Who is reborn? Who is in love?

256. How can I give me such a big reward?

Chapter 256 How to give me such a big reward?

After watching the movie for more than two hours, Xiao Fu’s posture has changed from side to side to the side.

Her potato chips were eaten, leaving only an empty bag.

Feng Nanshu left the bag and turned to look at Jiang Qin, thinking, but found that the other party had closed his eyes.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fu’s wife closed her eyes, as if sleeping asleep, pretending to be confused, and began to move her little buttocks forward, secretly drilling Jiang Qin’s arms.

Her waist was soft and slender and flexible. Between the flashing, the two warm black silk feet accidentally rushed to the mobile phone in Jiangqin’s pocket.

Feng Nanshu stepped on it twice, trying to kick it aside, and was afraid of being rest when he was sticked.

But the next second, Jiang Qin’s mobile phone suddenly started to shake, and he opened his eyes in surprise.

In fact, he didn’t fall asleep at all, just thinking about the specific cross -provincial promotion plan, and planned to give some parts that did not want to be transparent, plus the sound of rain in the ears, he felt very comfortable. Will close your eyes.

But what’s the situation now?

Why suddenly give me such a big reward?

Jiang Qin sat silently and found that Feng Nanshu, who was lying on the beautiful legs, was breathing evenly at this time, as if he was asleep quietly.

“This silly little girl is really no defense to me.”

“Can you know that it will bleed?”

Jiang Qin touched the remote control to turn off the TV, then gently got the bed in his hands, and picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table to see the time.

They arrived at the farmhouse at 9 o’clock in the morning. I didn’t expect that the blink of an eye was 11:30. The rain outside the window didn’t know when it stopped, and lunch should start immediately.

Jiang Qin turned to look at Feng Nanshu, and at a glance, he glanced at the little tiger.

Why is each one like this?

Damn, so cute …

Jiang Qin watched his mind, and he didn’t move his feet for three minutes. As a result, at this time, the mobile phone he was holding in his hand suddenly shook a bit, and shocked his god back.

It was Jiang Tian’s phone call. He informed him for lunch and asked if he and Feng Nanshu had a jealousy.

Jiang Qin reached out and dragged Xiao Fu’s skirt, and stamped her the quilt gently. He answered the phone herself and walked out of the room while afraid of noisy to sleep.

Hearing the sound of opening the door and closing the door, Feng Nanshu counseled that he didn’t dare to open his eyes, but couldn’t help humming, he said he didn’t hold it, but he pretended to sleep, but now he can’t wake up. Diligently showed me smart.

As a result, five minutes later, Xiao Fu’s wife really fell asleep in a stunned manner.

At this time, Jiang Qin had already answered the phone at the door of the corridor. He had planned to go back, but the next second saw the boss of the farmhouse walking through the opposite side. He thought about it, and then followed him. Essence

Jiang Qin has now passively opened the working brain mode. The working principle of this model is to see things that make money.

When I came to the farmhouse last time, I hadn’t skimmed in the work of fighting the shop, so Jiang Qin did not have a specific plan to cooperate with the Xijiao Farmers’ Music.

At that time, the boss provided the tourists with ingredients for them to cook, but he had to collect a set of money to make him shocking.

This is almost darker than the capitalist. The capitalist can still draw cakes. This is completely naked robbery.

I am very envious.

Therefore, Jiang Qin intends to talk to the boss who runs the farmhouse and incorporate the area of the western suburbs into the business scope of the group to the store.

In fact, Jiang Qin’s current value, this remote retail investor cannot bring much profit, but it happens to be a service that has not yet been touched by the group to the store, that is, tourism.

Besides, I am idle and I can make some money.

Jiang Qin held his mobile phone and showed him the service homepage of the group to the store, while depicting a good future after the group settled in the group.

The boss of the farmhouse listened to the case of the milk tea shop, the cases of thousands of shopping malls, and the praise system and the entire network drainage.

His place is very remote from the urban area and has a great demand for drainage, so the basic sentences Jiang Qin said in the heart of his heart.

“What do you mean, can you let college students come to me?”

“If you understand it that way,” it is okay. ”

“Then I think about it first, let me give me the URL, I will try it later.”

Jiang Qin wrote down the URL, and said that you can try it. If you try this, you will be addicted to it, and you are basically inseparable.

After putting down the pen, Jiang Qin got up and planned to leave, but found that Jian Chun was sitting on the chair next to him, looking at him, his eyes were a little stunned.

Seeing Jiang Qin’s look, Jian Chun returned to God in an instant, and couldn’t help but speed up, but he still reached out naturally and greeted him.

“Jiang Qin, good afternoon, Jiang Tian said that he is going to eat.”

“Well, she called me, I will pass later.”

Jian Chun looked at him with a bright gaze, as if there was something to say, but without waiting for her to speak, the door opposite was suddenly opened.

Zhuang Chen, who was wearing handsome and aggressive, came out with a digital camera and walked to the front hall with great interest.

Jian Chun just called him and said that he wanted to go out with him, and let him take some photos by the way. As a warm man who even bought the snacks of Jian Chun’s roommate, Zhuang Chen would certainly respond positively.

