Who is reborn? Who is in love?

255. 255 Who is so beautiful?

Chapter 255 Who is so beautiful?

In the early morning of Saturday, the days of traveling in the class arrived as scheduled. The F4 of the 302 F4 began to clean up early in the morning, and then moved separately.

Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang were responsible for cleaning the dormitory and locked the door. Cao Guangyu first went to the girl’s dormitory of the medical school to pick up Ding Xue. Jiang Qin then left and came to the girl’s dormitory of the Financial College to pick up the rich woman.

Feng Nanshu is really positive about traveling with Jiang Qin.

She got up in a hurry at six in the morning. After taking off her pajamas, she changed a lace sleeve chiffon shirt. The lower body was a small skirt with a small incense with black stockings. The richness of the rich family is exquisitely cool.

However, because she was too early, Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law found that she had nothing to do after she was dressed, so she sat by the bed and began to think about Jiang Qin.

It wasn’t until Jiang Qin’s text message sent that her eyes survived, and then they trot all the way down the stairs with the bag.

“What do you want to die?” Who do you want to die? ”

“Jiang Qin, I’m shy.” Feng Nanshu bluffed his face and answered him, but his eyes were obviously very happy.

Jiang Qin grinned and smiled, and then suddenly put on a serious expression: “Little rich woman, there are many people who go out with us today. You need to be colder, and you must hold me if you don’t casually.”

Xiao Fu’s face glanced at the surroundings expressionlessly: “Jiang Qin, now there seems to be no one, hold.”

“No now. Boys are very easy to get angry in the morning. I am a little signs of getting angry now, and hurry up.”

Feng Nanshu pursed the rosy little mouth: “But I didn’t make you angry …”

Jiang Qin’s pouting: “I’m not angry, but you are dressed a little goddess, talking a little bit, and wearing black stockings. I can’t hold it a little.”

“Jiang Qin, let’s talk more, I want to hear.”


At nine in the morning, people in the third class gathered in the front square and waited for the buses that were booked in advance.

Jiang Qin was long overdue from the walkway, and followed a clear and cold Feng Nanshu. She tightly stuck to the big bear in front of her eyes with bright eyes, and the small leather shoes spread a daedy sound on the cement road.

Seeing this scene, the boy waiting for the car was like eating lemon, and his heart was sore.

To be honest, in this kind of group travel, being able to bring a girlfriend with you is really a very superior thing, and Jiang Qin brought Feng Nanshu out, which is better than those who have a girlfriend. Essence

And the scene was not just the third class, but also a girlfriend, boyfriend, a certain girlfriend, and boyfriend.

These boyfriends are naked and jealous, but they dare not show them in front of their girlfriends, and the bicycle girlfriends are even more complicated.

The flowers they dressed today are exhibiting, and they originally wanted to overwhelm the strange praise in front of those who had not seen themselves, but they didn’t find it until this time that they couldn’t win a little.

After the agreed time, Jiang Tian, the squad leader, opened his small shoulder bag, took out the roster written in advance, and the cough showed the quiet family.

“It’s all right, right? Let me count the number of people.”

“Jiang Qin.”


“Jiang Qin’s … family, Feng Nanshu.”

Xiao Fu’s woman was standing dumbly, and when she heard this sentence, she raised her hand and answered happily.

Jiang Tian’s eyes showed a touch of envy, there was a kind of “I watched the sense of vision of my male god and her girlfriend with a smile”, and then I read the name of the next person calmly.

“Jiang Tian is a good person.” Feng Nanshu said silently in his heart.

After the name is over, the bus responsible for picking up also came to the front square.

There is a travel agency service point specializing in the surrounding business travel business inside Linchuan University. The asking price of the group is very cheap. The main thing is a profit -making and more sales. It seems that there is rain today. The sky in the southwest is so worrying.

“Isn’t it going to rain?”

“Rainy days and green mountains and green waters are more well -matched.”

“I also think that the rain is very good, it is cool, as long as it is not very big.”

“Even if it is big, it’s okay, playing cards in the room, it’s better than the dormitory.”

Soon, the bus settled, carrying a group of high -profile college students on the journey to the western suburbs.

As a result, the car started to rain as soon as it drove, and the sky began to rain. Water droplets began to appear on the window, and a hazy water marks were rolled out, but even so, it was difficult to hide the excitement of everyone’s collective travel, chat and funny. The sound has never stopped.

Jiang Qin is the most calm one, because he has been to the Xijiao Farmer Music once and does not have much freshness, so he stripped the happy fruit all the way to feed Xiao Fushu a little thirsty.

But thirsty also eats, the main thing is a good raising.

One hour later, the bus arrived at the station, and everyone got out of the car with light rain, stepped on the slate road, and trot all the way forward, then passed through the arch bridge and archway, and finally reached the bid.

