend.”

Jiang Qin looked at her quietly: “How happy you are today, the little mouth is so sweet, but I want to warn you, don’t sink to beauty.”

“Then don’t be too handsome in the future, I will try to hold back.”

The makeup artist grinned next to the mouth, and then left Jiang Qin’s face with both hands: “Okay, it’s over.”

“What about my parents?” Jiang Qin turned around and asked her.

“Two elders are unwilling to make up, and wait for the studio on the second floor first.”

“Then let’s go up too.”

The makeup artist hurriedly stopped them: “Sir, you haven’t changed the dress yet.”

Jiang Qin glanced at his black T and shorts: “Isn’t it so handsome?”

“Let’s change a suit. This is the requirements of your elders in your family. Turn right forward and right is a test room.”

“Suit …”

Jiang Qin thought for a while, and found that his parents did not see how they wore a suit, so they did not refuse. They went to the trial room to choose a black suit.

After the clothes were changed, Feng Nanshu passed with a dark blue tie.

Jiang Qin walked in front of his whole body mirror, and Feng Nanshu followed him. He leaned against him. The two people watched the other party in the mirror gradually lose their minds, as if they were used.

Then, Jiang Qin didn’t know what the picture was thinking. At the same time, the corners of his mouth were getting higher and higher, but a white teeth were exposed.

“Okay, don’t look at it, it’s hard to take it out when you see your heart.”

Jiang Qin suddenly returned to God, covered his eyes with his left hand, covered Xiao Fu’s eyes with his right hand, took the small broken step, and felt the change room with the feeling.

The second floor of the Seagull Zhao Shi Pavilion is very large, and there are six sheds, all of which are separated by glass. Five groups of guests around are filming.

Jiang Qin looked around for a while, and soon saw Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong in the third room.

The two of them had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Feng Nanshu in a white skirt and a black suit, they walked side by side.

“Dad, mom? What do you miss?”

“Don’t make trouble, I’m getting the name.”


Later, under the greeting of the photographer, the family of four entered the shooting link. The first one was the posture of the whole station. Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu stood in the middle, next to Jiang Zhenghong and Yuan Youqin. The background was pure red color color. It looks very festive.

Then Yuan Youqin and Jiang Zhenghong were sitting in front, Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin stood behind.

After the photos of the four siters were taken, the two men were expelled from the team, leaving only Yuan Youqin and Feng Nanshu. They kept changing their postures in the shutter sound, which was no different from her mother and daughter.

Jiang Zhenghong took a handful of melon seeds from his pocket and handed it to Jiang Qin: “Nan Shu is a good girl, beautiful and well -behaved. That is your mother, I don’t have any brains, I like to be over the sky all day. ”

Jiang Qin took the melon seeds and didn’t speak.

“Stink little boy, what do you think in your heart? Don’t let your mother fall in love with then.”

“Dad, you are so awake, why don’t you persuade my mother, but that is a young lady who takes Bentley, what family is we?

Jiang Zhenghong spoke while 一: “I advise your mother to have any use, and the person who really makes decisions is you.”

Jiang Qin finished the melon seeds in his hand, and spread it forward: “Laojiang, eat.”

“No, the rest is for your mother.”

“I love this habit of feeding, am I stunned from you?”

Jiang Zhenghong lowered his voice: “Your mother is too nagging. Every time I go out with her, I will bring her a little bit. At least weaken your mother’s combat effectiveness of 30 %. This is the philosophy of men’s life.”

In the kung fu, Ms. Yuan Youqin rushed to the beckon: “Jiang Qin, your mother, I can’t shoot, you hurry up to take a few photos with Nan Shu.”


Jiang Qin put on the suit and buckled the buttons to the scene.

The photographer raised the SLR objection: “Oh yes, this lady’s eyes are very good, just like watching this gentleman like this, keep it.”

“Okay, let’s change and look at it with a smile.”

“Sir, you sit on the chair in front of you, your body is slightly tilted to the left. Miss you support the gentleman’s shoulder, uh … your eyes don’t have to look at him all the time, and occasionally take care of my lens.”

The photographer keeps pressing the shutter: “Sir, now it’s your turn to see this lady.”

“That’s right, this is the angle.”

“Her, sir, your gaze is too affectionate, don’t you be too affectionate? Slightly indifferent, there will be a scene that needs affection for a while, then I will say it in advance.”

Jiang Qin: “…”

By the afternoon, all the photos of the family of four were finished. The photographer poured the film into the computer and asked them to choose refined and enrolled.

In this process, Feng Nanshu’s eyes have been shining. This also likes and likes it. All the photos want them. They want to put them in the album.

Jiang Qin waved his hand: “Forget it, don’t pick it up, all of which are refined into the book, and then make two copies.”

“Smelly, spend money very ruthlessly.” Yuan Youqin glanced at his son.

“I said all, I gave hundreds of people as a boss at school at school. Now I have made a lot of money. Mom, since you all want it, then I must respect you.”

Yuan Youqin laughed: “Son, when did my mother want it all? Isn’t that what Nan Shu said?”

“This is not important, what is important is it or not?”

“All, I have a lot of money!” Feng Nanshu took his thick wallet.

Jiang Qin looked at the designer responsible for the selection: “If you want it, you should send more things? Is there a dozen strokes, is there a pure mahogany? It looks like a high -end, oh yes, your movie studio wants I don’t expect Linchuan to open a branch? I can help, you will send me a few more, hey, forget it, give me the studio, you go. ”

Designer: “…”

The studio could not open the branch, but he didn’t know, but after leaving the Bai Ou Zhaoshi Museum, Fang Xiaoxuan called and said that the location of the five stores of Xiang Tian had been completed, and all of them had been sent to his mailbox.

It happened that Yang Ji’s business in Linchuan was also put on the agenda, so Jiang Qin handed over the selection of the store to Fang Xiaoxuan.

(This chapter is finished)

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