Who is reborn? Who is in love?

252. 252 is salt and sweet Feng Nanshu

Chapter 252

The phone called, and there was nothing to do. Jiang Qin put his mobile phone on the chair, reached out and surrounded Feng Nan’s slender waist, hugged her soft body, and sniffed her elegant and pleasant aroma on her body.

There is a well -behaved Bai Fumei in his arms, and from time to time, you will be like a cat twice. It is impossible not to think about it.

This made Jiang Qin can’t help remembering the high school era of green onions.

At that time, the rich woman was obviously a famous goddess of the school. She had a mysterious and noble temperament on her body. She didn’t speak and didn’t like to laugh. It was not the same at all in her arms.

But who would think that she was really soft and cute, and she was a bit stupid.

Revelation is really the most beautiful thing in the world.

Jiang Qin reached out and opened her soft long hair, staring at the little rich woman from the side, and quietly admired the beauty of the tentacle.

After being stared for a few minutes, Feng Nanshu couldn’t help sitting upright, glanced at him stupidly, and his fair and quiet cheeks became slightly pink.

“What are you blushing?”

“I have no blush.”

Feng Nanshu was coldly like an expressionless killer, and the whole person went back to Jiang Qin’s arms to curl into a ball, holding his arms around his neck, soft as if there was no bone.

Jiang Qin put her face over, and wanted to bite on her pink cheeks, biting the beautiful youth of thousands of young boys in the south of the city.

But for a long time, Jiang Qin was restrained.

Damn, it’s finished after biting. The rich woman can’t bite every day. What will I get?

Do you take the bottom line?

His poor bottom line has actually been worn for a long time, and there are many sores on it, as if it is the kind of broken bridge in the TV series. There is a lack of one, there is a missing piece.

“Jiang Qin, there are bugs biting my feet.”

After Feng Nanshu sat in his arms, he took off his small leather shoes. The black silk feet were put on the chair. Through thin stockings, he could see the cute and rounded toes.

At this time, she suddenly curled her feet back, her voice was a bit pitiful, and it sounded like coquettish.

But her expression was cold and cold, and she couldn’t see the coquettish taste. She could only see that she was serious. It should be really bitten by the bug.

After hearing it, Jiang Qin was so angry that he said that there was such a bug in the world in the world.

He is not a food care, but you can’t ignore the owner and claim.

“See clearly? What kind of bug?”

“Black, like an ant, but it can fly.” Feng Nanshu described it carefully.

Jiang Qin’s eyes became more and more serious: “As far as I know, such insects should be toxic, and it will be inflamed without quickly dealing with it. Let me find a place to take drugs first.”

“Jiang Qin, you lie to me, you want to eat good things again.” Xiao Fu’s wife couldn’t.

“You are quite smart …”

Jiang Qin pouted his mouth, suddenly got up and sat up, put on a state of getting up.

Feng Nanshu thought that today’s good friends were going to be here again. His eyes became serious in an instant. He wanted to take another five minutes, but found that he just adjusted his posture and held her in his arms after adjusting it.

The rich woman was satisfied, her eyes became bright.

She really likes to stick to Jiang Qin. As Wen Hui said, Feng Nanshu, you really want to become a pendant and be tied to the belt by Jiang Qin.

Gradually, it was dark.

The front square on the opposite side became very lively. Even through three forests walking roads, the bustling sound was clearly heard.

Jiang Qin can even see the sweet sign of the sweetness, and at the same time, he can also watch the figures of the shoulders.

No, I had to go a little bit when I hugged her next time. If it was seen by Gao Wenhui’s bangs, it would be unclear.

However, while the people in the current square start to become more, the little couples of the maple forests have begun to become more. There is a pair of children next to the posture of Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu. inside.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qin couldn’t help but snoring.

In fact, many people will meet a girl who likes to sit in her arms, and then slowly become the representative of the most beautiful time.

It’s just that Jiang Qin couldn’t think of it. The girl she was holding would be Feng Nanshu.

At this moment, Xiao Fu’s mobile phone suddenly started to shake, and then she picked up her bag and took a look.

The person who called was Jiang Qin’s mother, so she turned around and shook it in front of Jiang Qin’s eyes.

“Open free, I listen to what you are talking about.”

Feng Nanshu pressed the dismissal obediently, and heard Yuan Youqin’s loving voice sounded: “Nan Shu, have you eaten dinner?”

“Auntie, I’m finished.” Xiao Fu’s eyes were full of pleasure.

“What about Jiang Qin? What about the smelly boy, have you taken you out to play?”

Feng Nanshu thought about it: “Jiang Qin is under my ass.”