Why do she just call me not to call others? After all in her heart, I have a different existence.

It was just that when he walked to the front hall, he found that Jiang Qin was there, and his face changed instantly.

“Jiang Qin, why are you here too?”

“I talked about a business with the boss of the farmhouse. Everyone was a partner later. I often come to play in the future. I will give you 9.9 %.” Jiang Qin smiled crooked.

Damn, really pretending, opening your mouth closed is business!

Zhuang Chen was nourished, but he didn’t know what to say.

But soon he remembered a good way, that is, he handed the digital camera in his hand to Jiang Qin, and asked him to take a photo for himself and Jian Chun.

He thinks this trick is really wonderful, because this behavior can be directly declared to Jiang Qin, Jane is my girl!

Jiang Qin didn’t know that Zhuang Chen’s heart had so many bending around. The twisting seemed to be a sewer. He just felt boring, so he took the camera handed over by Zhuang Chen and raised his eyes.

“Chunchun, let’s take a picture.”

“Ah? Okay … okay.”

Jian Chun did not actually take a photo with Zhuang Chen. She just wanted Zhuang Chen to take a single photo for her, and to find someone to go outside by the way.

And I do n’t know why, thinking of letting Jiang Qin take pictures of her and Zhuang Chen, she seemed uncomfortable.

However, Zhuang Chen did not know Jian Chun’s thoughts at all, and smiled at Jiang Qin to urge him to press the shutter.

Aren’t you a big boss? Aren’t you the full school? Do n’t you still have to take pictures and listen to me.

For a moment, Zhuang Chen’s sense of existence directly filled him.

Jiang Qin looked at Zhuang Chen, and said that this hanging hair was really a treasure. One expression and one action made people feel like he wanted to hit him.

“Okay, it’s finished.”

Jiang Qin returned the camera and turned around, but was called by Jian Chun: “Jiang Qin, can I take a picture with you?”

After hearing this, Zhuang Chen’s smile suddenly stiffened on his face, and he couldn’t help shaking his hand.

“And me?” Jiang Qin didn’t understand.

Jian Chun smiled slightly: “Everyone classmates, many people in the class have taken photos, but they are not with you. You see your business is bigger and bigger. If you are famous in the future, I said you are my college. Classmates may not believe it. ”

Jiang Qin looked up at Zhuang Chen and smiled: “No, no one can help shoot.”

“Zhuang Chen, please help us take two photos?” Jian Chun handed the camera to Zhuang Chen’s hand.


Zhuang Chen looked at the camera in his hand, and suddenly the bitterness of 10,000 tons was rolled in his heart.

How do I answer?

Do you want to refuse?

Don’t forget, you are a warm man.

Zhuang Chen was silent for a long time, still put on a warm sunshine, and then lifted the digital camera.

Of course, this is just the beginning, not the end of bitterness.

Because when Jian Chun was just taking a photo with him, his expression was very cold and his movements were relatively stiff, but he didn’t know why. When she stood in front of Jiang Qin, she suddenly became agile.

The most terrible thing is that when the first photo was taken, Jian Chun couldn’t help but ask Jiang Qin to take a few more photos.

In the later more than ten minutes, Zhuang Chen took a lot of photos for them, panoramic, whole body, half -body, close close -up …

You have to say that although Nuannan is unable to smell even the taste, it is really a bit technical, and the pain in your heart will be particularly thoughtful for the person you like. It is simply a good man.

In the end, under the request of Jiang Qin, this photo finally ended: “It’s okay, it’s going to eat, I have to go back.”

“Okay, thank you, Jiang Qin.”

Jian Chun’s smile is bright, she can see that she is really happy.

Because since the collision of people in Nanjie and the winter solstice dumplings, she has an extraordinary worship of Jiang Qin, but because of the misunderstandings at school, the relationship between the two has not been very good.

Fortunately, Jiang Qin is not the kind of revenge. This time, allowing himself to take a photo with him, the relationship can be considered a little bit.

Jian Chun feels very satisfied, as if Jiang Qin promised to take a photo with her is a kind of honor, it is an unseen reward.

And Zhuang Chen’s rear grooves were almost bitten. The girls they like begged other boys to take a photo. After finishing the photo, I would like to say thank you. This is really too strong.



Zhuang Chen turned on the camera back, hesitating for a long time, and said after a while: “When you took pictures with Jiang Qin, it seemed to be happier than when I was taking it with me.”

Jian Chun looked at the group photo inside shrugged: “We grew up together, and we are too familiar with each other. In front of you, some expression movements are embarrassed to do.”

Zhuang Chen froze for a moment, and his eyes lived instantly: “So Jiang Qin is a stranger for you, will you do his expression disregarding his feelings?”

“So … right.” Jane nodded.

Zhuang Chen was persuaded for a moment: “Then we will go outside for a few photos. You don’t have to think too much about my views. No matter how ugly your expression is, it is the most beautiful in my heart.”

Jian Chun stunned: “Are you polite?”

(This chapter is finished)

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