Who is reborn? Who is in love?

276. 276 Sell me to me

Chapter 276 Sell me to me

“School brother, do you remember me for a long time?”

Jiang Qinwen looked at the door, and his expression was a little surprised: “Sister Ye? For a long time, see Professor Yan? He is idle to get rich and rich, if you are not here?”

Ye Ziqing looked at him quietly: “I’m not coming to Professor Yan. I have made a special trip to find you this time.”

“Find me?”

“I read the news and know that you are making a group purchase website, so … want to see it.”

Jiang Qin nodded thoughtfully: “Sister Ye Xue just take a look.”


Ye Ziqing glanced at Feng Nanshu, a little bit froze, and only took back his eyes for a long time, and couldn’t help looking at the display board hanging on the opposite wall.

To be honest, for this office, Ye Ziqing only felt that it was this display board, because it was left by when she left 208. Jiang Qin did not take it off, but continued to use it.

However, the report of the Jiuhui Group Purchasing Network has been annihilated in the long river of time. Now the new user rising curve and merchant settled in the second quarter of the group in the second quarter of the group are now stuck.

Seeing these, Ye Ziqing was even more lost.

She still remembered that when she first met Jiang Qin, it was a rainy day. She came to 208 to remember her entrepreneurial era, but she never wanted to change a new owner here.

At that time, Jiang Qin came out of 207 next door and told her that her group purchase direction was wrong, and if she changed her mind, it would not fail.

What did you say at the time?

The paper has to come and finally feel shallow …

The second meeting was in Juxian Tower in the city center. Because she just took over a part of the business at home, she needed to closer the relationship with the partner through entertainment. At that time, Jiang Qin came out of the box next door. Essence

What did you say at that time?

It is a good website to boast of his website. He also educates him not to be rushed. He must keep the time continuously and expand the user base first.

Jiang Qin’s answer was no money.

He was disappointed at him at the time. He felt that he only valued the small profits of his head in front of him, but he didn’t understand the real business layout and needed to seize the opportunity, so he turned to leave and forgot the younger brother he knew.

Then again, half a year passed, Ye Ziqing returned from a wine bureau and accidentally saw the news on TV, and was shocked to find that the student’s group buying network with a bad account was spread out in the city. Essence

It was such a fluttering word that turned into a deafening thunder today. Ye Ziqing discovered that he had never come from the shadow of failure.

Since that day, she has pushed away all the entertainment and began to investigate the emergence and promotion of the group.

School flower competitions, happy sweet milk tea, forum drainage, mall bundling, half price of the audience, regional push, and bright sword marketing.

Ye Ziqing found that the student who didn’t seem to be a positive -shaped was just smashed seven nails in Linchuan, and used the shortest time to do what he did not do.

At that moment, her heart was complicated.

On the one hand, the success of the group proves that her original idea was right, but there was no way to use the right method. On the other hand, this also proves that her skills are not as good as anyone.

Then she found that in the face of talent, hard work was really worth mentioning.

But what made Ye Ziqing feel unacceptable was that Jiang Qin had already used a year to plan a whole set of fast and efficient promotion methods, but he announced that he would stop promoting and instead turned to make forums.

This person, he easily achieved the goal that he could not achieve his best, but he spoke, and he didn’t play.

Doesn’t he know that if social networking cannot realize the final end of the end, it must be a full collapse?

“School brother, can you talk to 吗?” Ye Ziqing turned to look at him.

“Say Sister if you have something, there is no outsiders here.”

Feng Nanshu was a bit happy after listening, but on the surface, it was still cold and cold, like a ruthless rich woman.

Ye Ziqing took a deep breath: “The group is now very good. You should continue to promote it, instead of trapping it in Linchuan, because it is limited to a city, it will become worthless one day!”

“Sister Xue, the real -time payment cannot be achieved. The group can only be a regional monetization tool, and knowing that it is the best wind of the Internet.”

“Instant payment can be achieved. The four major banks have been upgraded to the online banking system for a while before. In fact, they are preparing in this direction.”

Jiang Qin poured her a cup of tea and handed it over: “Really? Then wait until the payment license plate is down.”

Ye Ziqing did not pick up, but stared at him tightly: “If the financial license paid in real time takes effect, this track will be thoroughly opened. All the capitals we are watching will enter the venue, and we will miss the most advanced opportunity! ”


“I’m sorry, the mouth is wrong, it’s you.”

Ye Ziqing pursed the corner of his mouth: “You must understand that you want to copy this project, and it is not only you who are entering the venue. The reason why they have not splashed water is because they are also waiting for the wind, but After the wind comes, it is better to chase the wind after all. ”

Jiang Qin took the cup and fed Feng Nanshu with a sip of water: “I understand the meaning of my sister, but how do you think I can win? Is it because of my face? But my sister, the face value really does not mean justice. You can’t be so superstitious. ”


“ok I admit it.”