Jiang Qin opened his eyes instantly after listening, covering her pink little mouth at the speed of thunder, saying that you dare to say anything, you know you are stupid and sincere, but the words are not That said.

“where is he?”

Yuan Youqin’s brain turned for a long time, and he didn’t understand this sentence. The men and women of that era were the most implicit and most abducted. They couldn’t understand what the operation it was.

Jiang Qin couldn’t help but speak: “Mom, I chat with Feng Nan Shu, she has a scoop, that is not the point.”

“Oh, it happened that you are there. I notify you, do you remember the three daughters of the cousin of the third grandfather opposite? She opened a furniture city and recently closed down. , I changed you a double bed. ”


After listening to the question, Jiang Qinren made a question: “Mom, don’t you lie to me, the person you said is my third aunt? Living in He Taijiayuan, where is her house opened? ?”

Yuan Youqin was silent: “You can hear you like this? Actually, you have another Master of the Third Master who lives in Hetai. His family has a furniture city. I have been here once. You may not remember when you are young. ”

“Why did I do so? You also said when you were a child, I picked it up from the trash can!”

“Regardless of whether you believe it or not, how well you change the big bed, it is comfortable to sleep, right?” Nan Shu? ”

Xiaofu Po knew that Jiang Qin’s mother could not see, but she nodded well: “Yes, the big bed is comfortable.”

Yuan Youqin smiled proudly: “You must come to our house in the summer vacation.”

“Jiang Qin won’t let me go.”

“He dare.”

In the next few minutes, Yuan Youqin has been talking to Feng Nanshu, ignoring Jiang Qin’s various speeches. Boss Jiang was very boring, but he couldn’t go anywhere with Feng Nanshu. He could only play her black silk feet.

After the phone was hung up, it was already deep. Jiang Qin’s mobile phone kept dingling and dingling.

Some people want to climb the mountain, but some people are unwilling to climb the mountain or something.

So some people said that going to a nearby business ancient city, it is said that the ancient city has a long history, and it has been two years since its completion, and there is a Ferris wheel in it.

However, the commercial attraction is expensive to the sky, and it is not within the scope of the students.

If you discuss to discuss, everyone still feels that the Nangu Farmers are the best choice.

The first is because the accommodation there is cheap, as well as Datongpu, and the second is that there are many play items there. You can climb mountains or fish, and there is a fruit picking garden next to it.

“Are you sure you can take your family members? I have already told my girlfriend.”

Cao Guangyu’s account jumped out in the group again, and the head of the abdominal muscles was not good.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin looked at the rich woman holding in her arms: “Did your class organize a trip? Just like our last group building.”

“No.” Feng Nanshu shook his head.

“Our class is going to go out this weekend, do you want to go with me? They said, uh … you can bring good friends.”

“Jiang Qin, I want to go out to play with you.” Xiao Fu daughter -in -law shook twice happily.

“Don’t shake!”

Jiang Qinping held his breath for a long time, and then reached out and hit a line of words to the group: “Since it is not appropriate to go to the Xijiao farmer, I have no opinion.”

In fact, people in the third class wanted to go to the farmhouse to play. When they heard Jiang Qin said, someone immediately started to accompany the voice, so the travel plan of the third class was set in the farmhouse.

Jiang Tian also started speaking in the group: “Classmates with family members, please report it in advance. I want to sort out the list and book the car and room in advance.”

“My boyfriend Lin Hong.”

“My boyfriend Sui Zhendong.”

“My girlfriend Shao Zhenzhen.”

“My girlfriend Ding Xue.”

“My good friend Feng Nanshu.”

Cao Guangyu: “Laojiang, are your family Feng Nanshu pregnant? Why are there more than others?”

Jiang Qin: “Lao Cao, you believe it or not. When I go out to play in our class, let you invite you to dinner in three sentences.”

Cao Guangyu: “…”

Cao Guangyu: “I’m sorry for Laojiang, I’m cheap, don’t take it to heart.”

Zhou Chao: “Brother Cao, the whole class is watching, don’t counsel!”

Ren Ziqiang: “Brother Jiang does not give you face in front of so many people, and I can’t bear it.” I can’t bear it. ”

Cao Guangyu: “You know a fart. Strictly speaking, good friends can be regarded as family members.

Jiang Qin watched the chat history in the group, took a sip, and then looked at Feng Nanshu: “Okay, it’s been an hour for almost an hour, it’s time to come down.”

After listening, Feng Nanshu hugged his neck again: “If you don’t go down, you have to hold it for a while.”

“The hug between good friends should not be more than an hour. The law stipulates this way, and it will be over the boundary.”

(This chapter is finished)

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