Who is reborn? Who is in love?

253. 253 is a good thing

Chapter 253 Abdominal muscles are a good thing

At night, the star fights are full of sky.

Feng Nanshu stood up from Jiang Qin’s arms, obviously not to be embraced. When he went back, he kept sticking forward, and he almost tripped over Jiang Daguan who was flexible in his legs and feet.

When Jiang Qin turned back and asked her if she wanted to be spanking, she looked like a beautiful iceberg beauty with emotion.

I am stupid, cold, and stupid.

Xiao Fu’s eyes narrowed silently, and then ran across the school’s road with Jiang Qin.

Opposite the entrance of the Maple Forest is the student supermarket. At this time, Jiang Zhihua was selling the goods, and inadvertently found Feng Nanshu and Jiang Qin who came on the face, so he immediately beckoned enthusiastically. The two eyes seemed to see the money.

President Jiang, who took his small small rib, was President Jiang, that was simply a lamb to be slaughtered.

“President Jiang, I haven’t seen you for a long time, come to the store, let’s have a new couple pillow!”

“Good boss Jiang, wait for me to send her back, and go back and stroll around.” Jiang Qin responded enthusiastically.

Jiang Zhihua’s face changed immediately: “President Jiang, only if you only have your own!”

“Where is it? It’s been a long time since I saw it. I must go shopping, so as not to remember me all day long.”

After Jiang Qin sent Feng Nanshu back to the dormitory, he did not say anything. He turned to the college supermarket. He looked at it. Every time he stopped in front of a certain product, Boss Jiang would be shocked.

President Jiang without weakness, is that President Jiang? That’s a white monster who eats people who don’t vomit bones.

However, Jiang Qin did not have a ruthless hand this time, but he just raised a bottle of wind oil essence.

“Boss Jiang, how much is the wind oil?”

“President Jiang likes it, just take it, even if the money is.”

The maple forest is close to Wangyue Lake. Due to the developed water system and dense grass, there are many mosquitoes in the surrounding area. Jiang Qin’s calves are bitten on small red crickets.

After returning to the dormitory, Jiang Qin put on his slippers and rubbed the wind oil into the palm of his palm, and stunned Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao.

“Brother Jiang, did you go to the mosquito nest?”

“Yeah, a soft mosquito swollen with a small buttocks, and it couldn’t dispel it for a long time.”


Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang looked at each other, what kind of mosquito is Xiangxiang soft?

In addition, is the Nima bee with the buttocks, isn’t it a mosquito?

Is the red bump of Jiang’s leg because of stabbing horse honeycomb?

At this moment, Cao Guangyu also pushed the door, and all the little red crickets on Jiang Qin were all on the calves.

The two looked at each other, and Lao Cao took the lead in saying: “I said the two of the two in the maple forest were like 伱 and Feng Nanshu. Ding Xue said no, I didn’t expect it.”

Jiang Qin continued to wipe the wind and oil essence: “I’m sorry, I am at the entrepreneurial base in the afternoon, do you read it wrong?”

“Polying, except for the maple forest, where can the mosquitoes be enough to bite her legs?” Cao Guangyu pointed to himself and pointed at him.

After hearing it, Jiang Qin sneered: “Why, the maple forest is equipped with mosquitoes?”

“The maple forest is close to Wangyue Lake. The larvae of mosquitoes are called 孓 孓, and they like to live in a place where the water system is developed. If it is not the maple forest, your legs will definitely not be bitten so many packages. I use it. ”

“Damn, you are learning enough, do you know 孑孓? Don’t you go downstairs to find a herbal medicine to wipe, my wind and oil essence is not suitable for you.”

Cao Guangyu didn’t care about that, reached out and grabbed the wind oil: “Dogs will go to the roadside to find herbs, don’t you think I don’t understand.”

Jiang Qin reached out and handed him the cover of the wind oil essence, and then went to bed to start the side roller. He was sitting and lifting his legs and sitting on his legs. He seemed to have a fire today, and he started to move.

After finishing, he pulled a towel to the bathroom, washed his face out, turned over to bed, and started chatting with the roommate.

It’s the weekend, and the place of travel is also set. Of course, the topic they discuss is related to travel.

Ren Ziqiang said that his craftsmanship was good. At that time, Xiaolu was one hand to ensure that the girls in the class screamed.

Zhou Chao said that he was very good in water, and he could raise flowers in the water. By then, he sneaked into the lake to fish for a fish for Ren Ziqiang.

Jiang Qin looked at the ceiling with a stunned manner, and his head was full of the touch of Feng Nanshu’s small ass. In the end, he couldn’t help but came down and made a few push -ups.

“Brother Jiang, why have you been doing exercise recently?”

Jiang Qin took a deep breath and got up and patted his hands: “Master should still be a little abdominal muscles. If you think about it, if you go to the lake to fish fish, come back wetly, exposing the abdominal muscles to hold the fish. If you love you, you want to die? Or let’s take a undressing when making a big pot, sweat flowing to the abdominal muscles, Pan Xiu can not lick you upside down? ”

Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang instantly substituted after hearing: “I am grass, do I have time to practice now?”