Jiang Qin opened his eyes wide, and said that his sister was reluctant, but his eyes were really good.

“I admit that this is the funny joke I have heard this year.”

Ye Ziqing said expressionlessly: “Let me tell me the truth, I believe that you have found that you have checked the founding and development history of the group. Your marketing method is very powerful, and you know the psychological of consumers and merchants very much. This is the most important condition for doing O2O. ”

Jiang Qin shrugged: “But I still think that it is better to know, and my team has begun to shift the center of gravity.”

“Then you sell it to me, I’ll do it.”


“School brother, despite the price, as long as it is not too outrageous, I can accept it. I will definitely build the group into the largest O2O platform in China.”

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Qin’s scalp was numb for a while, and said that in addition to Feng Nanshu, this little devil, this should be the woman who had met the most. She really dares to buy good things.

But he was very strange. Under many contacts, Jiang Qin felt that Ye Ziqing’s personality should be very cold, but as long as she heard the word buying two words, it seemed like she could not control herself. Extremely enthusiastic.

Is this the power of obsession?

Because I failed once, I always felt unwilling? This is a bit similar to my mentality.

“Sister Xue, let’s not talk about it if you sell it, I want to know, what would you do if you are me?”

“Continue to push it out of the country, the goal is to the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.”

Jiang Qin sighed: “It would spend a lot of money. When the air outlet is not needed, the group will die directly in front of the wind.”

Ye Ziqing didn’t care at all: “We can choose financing.”

“No, it’s not okay now, this is not the best opportunity to fight.”

“But at least you should let it go out to see how far it can go. If you don’t go out, you have no chance to see the beautiful scenery.”

Jiang Qin shook his head and shook his head: “Push temporarily, but I will definitely not sell it. Thank you for your kindness.”

Ye Ziqing was a little disappointed, but I still didn’t die: “I can join you and help you to promote it. I am the vice president of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce. The two of us teamed up and at least first spread out first -tier cities.”

“Who is the vice president of the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce?”


Ye Ziqing took out a business card and handed it to him: “No one will sell his own efforts. I understand this, but I hope you don’t sleep in the group. As long as you have the willingness to expand out, I can turn my Human connections and channels will be lent to you. ”

Jiang Qin took a business card and glanced at the rich woman: “Look, this pattern is the same as we like to punch the wall.”

“School brother, we are talking about business!” Ye Ziqing was a little angry.

She found that Jiang Qin was a pure love brain, and it was a severe love brain, because in the past ten minutes of conversation, he was either pinched that girl’s little hand or feed the girl to drink water.

Yes, she acknowledged that the girl was the most beautiful one she had seen in her life, and she couldn’t help but want to see it, not to mention Jiang Qin, a man with a bloody man.

But the business card she just gave is worth the city, but he only cares about the pattern above.

It is difficult for Ye Ziqing to understand. How did Jiang Qin do business in this way? Is it because the team he recruited was better than himself? Intersection

Jiang Qin returned his business card, his chest was so on the point where he could put on the table: “Sister Xue, I will consider your opinions, but I don’t want to use the external force too early. pride.”

“Then you think about it, I will come again after the summer vacation. I do n’t want to do it like this. I hope you do n’t want to be so serious.”

Ye Ziqing picked up his bag and left the office in anger with high heels.

“Slowly Sister Sister, 208 welcomes you forever.”

Jiang Qin chased the past, and saw that Ye Ziqing suddenly turned his head: “Even if my private contact information can’t be bought, you really missed a lot.”

Jiang Qinfeng waved his hand lightly, and then drove in front of Feng Nanshu: “I guess you have remembered the phone number on that business card just now.”

Feng Nanshu was stupid: “I … seem to remember.”

“It is worthy of being a goddess Feng Nanshu. With you, you can see all the news you can see!”

Xiao Fu’s cheek, holding a smile, took a high face to pick up the pen he handed in coldly, wrote down a string of numbers on the paper, and thought about it for a long time and wrote a line of address below. Small characters.

Jiang Qin picked up the phone number and looked at it, then folded it and locked into the drawer.

Although the promotion of the group is temporarily stranded, the connections may not be used in the future. Save it first, and it will definitely play a key role in the future.

Borrowing connections? So there is no need to pay anything. Everyone who does business knows that free is the most expensive.

Jiang Qin felt that he had never borrowed this word in his dictionary, only stealing or grabbing.

(This chapter is finished)

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