After putting things in the lobby, everyone stood under the eaves and looked out of the house, and saw a burst of water steam under the foot of the green mountains, and the whole environment was elegant and quiet.

It felt like the whole village was drunk in the drizzle, and it was quite aesthetic such as blue and so on.

“It’s raining, but the weather forecast is clearly said that there is no rain …”

“So, let’s go back to the room to rest first. After the rain stops, let’s start activities.”

Jiang Tian collected everyone’s ID, and went to the front desk to handle the formalities with Jian Chun. After half a while, he returned to place and started to distribute the keys to everyone.

What makes Lao Cao feel uncomfortable is that Jiang Tian booked a separate room for everyone.

This … Isn’t this fucking ignorant? Everyone is obviously adults, don’t pretend not to understand!

However, Jiang Tian also has his own considerations. When he was charged, he was collected according to the head. It was always impossible to collect your two children’s money but only opened one room. What if someone was in trouble?

Besides, open a room for those who bring their families. What should I do if I get out of life?

As the squad leader, Jiang Tian is the head of the event. She does not want to bear any unexpected risk.

“Squad leader, can you be corrupt?”

“Cao Guangyu, I advise you not to make trouble unreasonable.”

Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao laughed next to him, and even Jiang Qin couldn’t be happy.

Last night, he was full of Feng Nanshu’s little buttocks in his mind. He failed to fall asleep, and found that Cao Guangyu was like a fire on his body, and he continued to adjust his posture.

No need to ask, Cao Dashao must have thought about a good thing overnight, but now he was splashed with a pot of cold water, which caused the whole person to be bad.

“Laojiang, if I said directly with Ding Xue, couldn’t she live with her? What if she refused me?”

Jiang Qin opened the door and walked in: “What else can I do?

Cao Guangyu’s face was stiff, and he said that with Ding Xue’s temper, he might really have to do it: “Damn, my road of love is so bumpy.”

“Okay, hurry up, I’m going to sleep.”

“Don’t be so ruthless, your usual operation is broken, and you can definitely help me think about it.”

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of the door of the room. Jiang Qin opened the door and saw Feng Nanshu standing at the door and said that he would go in and play.

Cao Guangyu’s sourness almost bite the rear governor’s teeth, but he still pretended to look light and light, and left Jiang Qin’s room with the pace of six relatives.

Losses do not lose, the most important thing is the light and light wind.

“Jiang Qin, it’s raining outside, can’t walk, I want to watch TV here.”

“Isn’t the TV in your room just a bad?” Jiang Qin looked at her skeptically.

Feng Nanshu nodded simply: “Well, it’s broken.”

“You want to find me to play, but don’t deliberately damage the TV. If you break it, you need to lose money.”

“It’s okay, although I’m stupid, but I have money.” Feng Nan Shuhao couldn’t do it.

Jiang Qinping held his breath: “Don’t you really break the TV?”

“No, I came to find you without opening it.”

Jiang Qin’s heart was crispy, and he couldn’t help but glance at the window: “This rain can’t stop for a while, it is estimated that you can go out when you lunch. Let’s change the slippers first.”

Feng Nanshu kicked his feet: “Jiang Qin, please help me take off his shoes.”

“Don’t panic first. Let me see if they provide disposable slippers here.

Jiang Qin stood up in the cabinet to find it. Sure enough, he found two pairs of disposable slippers, so he squatted down, helping Xiao Fu’s lace, took off his small leather shoes, and held black silk feet into the slippers.

But as soon as he put it in, Jiang Qin changed his mind and directly dropped his slippers.

What slippers to wear, waste.

He rubbed the black silk feet in his arms, so he accompanied Feng Nanshu to watch the TV in the morning. Occasionally, he could hear the noise of his classmates in the corridor. There seemed to be a shouting to play cards, and he wanted to go out and walk.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of Ding Xuehu forced the girls, as if he shouted twice.

Jiang Qin’s mentality was not good, and he continued to lean on the bedside, and he didn’t want to go anywhere.

He likes to sleep on a rainy day, and he will be lazy when he gets in bed.

Feng Nanshu was even more well -behaved. Two feet were placed in Jiang Qin’s arms, holding a pack of potato chips to eat, and beautiful eyes stared at “Aquid of Silver Hair” placed in the public channel, A whole immersive movie viewing.

The meaning of travel is different for most people.

Some people think that since they are traveling, they do n’t have to visit the broken legs even if they spend money, but for others, as long as they are happy, no matter where he is.

Now Jiang Qin is obviously a latter mentality. He is lying comfortably, and there are fun handles. Why do you have to get out of fun?

(This chapter is finished)

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