Who is reborn? Who is in love?

277. 277 The road has been finished by the rich woman

Chapter 277 The road has been finished by the rich woman

The attributes of the group and Zhihu are different. The former is selling goods and the latter is social. So which is easier to promote?

No need to ask, of course, knowing.

If you want to promote the group, you must force the consumption model of everyone in the time before the air outlet.

However, knowing that it has the popular attributes of itself, it belongs to the social network that has gathered high -quality content. In this era, the open social circle is still the most popular social way of young people.

Therefore, instead of promoting the grouping of Bala before the arrival of the air outlet, it is the most easy channel for blooming in the country.

The idea of doing business is not to push the stone up the mountain. This is not only very tired, but it will be hit at any time. The best way is to climb to the top of the mountain first and throw a stone at hand, and it can roll to the destination.

In other words, when the capital is waiting, as long as he can quickly live on the university market through Zhihu, once the outlet appears, the group will be able to roll down through the fierceness of Zhihu, and even avoid many people. business competition.

The Tibetan sword is for the sake of bright swords, and it is definitely not a hidden.

However, Ye Ziqing is quite interesting. She may really love this project, so she will not gain a gain and loss.

Jiang Qin was ready to wait and see for a while, and I contacted the school sister. When I needed to be used, she would abduct her with morality!

What? I have no morality?

Hahaha, what does it matter?

Moral abduction does not need to be abducted.

“By the way, when will you return to Jizhou?” Jiang Qin looked at Feng Nanshu.

“tomorrow morning.”

Jiang Qin silently calculated his schedule: “I probably have to make a two or three days and deal with some trivial affairs.”

Feng Nanshu took care of the four weeks and suddenly lowered the voice: “There seems to be no one around this, we can watch a movie first.”

“You said what I want to say, what do I say?”

“You say Xiao Fu, come and let me hug.” Feng Nanshu taught him seriously.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the dusk was semi -dark and half dark, a mottled, and a lone geese flew over the sky, slightly over the last glory of the night before the night.

“The Castle of Hal Mobile” has been broadcast, the progress bar is gradually reaching the final position, and then the music stops, and the storm video will automatically jump to the black standby page.

Feng Nanshu, who was sitting in Jiang Qin’s arms, stretched out his hand without any matter. While Jiang Qin didn’t pay attention, he seamlessly switched to the next movie, pretending that he had always seen this one.

For a small action like this, she really knows it, just like sneaking Jiang Qin’s wine.

“Is it after reading it? Go, I’ll get it back.”

Feng Nanshu said indifferently: “Before the end, you watch, the movie has just begun.”

“Feng Nanshu, do you think I am a fool?” Jiang Qin looked at him seriously.

“I don’t watch you, I have to concentrate on watching movies.”

“Actually, I also like to watch movies with the best friends, but I still have entertainment tonight.”

“Then will you drink tonight?” Feng Nanshu turned his head and looked at him, his eyes were moist.

Jiang Qin instantly understood what Xiao Fu’s mind was thinking: “Don’t drink, and I want to go to Juxian Tower in the city. Even if I drink, you can’t ride to the city to pick me up.”

“I think I can try.” Feng Nanshu’s tone was serious and serious.

“You are quite confident, but I don’t agree. You go back to sleep well today. After returning to Jeju, I will take you to the movie theater to watch a real movie once.”

At night, when Hua Lan was at the beginning, Jiang Qin sent Xiao Fu’s wife back to the dormitory, and he drove to Juxian Tower for a banquet.

Since the start of urban promotion, Jiang Qin has been hiding behind the scenes and has not seen these merchants in these society.

And this time, it belongs to Jiang Qin’s precious first.

“President Jiang, I finally saw you, it’s really young.”

“President Wang Zhang, the two are really polite. I am just a mediocre college student. If you don’t mind, call me Azu.”

Jiang Qin sat hands with the two and sat in his position.

Vienna and Hongjin Food Entertainment are not local companies in Lingchuan. They also have their own business in other provinces and cities, and their headquarters are also established outside.

And Wang Peixiang and Zhang Qiao are not real bosses, and more accurately, the regional manager should be.

This time they saw that Jiang Qin was approved by the head office, and the purpose was not as simple as eating, but to ask Jiang Qin whether the group had the idea of promoting the group.

If so, they can pay for their efforts. The only requirement is to become the chief partner of the group.

After experiencing the two bright sword marketing of the group, the increase in the passenger flow of Linchuan’s side was really shocking, which made the management of the head office taste the sweetness, and always thought about it.

To be honest, the current advertising marketing, regardless of television or the Internet, can achieve the effects that can not be targeted.

Then if there is a national promotion plan, both companies want to take the east wind.

Jiang Qin thought for a long time. He originally wanted to deal with Ye Ziqing’s words to deal with them, but after thinking about it, he felt no.

He and Ye Ziqing have no business exchanges, but Vienna and Hongjin are different. The day of fighting the group will definitely have a sudden emergence of the army. At that time, he really needs to unite with these national large merchants.

Because for the O2O platform, merchants that can provide high -quality services are the lifeblood of the entire platform. There are no high -quality merchants in the early stage, and everything is empty.