“Enough, so the old saying is right, the opportunity is left for those who are prepared. My vest line is just around the corner.”

“Aren’t you practicing abdominal muscles? Isn’t it the same thing with the vest line?”

Jiang Qin glanced at them, showed a deep and unpredictable smile, turned over to bed, and glanced at the QQ group with a mobile phone.

Regarding the weekend travel, everyone was discussing in the group in the group. Some said that they had a bonfire banquet at night, some said they would perform the show, and there were teams who had to team to rub mahjong.

In addition, some people say that there are too many mosquitoes this month and strong ultraviolet rays.

Jiang Qin made a line in the group: “It is best to buy some iodine and band -aids.”

“Yes, Jiang Qin said right, in order to prevent someone injured, iodophor and creative stickers must be available.”

“Not prevention, but someone will be injured.”

Cao Guangyu was also looking at the group at this time, and couldn’t help but look at him: “Laojiang, why would someone be injured?”

Jiang Qin put his fingers in a way: “I forget it, you will definitely be injured, Zhuang Chen will definitely be injured. Did Lu Tian also have a girlfriend? Then he will definitely be injured, and your injury position is probably the ankle’s ankle is the ankle. “,”

“You can fortune -telling? Polying, it is nonsense when you hear it.”

“Do you bet? A dinner.”


Jiang Qin smiled slightly and said that this meal was right.

In the early morning of the next day, the dawn fell, and the sky was clear, and the clouds were not seen.

Dong Wenhao and Lu Feiyu wiped the ash on the air conditioner hanging on the wall and planned to welcome the upcoming summer.

The leisurely cool breeze blew on the face, which suddenly made people feel refreshed.

Jiang Qin came to 208 and felt the coolness of the face could not help but enjoy: “The air conditioner supported by President Zhang is really good.”

“Yeah boss, the air conditioner is better than the fan.”

“Okay, don’t manage the air conditioner first, let me arrange for our later work tasks.”

Jiang Qin clapped his hands and brought the rhythm into the topic.

At present, the local push work in the urban area has entered the second stage, and the promotion direction has begun to move eastward overall. After a week, it can be connected with the university town. By then, the business scope can be expanded by three to four times.

Within a month, most of Linchuan’s markets can eat dry and clean.

At that time, across provincial promotion will be on the agenda.

While walking out of the university gate, Jiang Qin dismantled the original combination of fists and removed two links. One was the school flower competition and the other was a drainage.

By the time of the cross -provincial stage, he intends to join these two links in.

To this end, Suner’s technology group needs to upgrade the website and use the six -degree space theory to improve the social attributes of the website.

If you can know any of the world at will every six people, then you can theoretically connect to any university.

He is ready to connect the entry system first, optimize the sharing function, simplify the steps of video upload, allow Zhihu to enter universities outside the province, and then expand the flow pool.

Just like the fungus will use the wind to send out its own spore when it is reproduced, let it take root on the scattered land. For Jiang Qin, Zhihu is the fungus, the Internet is the wind, and the content sharing can take the wind to take the wind by the wind. Flying spores.

Some bloggers with creative power and sharing can be cultivated first to make sufficiently fresh and many content for the later drainage of the website.

For example, Master Cao, no matter which university goes to the whole country, is a criminal that can make the popular teeth itch.

Another example is Zhang Zixuan, often photos that day, no matter where they are.

In addition, Jiang Qin also plans to cooperate with the news website, introduce hot topics of social, and make a list similar to Weibo hot search to increase user stickiness.

Of course, this is his tentative plan for the later direction. The real development still has to be down -to -earth.

Jiang Qin expressed the simplified version of the plan in advance, in fact, it also gives you some preparation time.

“Boss, after the city’s promotion is completed, will we go to universities outside the province to engage in school flower competitions? Is this labor cost a bit high?”

“No, our cross -provincial school flower competition will not do offline activities. Only online. Although the effect will be much worse, it is not useless.”

Wei Lanlan nodded thoughtfully: “But what should we do if we collect the money in the group? Do you still have to spend a lot of manpower to collect the money outside the province?”

“It doesn’t matter, the business of the group is not pushing out for the time being, hiding in Linchuan first, so you don’t have to think about it prematurely.”

Jiang Qin pursed the corner of his mouth and continued to explain: “Cross -provincial promotion is still based on knowledge, the purpose is to expand the flow pool, spread the channels, and earn some advertising fees in the early stage, just like the set we played at the beginning. It’s just that the venue has changed from Linchuan to the whole country. ”

Tan Qing frowned: “But if you want to push the group to the province, the payment problem must be solved.”

“You don’t need to think about this problem first. When next year, the payment problem will be solved. At that time, the flow pool will be raised. We have money and traffic. What can we do?

When I heard this, Wei Lanlan and Tan Qing always felt that the boss would always be considered a hexagram, as if I knew what would happen in the future.

Give your child a monthly ticket!

(This chapter is finished)

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