Therefore, Jiang Qin did not say a word to death once, only to say that everything in the group was still planned, and the news was notified as soon as possible.

After dinner, Wang Peixiang and Zhang Qiao sent Jiang Qin out of the door of the restaurant to see him driving away, and couldn’t help but look at each other.

“This Jiang, although young, can feel a very powerful aura from his conversation and manner, which makes me always want to ask him to dinner.” It is really evil. ”

“It seems that he is indeed not high, but why did he always let us call him Azu?” Wang Peixiang was puzzled.

Zhang Qiao hugs his arms: “Azu may be his nickname, so it seems to be close, and the main thing is a Pingyi near.”

“It makes sense …”

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Qin sent Xiao Fu’s wife to start 208. At this time, Wei Lanlan, Tan Qing and Dong Wenhao had returned to the banquet and reported to him to eat.

In fact, their encounters are almost the same, and they are also companies that have business in other provinces and cities, or they want to go outside to do business. They want to borrow Dongfeng and spread out the business outward.

This shows that Linchuan’s news has gradually had an impact in the business district.

For some cooperative merchants, they saw a better future through the group. They were anxious to get on the bus and want to fly higher.

Several Dong Wenhao did not reply on the spot, because they also knew the importance of merchants for the group, so they brought back the problem and gave it to Jiang Qin to make a decision.

This is the benefit of not letting Luffy go.

If the old way goes, you can’t say it as soon as you pat the table. If you don’t push it, our boss said that if you wo n’t push it, you will not push it. I really listen to it. Everyone quickly go back to wash and sleep!

See, how honest and trustworthy is a journalist.

“Boss, how should we reply?”

“In fact, this is a good thing. There are national chain companies to cooperate with us. This will be the best wealth that the group can master the future.”

Dong Wenhao touched his chin: “But, our original plan is to promote knowledge, and isn’t the group dormant, the lower the dormant period, the better? The song, this will definitely be eye -catching. ”

Jiang Qin patted the table: “Still that sentence, before thinking about the problem, first look at the essence through the phenomenon. What do they want?” What do they want? ”

“What I want is to make a lot of money by borrowing Dongfeng.”

“Yes, they will not care about Dongfeng scratching the group, or know that it is shaved. If you want to borrow Dongfeng, you can do it.”

The image of Wei Lanlan understands: “When there was no group, knowing that the initial monetization function was forum advertisement. That effect was actually good, but it was not as direct as the group.”

Jiang Qin nodded: “Yes, don’t want to lose the partner, and we don’t want to expose it too quickly, then we will tie them all on Zhihu’s chariot. It is cheaper, but at least the coverage is wide and fast.”

“To promote the group with merchants, this may require a brand new promotion plan.” Dong Wenhao thought about it.

“The Ministry of Commerce has no winter and summer vacations. The worker is always on the road. The new planning case is left to them to do it. Lanlan goes to dock in the afternoon.”

“I am very worried about my workplace life after graduation.”


Wei Lanlan smiled: “I’m a joke boss.”

“Okay, let’s go, delay your time when you go home. When traveling, you will give you two days to make up for it, goodbye.”

Looking at the back of the boss turned away, the three looked at the three people, what the hell said, the travel was originally during the holidays. Why should you take two days off? The boss has been busy recently.

In the following three days, Jiang Qin went out early and returned early every day, and was very busy.

At the beginning of the month, he took a group building with the branch department, and the employees of the Ministry of Commerce and the Marketing Department deepened their familiarity.

After all, they are the pioneers of cross -provincial business, and they must catch them.

At the beginning of the beginning of the month, he was invited to participate in a business talks organized by the Linchuan Municipal Government to discuss the industrial upgrade of Linchuan.

At the meeting, many Linchuan leaders were curious about Jiang Qin.

Don’t look at the market prosperity of Linchuan, but the merchants are really wealthy. Jiang Qin lowered his posture. If you have an appointment, you must go barely.

“President Jiang, this is Qian Dong, he has a lot of mine in his hand, and two TV series have been invested last year.”

“Come on, Mr. Sun, let me introduce you, this is the younger member of the group, the youngest member of our chamber of commerce so far.”

“Old sister, don’t sing that love, and borrowed it for five hundred years, I came to show President Jiang to show the singing voice!”

“Look at the iron hoof, walk all over the mountains of Wanli ~”

“President Jiang, I made a special trip from the next door. I wanted to open a seven or eight chain convenience stores in Linchuan. President He and I were an old friend. He asked me to borrow fire with you and cigarette. ”

In the brilliant business KTV, Jiang Qin’s handshake in the suits and leather shots, as his uncle’s Linchuan merchants, called brothers and siblings, and did not fall into the wind.

Many people will be confused. They say that the little brother is obviously less than 20 years old, but the temperament is surprisingly mature. In this regard, Jiang Qin laughed without saying a word.

Who knows that what is hidden under the skin of Shengyanzu’s winning Guorong is an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life in his forties.

In addition, he was the first star in Linchuan, and he was scared to death!

(This chapter is finished)

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